PLEAAAAASE go over there and give that a like? That's it. That's all!
I'm super close to getting a nice lil chunk of change for it. And these models are EXPENSIVO, but they are gorgeous, and well made. I'd really like to dissect them and figure out how they are doing some of this stuff. AND YA KNO, maybe make a smut or two.
In semi-related news, I've rendered out about 50 of these older animations! I've reworked a couple and staging some other really pushed them to something pretty dope :>. Still no date on this sketchfolio, but I've come up with a way I wanna handle this.
I'm gonna make this one single Sketchfolio, but i'll be updating it in Volumes! It takes a bit to still do whatever post processing and combining of videos, so I'll prolly release them on a weekly thing. There'll be 4 in total, and it'll all be attached to the same purchased item on gumroad or w/e. It's almost ready to get started, I just need to come up with some advertisements/promo images.
Student loans picked up a bit ago, so I really gotta make a move on it :>!
Tons of other super dope stuff in the works, including big news for TFOL :> but that's for another time.
Take care folks! AND PLZ HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON lmao
Any update on the animation sketchfolio? I'm really looking forward to it! :) Will the animations also have sound like some of the recent stuff you've uploaded? It always feels a lot more immersive with sound. ^-^
Any update on the animation sketchfolio? I'm really looking forward to it! :) Will the animations al