Some of you might have wondered where the hell I disappeared to for ... damn, almost three months! Well, as I am coming out of my work-induced stupor, I can tell you rush seasons are a thing and at my job it certainly was.
From November to December, it was a mix of holidays and rush time, then January was firmly dedicated to producing so much ***king surplus just for the SuperBowl. Now that it's going down I believe tonight, everything should slow down at work, allowing me to return to art.
I'm fortunate my current commissioners are very patient (which is a godsend) and thank them for waiting so damn long for their comms (they are coming very soon~). Hopefully, I'll be able to return to regular posting, but I still have a lot of bad habits to manage before I have any consistency.
Fingers crossed, more extreme & degenerate art coming~ =^w^=
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1 year ago
12 Feb 2024 04:04 CET