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Anti-Fetishists Beware...[A DA Rant]

Please know that I am not the page for you. Now that being said, I have noticed an increase in watchers and while I am eternally grateful, I implore you to please turn away now if you are against many fetishes and all around sexual content. I love being a porn artist, and a writer, and I'm not one to listen to your grievances about kink and what all happened to you personally. Just because something happened to you PERSONALLY, doesn't mean you get any say so in what someone else does with their craft. If you've been hurt by sex, attacking NSFW artists on the internet is not what you should do. Go get REAL help for your pain, go to therapy, call hotlines, hell call the fucking police! You'd think people wouldn't be brain dead enough to see some art, get offended by it, and start attacking the artist just because someone hurt you THAT WASN'T EVEN THAT ARTIST! But here we are, brain-dead city. An artwork can hurt your eyes, sure, it can make you want to throw up even I've seen some of those, but honestly you haven't matured enough to even be on this website if you can't just laugh at the stuff that makes you uncomfortable. I laughed my fuckin ass off at something I seen the other day and it was actually something so gross to me, so cringe, but you know what I didn't do? I didn't go tell the artist that they can't make it. They can do whatever the hell they want, art is very versatile like that.

I just get SO TIRED of seeing fellow NSFW artists get a bunch of shit just because your sensibilities are WAY too delicate. Maybe grow a pair, and don't be on a website called "DEVIANT art" if seeing some fetishy nsfw stuff can trigger you so bad, you just have this deep seated need to attack every kinky artist out there. So this is my warning for you. I am not the page or artist for you if you have a problem with rape kink especially and cnc. This new comic I'm making IS going to feature my rape kink, and yeah, it's not for everybody. And before you go on saying "How could you!?!?! You've never been actually attacked!" Yes I have. I was sodomized against my will as a 17 year old. I somehow, someway, was able to get over it and it didn't affect my love for sex and kink. I don't give ONE bad time the power over my sex drive or my sex life. All around, sex is usually a very positive experience for most...are you really going to let one motherfucker, one dirty nasty rapist bastard, really ruin it all for you? I just don't think you should let that happen, and certainly not attack some random person on the internet for their kinks...I promise artists are not out here raping anyone just because they have a rape kink and draw it sometimes. Drawing =/= Reality. Some of you are so far warped between reality and fiction, you can't tell which is real anymore, so you go hurt some random bastard on the internet thinking you're doing the right thing and being self righteous but all it does really is hurt you further, and congrats you wind up hurting a random person that more than likely doesn't deserve it.

So please, if you want to hate me or anyone like me for our kinks, just hit the block button and be done with it. You might be teenagers, but the rest of us are adults and lead busy lives, especially too busy to fight with ignorant teens on the internet. If you are a teenager and so offended by kink, just give it time. Grow up a little, and eventually you might find you like things that previously made your skin crawl. Tastes change over time and you discover what you like and don't like, for various reasons. Now stop being a little asshole, and stop attacking people kinkier than you.

I'd like to add something to this too. You don't get to judge someone for taking a job to survive and get what they need. I'd like to think I wouldn't be judged so harshly for taking this job but here we are. I'm FINE with this job, it's something I can do without a full on mental breakdown, no one bothers me really, and my coworkers are nice. And SOMEONE has to do it, I'm sure you don't want to sit on dirty toilets or sit at disgusting tables. I don't live for money, I just don't. What I enjoy mostly money can't buy, it's just a tool to buy the things I need like my medicines. You aren't better than someone just because they are a janitor. Period.
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Added: 2 months, 4 weeks ago
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