If you're coming across this account/journal, welcome!~ I recently upgraded my PC to go from a GTX1060(6gb) to an RTX3060(12gb), this has made prompting go faster and a bit more smoothly, and more importantly I've been able to dabble with larger images.
I'm a pretty simpleminded AI prompter who will obsessively prompt something (kinks/'character'/scenario) till the flames die out, then go to the next idea my mind travels to.
Kinks to expect: -Large anuses (donuts/hyper) -Sweat (crotch/rear) -Ladies with large man bits -MILF Bodied ladies -Hairy bits
Will I be posting a lot/frequently? I work a full time job (4-10 hour days, 3 days off), am horrible with uploading before ADHD kicks in, and have bad sleep habits so it's very up in the air. Take it as a soft 'no', who knows, the answer could change. :)
Requests? Another sort of soft 'no' answer, I'm more than happy to read any requests, but I struggle with completing things I want to do, so I'd feel genuinely awful if I agreed to it and my brain just does this.
That all said, I probably missed a lot of things, but I hope anyone who comes across this account enjoys what sparing content I have. I'm open to talk too.~