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In Memoriam Zefirro and Zolf

My name is Mr. X and unfortunately I have to share the sad news that Zefirro sadly passed away on 18.02.2024. One of his Hungarian friends - whose name, unfortunately, I cannot share for confidentiality reasons, let's stick with Mr. Y - but who is also my friend, asked me to register on the site and at his request to share this information with the people who knew him and were on friendly terms with him.

The circumstances of his death are only known to me from what my friend shared with me and allowed me to publish: "Zefirro died in the hospital as a result of complications from cancer. A tough and steadfast man, he fought tenaciously for 10 years, refusing radiation and chemotherapy, even despite the fact that they might have saved his life. Zefirro believed that "God in heaven decides who goes and who stays".

I know - at least what my friend said about him - "Zefirro was not a religious person, but at the same time he believed in "God" and "cosmic karma". As a true fan of art, he persistently supported talented and ambitious artists, either financially or with spiritual reinforcement. He was not a wealthy man, but he always gave generously and supported others when he had the opportunity."

In a letter, Zefirro left for my friend Mr. Y of some of passwords of his internet accounts so that they could be accessed if necessary according to his last will. My friend shared Zefirro's Inkbunny access with me to post the sad news here, but I thought it best to leave his site alone, leaving everything as Zefirro left it last time to honor his legacy. What I know about his life is also only what my friend, Mr. Y told me and what he allowed and even asked me to share with others.

(There may be grammatical errors in the text. Therefore, I apologize in advance to everyone. I received this letter in Hungarian, so due to the large length of the text I had to use an online translator - although I tried to correct the errors in the text afterwards.)

"I've known Zefirro for more than 10 years. I met his best friend Zolf around the same time. They were both good friends, but maybe I liked Zefirro a little more. I remember that he was always a curious, inquisitive person - unlike Zolf, who was a bit he was always more reserved. However, the two of them were as if they were born from the same womb at the same time. I can honestly say that such a wonderful friendship and connection between two people is rarely seen. (Of course, with both parties being heterosexual, they considered each other more like brothers .)
Zefirro was interested in almost everything related to the arts and gastronomy. I introduced him to some of my close Hungarian friends, thanks to which he had a lot of valuable experiences (he got to know Hungarian culture and Hungarian people through them) - at least that's what I think. There was no malice or prejudice in him, he tried to be friendly, nice, understanding and empathetic with everyone. He had the special ability of being able to assess a person based on their "aura", i.e. their "emanation", and after spending a short time with the stranger, Zefirro was able to give an almost perfect psychoanalytical analysis of the given person, so that they didn't even meet before. It was enough to study a few articulations, body language and eyes, because "a lot is written about a person - what his eyes said". He also instinctively sensed who the "dangerous people" were to stay away from. This is probably why Zefirro was able to maintain his inner purity and not allow negative elements to influence his inner spiritual world.
Zeffiro's parents originally came from Poland. Both were wealthy, educated people. Zefirro grew up in good financial circumstances and in a caring family circle. However, as a young teenager, he was gradually introduced to furry art. During this time, he met a person named Zolf, with whom he immediately formed a close friendship. Zolf introduced Zefirro to the world of art and Zolf inspired him to start developing his artistic skills. Zefirro underwent a radical change under the influence of Zolf. He began to show a sincere interest in the arts and even discovered his passion for the world of gastronomy. Unfortunately, the parents didn't take kindly to the boys' change of heart, because Zefirro's parents tried their best to pursue a career in finance and denied him the desire to use his talents in the fields of art and gastronomy. In the beginning, he also tried drawing, but over time his parents discovered his drawings (several of which had erotic content). Due to the terrible humiliation and shame caused by his parents' incredibly negative reaction, Zefirro destroyed all of his creations and wiped out his drawing abilities. However, at this point, Zefirro's relationship with his parents completely deteriorated, which ended with the parents disowning their son and driving him away from the family home. Zeffiro was so devastated that he nearly committed suicide, but Zolf came to his aid. He took her in and for a long time they lived in a shared sublet and tried to get back on their feet, working hard.
Zolf's family background was also messy, with the difference that he was often beaten and tortured by his parents as a child. His father drank, his mother was mentally ill, so he ran away from home at the age of 14. He enrolled in vocational training and lived for a long time in the accommodation provided by the school while he worked alongside it. After vocational training, he took a job and lived in a sublet. Here he accepted Zefirro, who found a job in the kitchen. Because secretly, without his parents' knowledge, he completed an evening cooking course, so that with the paper in hand, he would be more likely to be employed as a dishwasher or kitchen preparer. In addition to his love for cooking, he was also motivated by the fact that he is insured against starvation by working in at least one kitchen. There were difficult times when Zefirro and Zolf ate what Zef could save from leftover food from the kitchen - often given to him by his kind employers. But sometimes he could only get food secretly, because there were restaurant managers who would rather throw food in sealed bins than allow employees to take it home - sometimes even eating food rescued from the trash so that these two would not starve to death. The early days were the hardest for both of them. But these two have always stood by each other and strengthened each other. They often joked about "What's on offer in the bum's kitchen today?" or "What is Chef Trashcan's daily specialty?", in order to keep each other's spirits up and not to be consumed by having to think about their miserable situation.
Thanks to this and to their rock-solid perseverance, they both finally managed to get back on their feet after overcoming the obstacles. In the meantime, Zefirro traveled to several places in the world, because there were many opportunities to work abroad, which often meant working in the kitchen. It seemed that Zefirro would become a successful chef in time. His mental state finally began to return to the human level and he remained an active supporter of the arts and talented artists. Zefirro knew what it was like to descend from prosperity into the greatest imaginable misery, he knew what it was like to be hungry and deprived, he knew what it felt like when a person sank into a spiritual crisis and had to fight his own demons. That's why Zefirro decided to try to help people. He supported artists many times, but also participated in many charity events where they worked to help and support the unfortunate and starving people.
Zefirro genuinely loved nature and animals, so he was happy to donate to such organizations if he could. In the meantime, she also became his girlfriend, which apparently improved her lifestyle even more.
However, within a short period of time, several terrible tragedies happened to Zefirro. The first was shortly after he was disowned by his parents (and which may have been the result of terrible psychological trauma). Doctors diagnosed him with cancer. At first Zefirro was shocked by the news, but later he accepted it, and finally he was like "it's better that it happened this way, God did him a favor". However, Zolf strengthened his will to live until Zefirro finally decided to fight and not give up and seek medical treatment. This was also one of the reasons why the two friends were so destitute at first, because medical expenses and medicines took almost all the money. But Zolf stood by Zefirro all the way and encouraged him "if Zefirro gives up now, he will also be sentenced to death, so the most important thing is for the two of them to keep each other alive". Thanks to this steadfast perseverance and will to live, they got out of misery and it seemed that Zefirro was also on the path to physical and mental recovery. Over time, the financial situation of both of them seemed to settle down. Therefore, they both moved separately. But they kept in touch almost daily. At this time, Zolf also finally got a girlfriend, with whom he fell incredibly in love. At first, Zefirro was also happy about this, because he saw that Zolf's mental world was very well affected by being together as a couple. Zefirro, on the other hand, spent a lot of time abroad. If he had spent more time at home, perhaps with his good analytical skills he would have noticed in time that his friend Zolf had actually reached into a hornet's nest with that girl, and he might be able to warn his friend. Because it turned out that she only made a fool of Zolf, that is, she only used him and cheated on him behind his back, while pulling Zolf on a leash.
Later, this was also the main cause of the tragedy that followed. Zefirro was working abroad when he received a shocking and shocking message from Zolf - like a "will" in which Zolf says goodbye to his friend for good.
It turned out that Zolf realized that his girlfriend was cheating on him, so after a big fight, the girlfriend simply left Zolf alone. Zolf also lost his job at this time, in addition to which he had accumulated a considerable debt (which was probably due to his "girlfriend's merit") and was in danger of being moved from rent to the street. All of these things fell on Zolf's neck at once, and he had no friends in his immediate vicinity, making his situation feel desperately hopeless. He wrote all this to Zefirro in his letter, but Zefirro begged him to wait until he got home from abroad and send him as much money as necessary. Unfortunately, he did not receive an answer, so the next day he hurried back to Hungary immediately, but unfortunately to no avail, because the tragedy had already happened. Zolf committed suicide.
What Zefirro must have felt then, I can't say. But if I had to imagine it, it must have been similar to the trauma of a person losing the closest family member whom he loved more than anything. It can be a feeling when the part of one's heart that is responsible for the beating of the heart and that keeps the body alive is forcibly ripped out from the body. It was obvious then and there that part of Zefirro had also died.
Zefirro after attending his friend's funeral, after which he completely changed. I remember Zeffiro's face. He didn't cry at all, not a single tear left his eyes. His sadness and grief were much deeper than tears. At the time, it seemed as if he had aged years. His gaze became blank and veiled, his face sunk, he avoided everyone's gaze and did not respond to a word of comfort, barely saying a few words for months. During this time he was also left by his girlfriend because she probably couldn't put up with Zefirro's behavior in the long run (she didn't really try too hard to provide emotional support to Zefirro without knowing what her boyfriend really felt). Zefirro probably didn't even notice his girlfriend's departure.
I anxiously watched Zefirro's change. He left his job abroad and looked for a job in Hungary. But the most shocking change was when he stopped cooking and decided to choose a different career. With the money he collected, he finally bought himself a small one-and-a-half-room studio apartment and a low-consumption car. He didn't have big needs, he settled into very simple and gentle living conditions. However, unfortunately, he increasingly seemed to be detached from the outside world. He lived his daily life, worked, paid his monthly expenses, but was rarely seen. He completely closed himself off from the outside world, he did not keep in touch with his acquaintances, moreover - I later learned - he became addicted to a harmful addiction, alcohol.
At this point, I really started worrying about him, and some mutual friends and I decided if by any means, but we would get Zefirro out of the pit, who deserved better than this fate. With great difficulty (as a result of months of hard work), Zefirro was finally willing to give in to pressure and finally reopen himself to people.
We managed to find him a good specialist who partially gave him "spiritual teachings and guidance". Due to this, Zefirro came back to some extent (although he was not his former self). He became interested in spiritualism, various religions, Far Eastern philosophies, but most of all in knowledge related to the afterlife and the transmigration of souls. He began to collect books on such topics, moreover, he began to show a genuine interest in extraterrestrials and the ancient history of mankind, something about the theory of "ancient aliens". In any case, I was glad that he was devoting his attention to these things - at least he didn't destroy himself with alcohol. Later, his passion for cooking returned to some extent. I remember when we talked, he told me that he spends his free time cooking and listening to audio books. When we spoke in person, he started talking about cooking almost with pleasure. I saw that finally, after a long time, the signs of happiness appeared on him. I thought I could see the sparkle in his eyes again, like in the good old days. It seemed that he himself was finally on the road to recovery, which I was most happy about. In addition, he mentioned a "new Hungarian friend" with whom he had been corresponding on Inkbunny for a long time and who "brought him back to life". In any case, I thought it was extremely positive that after such losses he was still able to form new friendships with other people. I felt that there was still hope and that everything could turn out for the better.
But then it turned out that this healing was only of a spiritual nature, because his body was very sick. Afterwards, it turned out that the cancer had recurred and the screening test found that metastases had formed in several places in his body. He himself got sick a lot and it looked like he was often in serious pain. However, strangely, as his condition worsened, he became more and more cheerful and calm. I didn't understand why someone who is clearly dying is so happy? Then he told me that "man can decide his own destiny, but we are all in God's hands, he will say the final word." At the time, I thought that the "spiritual bullshit has lost his mind", maybe he was taking some kind of mind-altering drug or he was simply crazy. All the more so because he subsequently refused medical treatment. He said "they only do more harm than good, we should not want to be God instead of God".
I don't know what was on my friend's mind, but now I'm beginning to understand that this is how he tried to accept his fate and leave with peace in his soul.”
Rest in peace both Zolf and Zefirro."

I, Mr. X, would also like to express my condolences to all his friends, along with Mr. Y, and express my regret that I had to deliver the tragic news. Unfortunately, my friend, who asked me to do this, did not feel mentally strong enough to do so, and moreover, he did not want to receive messages of a questioning nature to his own address, so we decided to remain anonymous, because this is not about us. I also wish that these two people deserving of a better destiny Rest in Peace, and I also hope that they can enjoy each other's cheerful company again until eternity, or until the "next life".

Sit tibi terra levis - "May the ground be light to you"
Viewed: 119 times
Added: 3 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago
I could have helped with translation, but in the end, it's clearly understandable.

I can't thank you guys enough for sharing all this. Although he told the most important things about himself when talking to me, there were a few things I thought I'll never know now. But you filled in that gap.

For those whom don't know, I am that certain Hungarian he became friends with.
And yes, he told me that he thought he'd never open up to anyone again, but that I changed that. That is a huge honor; and knowing that he acknowledged me even outside this niche fandom, only grows my respect further. He is a true friend.

A few months ago we talked about that we'd meet in person - although he kind of promised himself to remain anonymous in the fandom after losing Zolf. It seemed like we could have had a hangout with me anyway; but I prefer to (falsely) believe that he stuck to his resolution of remaining anonymous, and that's why we didn't meet in person.

After his last message, I did my best to just concentrate on that he prepares for the next destination of his journey, and saying a see you later.

I also responded to a comment of his, and continued our last conversation on the same day. I didn't give up on him, I hoped, but I hurried, so my messages reach him before he leaves.

I wish he had replied and have some last conversations with me. I was waiting. But I didn't want to pester him either.
And I hope I responded to him in the correct way. I hope it didn't come off as me not caring, or not taking the situation seriously. I hope, he read it all, and could laugh at least once more. My point was that we continue the conversation and have fun while we can. I told him I won't give up. That means I follow his wish, that I don't give up; but it also meant, that I won't give up on him, just because he was in a hospital.

I hoped for some wonder though, that he gets more time. But then again, knowing that he's free, onto his next destination, reuniting with Zolf, makes me feel less empty. I can't say happy, but I can accept it, and I can let him go.

If you speak Hungarian:

Főleg akik személyesen ismerték, fogadják igaz, őszinte részvétem.
Ha én (ahogy) kikészültem... el se tudom képzelni, hogy a való életbeni közeli barátai hogy érezhetik magukat.
Túl kell élni, és ahogy Zefirro mondaná: Ne add fel! Kitartás!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
he sounds like a great person

to bad i never got to knew him :(
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