I've realised I think I can fit some commissions in my life if I'm smart about it.
I plan to have 3 commission slots, I think I could finish 3 standard sized commission with in a couple of months.
Then, after I'm done with those commissions, I'll take a month or so break to draw what I want and to play games and stuff when I have free time.
Then I'll put up another three slots to be claimed, and repeat.
I also plan on doing free raffles and cheap ychs in-between commission months.
I may set a schedule for commission months and non commission months at some point when needed.
Thanks for reading, if your interest keep an eye out for more information in a couple weeks, I'm estimating that's how long I'll need to finish price sheets and stuff.
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1 year ago
13 Mar 2024 17:05 CET