So, as you saw in the title of the post, I feel much better. Every day I am getting better and starting to draw more actively than before.
In this regard, I announce that I am ready to take your ideas on what to draw (in particular in the form of sketches, perhaps without color, but still).
I remember that I have at least two more orders of full-fledged art, but I will do them later, when I have the opportunity and will work with color (now I don’t have time because I’m running to doctors, so I just don’t have time). In any case, feel free to offer your ideas, and when I have a free minute, I will definitely sketch them out.
Happy to see things are going better for you! Again it's best to go easy and not force art when recovering or not doing well.
While i don't have a concrete idea to suggest, I do love the suggestive and teasing art you draw, especially on that Dreams of a Punishment drawing you posted. It's a very nice mix of hot yet somehow innocent enough to pass by 👀
Was thinking of asking to see more tomfoolery from those three with them teasing each other
or if you don't mind me being a bit indulgent, I'd be curious on your take on a mighty x knux drawing. I am wondering how those two strong dudes getting a bit up close and personal (maybe perhaps making them kiss 👉👈)
Happy to see things are going better for you! Again it's best to go easy and not force art when reco
you had a whole life ahead. can't believe i won't hear your voice anymore or get any new message from you. it feels like a nightmare and i want to wake up. i'm sorry doctors couldn't do more to save you
you had a whole life ahead. can't believe i won't hear your voice anymore or get any new message fro
Oh no, did the worst happen? I feel so bad- I love their work and I was hopeful when I saw this I hope there's still a chance, but if not, I can only hope the best for their family and friends v.v
Oh no, did the worst happen? I feel so bad- I love their work and I was hopeful when I saw this I ho
she's was in coma since 2nd of april and she didn't make it. dark's mother messaged her friend and i received these devastating news from this friend a week later because he had a really rough time coping with it. it doesn't look like a sick prank at all, she's offline everywhere. i don't know how to process this, i'm sorry
she's was in coma since 2nd of april and she didn't make it. dark's mother messaged her friend and i