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16 year old Child Beaten to Death in School...

Greetings Everyone,

The way people think and what their priorities are is fascinating. A Child was beaten to death in a school restroom by three other kids. But who cares about that, not important apparently.

What is important is the Parents DARED to use the Wrong Pronoun!!! They are being harassed by a lot of people, yelled at, scolded, insulted, etc.


You aren't helping the cause by being that massive of a jerk.

Nex deserves justice, not you getting your dopamine fix like a druggy getting their fix.

It's pathetic you act in a way that makes it necessary for me to make this note here. The post should be done right now.

That rumor mill too, it's amazing watching them evolve who the beaters were with no information, evidence, using each others pure speculations as proof, as usual.

And they get are claiming "Libs of Tik tok" influenced it, but do they care when their media or posts, etc.?  Of course not.   Don't forget that the Young Turks were directly referenced as an inspiration in the manifesto of a mass shooter labeled, a White Supremacist when the news thought the shooter was white...   They don't care.

Libs of Tik Tok, whom simply posts what they do with zero commentary (or so I'm told) is always accused of being at fault for whatever happens. LIbs of Tik Tok has become a boogyman, err... boogythey.... hmm.... Boogywoogy.  Yeah,    Libs of Tik tok has become a boogywoogy to these people the way "White Supremacists" or "Nazi's" or the "KKK"   they see these people everywhere despite the fact they aren't. Though, the left sure works really really hard to try and make people convert those groups.

Guess when you have no enemy, you need to make them.  Kind of like at the very start of BLM when it was still just a bunch of students at a school.... oh what was it... dupal, Depaul? I don't recall now. But they painted a swastika in human feces on a restroom wall.... and PEOPLE BELIEVED IT! They actually BELIEVED that!   I mean it took them DAYS before they produced a picture....   Argh the premise is so ridiculous.   They claimed some KKK loser on campus DEFACED the Swastika by drawing it in shit...   and in an age where everyone has cameras in their pockets, (literally everyone) and it took them DAYS to take a picture and post it since, ya know, nobody cleaned it up for DAYS.  Same people were crying about how a White Supremacist website was left on a computer in the Library, only they had camera evidence, documentation, of who was in control of that computer at the time, and it was the same girl in the BLM group crying about it....

Back then, they had to make pretend that the KKK left a hood on campus (lamp cover) but today? No, now they just beat people to death because someone calls out, "Hey we have a trump supporter here" that video was chilling. >_<    Guess that was about 6 years ago now anyway... not quite 'today'

point is, you keep acting like you do, you create the enemy you pretend you are fighting.

You aren't helping the cause.

Viewed: 46 times
Added: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
jesus christ
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Where!?  (looks around)  

Yeah you'd think acting equally as horrible as the Westboro Baptist Church would be a wake up call for some of these people.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
you're not wrong. still bloody hell, I can't imagine what his family is going through right now.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Well looks like she wasn't beaten to death, and apparently started the physical fight herself because she believed they were laughing at her, and that she's a suicide having ODed on her medications. Doesn't help the claim she was beaten up when you see the video of her in the Hospital without even a black eye.   : /    When will I ever learn that the News is simply incapable of being honest on any topic remotely connected with woke views?  >_<
3 months, 3 weeks ago
My man, Libs of TikTok is never gonna fuck you. Stop simping.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't actually know who that is, I am simply loosely familiar with the name because people keep crying about him. ^_^  I don't even use Tik Tok, lol.   You ever going to run out of straw?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Uh, yeah, losers simp for people who don't even know they exist. That's how simping works, dumbass.
But, yes, tell me more about how you're a willfully ignorant piece of shit who really hopes LoT-sempai will notice you. You're doing a lousy job trying to Tu Quoque, but with Rightoid Scum a half-ass job is always enough to earn one a gold medal.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Okay so I don't think you know what the word Simp means, lol.

You pretending I want, "LoT-sempai will notice [me]" is silly and off the cuff. Until yesterday, thanks to a commenter on F.A.I learned that "LoT-Sempai" is a girl. lol I didn't actually know that. All I knew was the name "Lib of Tik Tok" because people cry about that name from time to time.   It's incredible you cannot wrap your head around such a simple concept.

So, a "Tu Quoque Fallacy" is and to help you out I googled this so you know it isn't coming from me, "Tu quoque is a type of ad hominem argument in which one discredits a position by asserting that the proponent has acted contradictory to their stated position. Despite its surprising effectiveness as a persuasion tool, it is classically considered a logical fallacy. After all, one’s actions have little bearing on what is factually true. Rather than investigating the truth of the original argument, tu quoque statements attack the character of the speaker."

The problem is, I did not say anything that could be construed as that. I pointed out you never seem to run out of straw, because you keep making up things about me, and responding to me like they are true, or accuse me of things I do not support, or said, or believe and continue to treat me as if they were all truth.   Truth just does not seem very important to you.

"...but with Rightoid Scum a half-ass job is always enough to earn one a gold medal."

It's ironic that a brought up Tu Quoque Fallacy, being a type of ad-hominem... but I am curious what is it that makes you think I'm a "Rightoid"   on some issues I'm certainly more Right than you are, but other issues I'm likely more Left than you would think possible. Lately I point out the extremists of the Left who have gone so far Left they actually believe that Nancy Pelosi, or Bernie Sanders are 'center'  and not the extreme Left anymore.

Now as to the rules of my area, I insist you make arguments or make comments that have SOME thought put into them because if all you are going to do is straight up insult, berate, and overall just be Toxic to the very idea of communication and the sharing of ideas of any side, than I will be forced to block you again. So please, stop making things up about me, and respond or make a point that can be backed up by, ANYTHING other than your dreams about me. Thanks. ^_^
2 months, 1 week ago
Well said. Boomers are really angry that non-binary people exist and it confuses them, and they HATE being confused.
2 months ago
I happened by this post while letting some peeps know the developments of this case.

You should probably refrain from using "Boomer" so much, you don't know what the word means.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
These people are vile slime. They care more about fucking stupid pronouns and race than actual lives being lost. It's fucking sickening.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, those people are so obsessed with keeping division among the people, and hyper focused on things that just aren't that important in life to the point, they are effectively equally as bad as the Westboro Baptist Church picketing funerals.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
No lies detected, they're just as bad. I honestly hope justice gets served to these fucking cretins.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Well looks like she wasn't beaten to death, and apparently started the physical fight herself because she believed they were laughing at her, and that she's a suicide having ODed on her medications. Doesn't help the claim she was beaten up when you see the video of her in the Hospital without even a black eye.   : /    When will I ever learn that the News is simply incapable of being honest on any topic remotely connected with woke views?  >_<
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Jeez, that's horrible. And yeah, every bit of mainstream news media is purely government funded, so to find any real sort of news without an inherent bias is really challenging. The so-called fact-checkers ain't helping anything either.
1 month, 4 weeks ago
I feel stupid for jumping the gun on a topic i know so well. >_<   Blarg!  I can't even blame alcohol for my error anymore because I've stopped drinking for the most part lol!
1 month, 4 weeks ago
Hey, it happens, dw
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I hope the aggressors give him a life sentence.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
They are vile animals.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Sadness. :<
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Yes it is :(
3 months, 2 weeks ago
*hugs a bnnuy
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