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One Year!

One year ago today, I made my first upload here with Unexpected Rainshowers!

I've lurked on inkbunny for ten years, and I've been into furry stuff in general for much longer, but never made and shared anything furry until Unexpected Rainshowers a year ago. The warm welcome and love and appreciation it received was touching, and it continues to touch me how much all my stories are enjoyed!

Thank you all, so so much, for reading and sharing, and for all the favorites, watches, and comments! I've even been able to take on a few commissions! This year of writing has meant a lot to me. It has been a joy to share with you all. :3

And there's more to come!

I have two more commissions in the works, to be released soon! Solstice Sisters should be out in December! And, in honor of Ayda and Olivia, I have a sneak peek at the next chapter in their series at the bottom of this journal.

Plus! I'm planning to do something else, as thanks to all of you. I'm not sure what it will be yet, but keep your eyes peeled for another journal with details! :3


Ayda grunts and sighs as shi finally hits hir peak, letting go and cumming a fountain into hir little sister, knot holding strong in her little spade. Olivia is much less quiet, moaning aloud and begging for more.

“Ohhhhh yeah big sis, gimme more.”

Ayda growls into her ear, hunching just a little more over her where they're fucking doggystyle in the middle of the living room floor.

At a sudden knock on the door they both jump, then freeze. Ayda quietly hushes Olivia. The pup clasps both hands over her muzzle to keep from making any more noise as Ayda continues filling her up.

“Hang on baby sis. Hopefully, whoever they are they'll just leave.”

Whoever they are, they knock again, louder. And then they call out.

“Ayda! Olivia!”

It's their mother. Eyes wide, they glance between one another and the door.

“Your mother is standing outside in the heat! Would one of you please come let me in!”

Olivia growls. Ayda panics.


Carefully, oh so carefully, Ayda struggles the both of them up enough to carry Olivia—still very much tied—as shi waddles them to the door. Reassuringly petting down the fur of hir little sister's back, Ayda mentally prepares hirself, then opens the door a crack.

“Hey mom—” shi's interrupted.

“There you are, finally. It is so hot out here in the sun. I thought I'd pay you a little surprise visit. Let me in, I want to see my babies—Where is Olivia anyway?”

Hey mom,” Ayda tries again. Shi looks askance and winces as Olivia unconsciously squeezes on hir knot. “Uh, Oliviaaaaaa's in the shower? Let me—”

“You reek of sex.”

“Well, uh, with Olivia here, I gotta—take care of myself when the opportunity comes?”

Hir mother pushes against the door. Ayda has to brace against it to keep it where it is.

“Mom! Please. Uh. I'm not dressed. And it's a mess. Give me a couple minutes to get, uh, cleaned up.”

Hir mother scowls. With a sigh, she relents.

“I'll be waiting in my car with the aircon on. Please don't be too long.”

With that, she turns and leaves. Ayda closes the door.

Eyes wide and ears pinned back, shi and Olivia make eye contact over the pup's shoulder. They are fucked.

Viewed: 45 times
Added: 7 months ago
7 months ago
I gotta say I'm glad you stopped lurking and started writing.

I've finally started writing again too, after about four months of playing video games.

Also... I can't wait to see how this next story turns out.
7 months ago
thank you! i'm glad i did, too

that's exciting to hear! i'll look forward to reading more from you. i hope your break from writing was good for you, maybe let you refill your creative tanks. your journal about Laika: Aged Through Blood got me to check it out, and now it's on my wishlist, so thanks!

i've got so many stories in-progress! and i can't wait for you to see them :3
7 months ago
I've got 2 stories I've been working on on and off...bits and pieces come to me at random times. Maybe I'll get enough of one of them together to finally have something to upload here after 7 years of rarely commentating...

Glad you started posting
7 months ago
i hope you do! i'll look forward to reading them someday, whenever that day comes :3

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