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Things are funny...

Back in 2022, I decided to leave The Lion King community for good, trying to slide away from the past I had to face every time I decided to take my phone to check the chat room of the servers I was enrolled in. I ran away from everyone and I have to admit I became someone carrying the weight of what they call "social anxiety" disorder. Then, I had to face that I was someone who always enjoyed being alone, apart from the rest of the world.

I remember when I decided to post some scraps I had, it barely could be considered a story, I was surprised that we have people around here who enjoyed it, so I decided to keep posting those scraps in here.

So, for those people who are still reading what I post here, I just have to say "thank you". Be aware you are helping me accept who I am, and making me understand I am still able to produce material that can be considered "good" in someone's opinion.
Viewed: 15 times
Added: 5 months, 1 week ago
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