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Stocking Stuffer 2023 Master List Finale

Good morning, and Happy New Year! Let's check the Stocking Stuffer 2023 Master List, one last time!


The Stocking Stuffer 2023 Master List

Nice Entries
1. A Very Soft Christmas by BlueLilytZ
2. Stocking Stuffer by TheRealInja (Sofurry account here)
3. RP Log: Hero and Villian, Puppy and Kitten 1 by Terinas Tiger
4. Kola's Christmas Carol by nappy_on
5. Jingle -N- Belle: Tree Tease by SpecterDragon78
6. Jingle -N- Belle: Frosty Friction by SpecterDragon78
7. RP Log: Hero and Villain, Puppy and Kitten 2 by Terinas Tiger
8. A Merry Christmas To You by Zyan (W/ Moito and Kroxa)
9. RP Log: Hero and Villain, Puppy and Kitten 5 by Terinas Tiger
10. RP Log: Hero and Villain, Puppy and Kitten 6 by Terinas Tiger
11. Bamboozle: Planned uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by SoftBalloonPony)

Naughty Entries
1. Momma Delphox and her Ranger Kits by Arbanis
2. Hypno session - Ammy Kit by Arbanis
3. The Magician's Assistant by Mobysimo
4. Papi's Gal by babykitty
5. The Dollhouse Always Wins by Morukami
6. Easy Job by babykitty
7. A Little Vacation by SplicerWolff
8. Big Headed Jade by Arbanis
9. The Jade Empire: Prologue by Tundrafloof
10. The Jade Empire Ch1 by Tundrafloof
11. The Jade Empire Ch2 by Tundrafloof
12. Kobold Test Subject - Chapter 1 by Saine who also has a FA page with artwork here.
13. Obedience Training for Unexpected Dogs by TerinasTiger
14. RP Log: Hero and Villain, Puppy and Kitten 3 by Terinas Tiger
15. Naughty and Nice (SoFurry alt here) by TheRealInja (Sofurry account here)
16. The Jade Empire Ch3 by Tundrafloof
17. Hypno session - A Very Important Exam by Arbanis
18. Horn Dog (SoFurry alt here) by Kilelana (SoFurry page here)
19. Reindeer in Training (with Alt Version) by LalalapinD
20. Dolled Up by Kondog (Furaffinity alt here, but SoFurry is where most works are)
21. Getting on the nice list (SoFurry alt here) by TheRealInja (Sofurry account here)
22. Kobold Test Subject - Chapter 2 by Saine who also has a FA page with artwork here.
23. The Jade Empire Ch4 by Tundrafloof
24. The Jade Empire Ch5 by Tundrafloof
25. Trigger Setup - Nightwear's Museum by Arbanis
26. Trigger Followup - Sunlight's School by Arbanis
27. RP Log: Hero and Villain, Puppy and Kitten 4 by Terinas Tiger
28. The Makings of an Infantibus by Queen Lilith of Lust (Funded by TerinasTiger)
29. Kobold Test Subject - Chapter 3 by Saine who also has a FA page with artwork here.
30. Kobold Test Subject - Chapter 4 by Saine who also has a FA page with artwork here.
31. Mary Christmas by TheRealInja (Sofurry alt here and Sofurry account here)
32. A Little Vacation by SplicerWolff (Sofurry alt here and Sofurry account here)
33. Roommate Struggles by SplicerWolff (Sofurry alt here and Sofurry account here)
34. Otterly Magical by SplicerWolff (Sofurry alt here and Sofurry account here)
35. A Christmas in Docetri by Draconicon
36. Garf and his Boys by TiranMaster
37. Kurama's Kit uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by stargatemorro)
38. Spy-role uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by SoftBalloonPony)
39. Revenge Maybe? uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by stargatemorro)
40. Hypno-session - Spyro Show Casting by Arbanis (Collab with RiverRoad)
41. Dragon Dropped uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by stargatemorro)
42. Ammy will be a Kit Soon uploaded by Arbanis (Art originally by SoftBalloonPony)
43. Retired Princesses, Nightwear's Playthings by Arbanis and 987654321abd
44. Nightwear of Retired Princesses by 987654321abd and Arbanis

Those last two may be the same story, but they each uploaded it to their page individually and with different titles, so I'm listing them both to give credit where credit is due.

If I've missed anyone's uploads, please PM me and I'll jump back on and update this list, but I believe this should be accurate?


Honorable mentions for TheRealInja, Saine, and the absolutely epic Arbanis, who not only produced a massive amount of stories for this event but also a lot of art they commissioned from various artists!

To start with, however, I have an apology to make. I done goofed. The past couple of days have been hectic for me, and one writer has been uploading stories and just not getting credit for them. SplicerWolff, I'm looking at you. With not one, not two, but THREE uploads in the Stocking Stuffer event, they deserve to be recognized! Even moreso when you acknowledge that this isn't the first year they've uploaded. SplicerWolff is a friend of mine, who enjoys talking about stories, RPs, and literature ideas, and ahs been a fun sounding board for ideas before. They're a creative, talented writer in their own right and have a wealth of stories for you to read and enjoy on their page. The three stories here for this event even cover some pretty cool ground IMHO, so you should give them some love!

Queen Lilith of Lust should be acknowledged as well! They took a story concept I had in my head for a while and turned it into an absolutely stellar little short story. I commissioned them for this event (and to get a story from them) and quite frankly, I'm proud of it. They were professional, wrote well and spicy, and did everything they could to honor the idea I gave them. I haven't been able to find an archive of their work anywhere, but I've linked their Flist account and if you ever want to hire a good writer for a story idea, they're a worthy choice!

As is Draconicon, who has been with Stocking Stuffer since almost the start. Though usually hired by me to write a story each year for this event, they've always been a wonderfully supportive friend, and amazingly creative. I love hearing their story ideas because tehy make me think, and Drac is both amazingly talented at writing a number of different kinks and fetishes, but more than that, just telling a really good story! He's a professional writer while I'm a dabbler, and it shows; his skills are honed, his committment professional, and you should absolutely devour his kinky story archive and hit him up the next time you're looking for a commission!

TiranMaster is a friend of mine, and while he's not always joining in on a Stocking Stuffer every year, he's always been supportive of my efforts to give back to the furry community. He's fun to brainstorm with and talk with, and his writing is one of the things that got me into writing kinky stuff in the first place! He's been a big influence on me here on FA and I want to thank him for doing what he's done. Visit his page. You'll find a lot of hot, kinky, naughty stuff worth reading across a wealth of different fetishes!

987654321abd is a friend of Arbanis who joined in this year, and I'm honored and flattered that they did! I hadn't actually investigated anything they'd written yet, but now I'm intent on sitting down and checking out their works soon! If Arbanis likes them, they're good people, and I highly suggest you check out their work too! Thank you so much for joining in and gracing us with your creative works!


And with this, the Stocking Stuffer 2023 holiday event has concluded! Let's run the numbers, shall we?

2016: It was just me updating, so 7!
2017: 18 entries!
2018: 19 entries!
2019: 21 entries!
2020: 38 entries!
2021: 33 entries!
2022: 64 entries!?!
2023: 55 entries!

My stars. I'm going to be honest, I've been so busy this December that I didn't think I had much time to promote Stocking Stuffer 2023. The fact that we got even more than 30 entries was surprising to me. The fact that 2023 now holds the 2nd place spot for total number of things uploaded (And would in fact still take that silver medal even without art uploads, I think?) is just stunning and amazing to me.

This is always a lotta fun for me every year, and part of that is seeing what other people come up with! So from the bottom of my heart I just wanted to say:

THANK YOU for joining me on this event in 2023. December was a hard month for me for a lot of reasons, including family drama, health issues, and having to shoulder a lot of responsibilities at work and at home that I've never had to before. So I'm just really glad that this came together.

Thank you all for making my December 2023 special. If you joined in? You have my gratitude.

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Viewed: 14 times
Added: 1 year, 2 months ago
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