Randi hummed to herself happily as she colored in her coloring book. She had already gotten bored with watching the TV shows on the portable DVD player she'd brought with her in the car, but she was happy she had plenty of things to keep her occupied. The raccoon girl liked long car trips, in general, so she was pleasantly enjoying herself in her booster seat as her parents drove down the highway. Her older brother seemed a little less interested in the trip, but she wasn't going to let it bother her.
"Oh jeeze, I thought we'd miss traffic if we left earlier," Ned, Randi's father, groaned.
"Uh oh..." Bella, Randi's other, sighed.
Randi was too lost in her coloring book to notice her parents talking. She was too lost in coloring to notice much of anything, really.
"Ned, we should stop before we get caught in this traffic. We haven't stopped in a while, the kids probably need the bathroom," Bella said softly.
"I'm fine! I'm not a kid, I can hold it longer than Randi," Peter, her brother, fussed.
"They'd have to piss on the side of the road," Ned grumbled, "nowhere to use the bathroom anyway."
"Yeah I don't want to piss on the side of the road," Peter said.
"Peter String, you watch your mouth," Bella warned.
"But dad said it!" Peter protested.
Among all the bickering, Randi was pleasantly tuning everything out. Her coloring book had her full attention. She was coloring in a very pretty unicorn, with lots of pink and purple. She was going to color the mane a rainbow, she thought. She didn't have any thought in her head about whether or not she wanted to stop and use the bathroom. Or, that she probably should.
"Do you think you can hold it, Randi?" Bella asked cautiously. Randi was prone to absentmindedly going in her pants at home if she got distracted by something. Being trapped in a car made things that much more tricky.
"Yes mom," Randi replied without really hearing what she'd been asked. The reality of it was that Randi had forgotten to use the bathroom after they stopped for lunch.
Ned shrugged and said. "Well, no choice now. We're stuck here for a while now."
Fifteen minutes passed, and they'd only moved a mile or so in the traffic jam. Some sort of wreck bad traffic backed up for miles. They were likely trapped on the highway for at least another hour, if they were lucky. Randi didn't mind though. Her unicorn had turned out great. It was time to color in the mane, so she began searching for the rest of her crayons. As she searched, she felt her stomach growl, and her bladder ached. She registered the feeling, but it was immediately put in the back of her mind as she found the rest of her crayons. She began to color the mane of the unicorn very carefully, not realizing that her stomach was growling loud enough for others to hear.
"Randi, sweety, are you okay? Your tummy is growling. We just ate, did you not get enough to eat at lunch?" Bella asked hopefully. Given that Randi had happily eaten all of her kid's meal, she didn't imagine that she was hungry. What Bella was afraid of was that kid's meal fast food having an effect on her daughter's belly.
"No mommy, I'm not hungry," Randi replied as she colored.
"Is your belly feeling okay?" Bella asked, her suspicions growing.
Randi, getting a little miffed that she was being bothered while she was so focused on coloring, took a moment to think. She felt her stomach growling, and then felt her need to be suddenly arrive to the front of her mind. Not only did she need to pee, but she needed to poop. Badly, based on how her tummy was rumbling.
"Ummm..." Randi said sheepishly, then trailed off.
"Oh no..." Bella said, defeatedly. "Randi, sweety, do you need to go potty?" her mom asked as kindly as she could.
"Yes mommy..." Randi said, knowing that she'd already been asked, and said no only minutes earlier.
"Ned..." Bella said, turning to her husband.
"What do you want me to do?!" the older racoon male replied. "We're stuck. She's just going to have to hold it."
"Ned, you can hear her stomach too," Bella said, trying to sympathize with her daughter.
"Randi, honey, do you think you can hold it?" Ned asked pleadingly.
Randi squirmed in her seat. She knew that if she was at home, she might only have a few minutes before she'd end up needing new Pull-Ups. She'd always been put in Pull-Ups on long car rides, given her track record for having accidents when a bathroom was readily available. Being stuck in a car always led to wet panties, if her mom didn't put her in a Pull-Up.
"I can try..." Randi said.
"Dad, please pull over, I don't wanna have to smell it if she poops her pants!" Peter begged.
"Peter, that's not helping," Ned warned.
"But dad!" the raccoon boy fussed.
"Enough! If Randi has an accident we'll just deal with it," Ned grumbled.
Bella turned to face Randi, and smiled at her. "It's okay honey, just do your best," she said with a warm, motherly tone. There was a little desperation in her assertion, but she knew how this was going to go. Luckily, they never went anywhere without spare clothes for Randi, let alone long car rides. It was less that she and Ned were worried about her going in her clothes, but more that they were going to be stuck in a car with a cub with poopy pants.
"I'll try," Randi said, putting on a big smile for her mom. But she knew she couldn't hold it much longer. Her need to pee wasn't as bad as he need to poop, but she thought maybe if she peed she might be able to hold her poop longer. She spread her legs just a bit, and felt her crotch warming as she began to soak her Pull-Up. It was a mostly familiar feeling. She never ended a long car trip dry, so this wasn't anything new to her. But it was a rare occasion that she ever pooped her Pull-Up in the car, and it was usually by her parents preference to just make it easier than having to deal with public bathrooms.
Randi finished peeing, feeling the warm swollen training pants between her legs. It was a familiar sensation. If Randi sat and thought about it, she knew she wasn't really potty trained. But she didn't mind. She didn't see what the big deal was. But she still got embarrassed, especially around her dad and older brother. Her mom was always very nice about it, but her big brother teased and her dad always seemed so frustrated when she had accidents. But her mom never fussed, or chided. She just changed her into fresh clothes, and told her she'd make it next time.
These warm thoughts ran through Randi's mind as she tried her best to hold it, but she was loosing the battle. He stomach was grumbling, and it was only a matter of time before she lost it. As she grew more and more uncomfortable, she looked out the windows, and then out the front of the car. They were nowhere near a bathroom. As she saw this, it was like her body knew that it was futile to hold it any more. Despite her sitting position, her stomach began to void itself. She felt her face grow warm as she felt the foreign sensation of warm mush filling her Pull-Ups. It came in waves, soft mush easily working its way into her pants as it pushed out of her without control. Eventually she did get control of it, but by then it was too late. She pushed the rest out, and waited for the others to discover what she'd done.
Peter was the first to notice, sniffing at he air. "Eww...did you fart?" he asked, looking pointedly at Randi.
Randi shook her head, but didn't say anything.
Her brother's eyes grew wide in horror. "...did you poop your pants?!" he asked, really hoping he was wrong.
Randi just drooped her head. She felt how full her Pull-Ups were. She wondered if she'd even over filled them, as she felt something sticky on her legs as well. She squirmed a little, and he suspicions had been confirmed. Not only had she pooped her Pull-Up, she'd had a blow out. She leaned back, and felt that it had come out the top as well.
Ned sighed, long and hard, then rolled down the windows of the car.
Bella looked back at Randi with a warm, tired smile and said. "It's okay, Randi. You'll make it next time."
As Randi sat in her overfilled, poopy Pull-Ups, she focused on her mom's words, and went back to coloring. There was nothing more that could be done.