Some new prices and updates from last year's guide:
Reduced the pre-pay commissions from 40, to $30 USD
Reducing the price of basic sketches
Will be removing the 1 week waiting period between commissions.
Commission Prices.
BASIC SKETCH: $15 USD, single character only.
FLAT COLOR: Starting at $30 USD per character, +25 per extra character(s).
FULL COLOR(CELL SHADE): Starting at $45 USD, +40 per extra character(s).
Detailed scenes are extra, DM for quotes.
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Remember to specify detailed information of what you want out of your character(s) image, character appearance, poses, accessories, etc(Or show a reference image of your character if you can.)
Base sketches will be sent for review before digital work is done.
The commission information must be legible, if the information is unable to comprehend, the commission will be denied.
I don't mind tweaking the base sketch on the first draft, but constant changes and add-on during the sketch process will result in an increase in the price.
This goes especially for sketch commissions, I will not keep going back to nitpick the finer details.
Keep to one project per person at a time.
I will use Paypal for payment transfers.
Account name: orinjeves[AT]gmail[COM]
Any commissions $30 and over must be payed before the project is accepted, anything lower can be payed after.
If I find any request to boarder too close to themes I am not comfortable with, I have every right to reject that commission. (These include, but not limited to: Hateful art, gore/guro, death, bodily wastes, or anything imminent towards those lines.)
If you, or anyone you know are interested, send me a message or Email, orinjeves[AT]gmail[DOT]com, or send this message to anyone who may be interested in character commissions.
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1 year, 3 months ago
27 Dec 2023 03:30 CET