The Crash Bandicoot female character ABDL / diaper URL journal is now gone from the internet. I'd removed it just under a fortnight ago on the 6th of November as I'd stated in my 3 month, 1 month, 1 week and 24 hour takedown notices. To all those who didn't get to download whatever art could still be accessed, I'm sorry but you are now too late. Unlike certain people who probably couldn't care less about others, I'd made sure that I'd give plenty of notice about the journal being removed, and I did. Yes, I knew there would be people who'd still slip through the cracks, but there's very little I could've done, or could do about it for that matter.
For those who weren't that keen on the journal, you can now breathe a sigh of relief.
But for those who aren't that happy about me removing the journal, it was only going to be a matter of time. And remember, it was made partly to address certain issues within the community. I'm not going to get into them here (as I'd already mentioned them in a reply to someone who commented on the 3 month notice journal on DeviantArt), but basically issues caused by major influential artists within the community as well as the websites that have been hosting the community which had they not persisted, the journal would never need to have existed. Remember, I'm not the problem, merely the symptom. Whatever bitterness or resentment you may have towards me for removing the journal, I'd suggest you redirect it towards those who are responsible for creating this whole mess in the first place.
Now, all that remains of the journal is archived versions of the prime Fur Affinity version. I know these are impractical as they are outdated and even useless in some cases, but this is more to show what once was. Though a few website captures were made over the years, I'll link the two most important ones.
The first of the two captures shows the journal from October 2019, 1 month after the DeviantArt one was made and 10 days after the FA one. The other (most recent) capture was from March 2023, by this stage the Coco and Tawna (not including the AU Tawna) sections had already broken off into their own journals due to limited space.
In case you're wondering, the Coco and Tawna journals from FA as well as the DA and Inkbunny versions of the journal were never archived by And I've yet to hear of any other internet archive websites similar to that.
And if you're wondering why the dates/times were listed in my timezone and not UTC (aka GMT), that's because I'd actually started recording information about what month each pic was posted long before I'd even thought about making that URL journal. Around the time I did make it, I wanted to change all the dates/times from UTC+10 (my time zone) to UTC... but some pictures (or at least their upload info) had already disappeared by then and trying to retain that original information while changing the time zones could've result in me lying about when certain pictures were posted. For example, a picture could've been posted at 9am on the 1st of January 2000 according to my timezone, yet in UTC it would be 11pm on the 31st of December 1999. If I retained the original info, I'd be lying about the month and even the year of release (this is a fictional/hypothetical scenario as nothing made prior to 2012 was ever found*). I'd figured if I'd operated the journal in my time zone then all the information would remain consistent rather than being a case of mixing apples with tomatoes (imagine biting into a tomato like an apple, eugh yuck!).
*BTW if anyone does know of any Crash girl diaper art made prior to 2012 that has ever existed, please let me know.