Today, it rained.
I had hurried out to my car in my raincoat,
Desperate to not get to wet after work.
After reaching the safety of my car I sat a bit.
I put on some music and started on my way home.
On the way I listened to music that I hadn't in some time.
Songs that I would listen to with my best friend before we parted ways.
As I drove through the rain I began to think of other songs that we would listen to together.
It had been years since we had last seen each other.
And as each song played I remembered our time together more and more.
I missed those times and desperately wanted them back.
It wasn't long until I arrived home and looked up from my seat at the parting clouds.
Because in my car,
Today, it rained.
This is a somewhat free-form poem that I've re-written because I know I had actually written it way back, but can't find it anywhere.
Maybe someone will get something out of it.
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1 year ago
13 Mar 2024 20:07 CET