Sorry for not updating in a while everything is going crazy in my life, but i'm almost done and ready for the final comic
inspired by Dragon Mating Season a fanfic by King Spike Rules
[ ]s are comments and narrative seen at the bottom/top of the panel/page. ( ) means speak
{ } means thoughts
Everypony and Dragon are anthro ponies with hands and feet and ALL THE GIRLS have giant breast
From page 35 on the girls will always be wearing their chockers
Cover 1:
Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy wearing different color see through belly dancer outfits belly dancing
Cover 2:
Twilight, Rarity, Celestia and Luna different color see through belly dancer outfits belly dancing
Page 1:
Panel 1:
Raven inkwell lying on a bed with the female night and day guards on either side of her all of them sleeping and naked
Panel 2:
Sunlight hits Raven’s face as she starts to open her eyes
Panel 3:
Raven sits up and giggles as she sees her lovers sleeping happily
Raven: (thank you again your majesties)
Panel 4:
Raven gives the two each a kiss on the forehead
Page 2:
Panel 1:
Wearing a robe Raven brews some coffee
Panel 2:
Raven walks to the front door holding a cup of coffee and picks up a newspaper from the floor
Panel 3:
Raven holding the paper and coffee see the guards sitting up on the bed
Guards: (morning Raven)
Raven: (morning girls, breakfast is ready)
Panel 4:
The girls walk to Raven and snuggle her
Day Guard: (the past few nights have been amazing)
Night guard: (the mornings have been fun too)
Raven: (yes they were but let’s not be tardy. The princesses still need us)
Page 3:
Panel 1:
Raven gently swats their butts with the newspaper
Raven: (go on now get moving, eat and then get dressed)
Guards: (yes ma’am)
Panel 2:
Raven drinks her coffee and begins to read the paper
Raven: (good girls)
Panel 3:
Raven becomes wide-eyed while reading the paper and drinking coffee
Panel 4:
Raven does a spit take
Page 4:
Panel 1:
Raven holding the newspaper that has a picture of Celestia fucking Luna in ass with the strap on and Spike fucking luna at the same time. Only Spike’s hands can be seen in the picture
Raven: (girls, we need to get to their majesties now)
Page 5:
Panel 1:
The royal bedroom with Spike sleeping on the bed
Off screen: (oh spikey wikey)
Panel 2:
Spike begins to open his eyes
Spike: (I’m not tied up again, am i)
Off Screen: (haha, no not this time Spike)
Off Screen: (hey, we have a lot work to do today)
Panel 3:
Spike starts to sit up and stretch
Off screen: (but first we need your opinion on something)
Spike: (oh what’s…)
Panel 4:
Spike wide eyed blushing with smoke coming out of his nose
Page 6:
Panel 1:
Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Rarity doing sexy poses wearing lingerie
Rarity: (I’m thinking of starting a new line of wedding lingerie)
Page 7:
Panel 1:
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie doing sexy poses wearing lingerie
Off screen: (and I want your honest opinion, are these sexy enough)
Page 8:
Panel 1:
Spike on the bed as the girls continue posing
Spike: (did you really want my opinion or are you trying to make me aroused)
Twilight: (depends is it working)
Panel 2:
Spike gently grabs Twilight’s hand and pulls her towards the bed
Spike: (you tell me)
Panel 3:
Spike now on top of Twilight as she blushes
Spike: (when haven’t I been aroused when I’ve been with you girls this week)
Twilight: (oh Spike)
Panel 4:
Spike and Twilight are about to kiss when a banging sound comes from the door
From the door: (Princess Celestia, Princess Luna please open up it’s an emergency)
Page 9:
Panel 1:
Twilights pouts as the banging continues and Celestia goes to the door
Twilight: (there better be trouble or else there will be trouble)
Panel 2:
Celestia opens the doors to relieve a panicked Raven
Celestia: (Raven tell me what’s going on)
Raven: (you and Princess Luna are on the front page of the paper)
Panel 3:
Raven holds up and shows Celestia the newspaper
Celestia: (ok but how is that…)
Panel 4:
Celestia blushes and becomes wide eyed as she sees the newspaper
Celestia: (oh pony feathers)
Page 10:
Panel 1:
Luna walks up to Celestia
Luna: (sister, what’s wrong)
Panel 2:
Luna blushing looks over Celestia’s shoulder, reads the paper, and becomes wide eyed
Panel 3:
Luna still blushing and wide eyed snatches the paper from a shocked Celestia
Luna: (Pony princesses gone wild by Gabby Gums the second)
Panel 4:
The girls are shocked as Luna reads the paper
Girls: (what!?)
Page 11:
Panel 1:
Luna continues to read the paper
Luna: (that’s right Equestria the princesses are in heat and possibly off the market)
Panel 2:
Luna continues to read and pace around the room as some of the girls become wide eyed
Luna: (As shown, this reporter has found the princesses engaging in hot steamy threesome with an unknown male last night outside the castle balcony)
Panel 3:
Luna continues to read and pace around the room as the rest of the girls become wide eyed and Spike blushes
Luna: (whether this man is the princesses’ friend with benefits, lover, or equestria’s new future king, I can say with confidence all stallion’s are saying you bucking lucky bastard. More on this story as details unfold)
Panel 4:
Luna squeezes the newspaper as both she and Twilight are a little scared. Celestia points towards a window
Luna: (how could this happen, what are we going to do)
Twilight: (I-I don’t know, but we must think of something before a mob of reporters and ponies storm the castle)
Celestia: (I’m afraid it’s too late for that)
Page 12:
Panel 1:
Celestia looks out the window to see a crowd out the castle walls, waiting for the drawbridge to lower
From the crowd: (please let us talk to the princesses)
Crowd: (we want answers)
Off screen: (dear sweet Celestia)
Page 13:
Panel 1:
Celestia sighs and rubs her temple
Celestia: (I guess we better let them in)
Spike: (what are you going to do?)
Panel 2:
Celestia places a hand on Spike’s shoulder as Luna gets dressed
Celestia: (Hopefully give them enough answers to calm them down)
Panel 3:
Celestia and Luna walk down the hallway fully dressed
Luna: (do you think we calm them down)
Celestia: (we have to try)
Panel 4:
Celestia and Luna become wide eyed as they are bombarded with camera flashes as they enter the throne room
Off screen: (who’s the lover?)
Off screen: (how did you three meet?)
Off screen: (what’s your favorite fetish and position with him?)
Luna: (or we can take Spike and the girls and run away)
Celestia: (I’m becoming very tempted to do just that)
Page 14:
Panel 1:
Celestia and Luna sit on their thrones
Celestia: (I understand that all have questions about the article)
Luna: (but please calm down, so me and my sister can answer as many as possible)
Panel 2:
Celestia and Luna try to keep the crowd calm
Off Screen: (are you creating a reverse harem)
Off Screen: (are you part of one)
Celestia: (please, calm down)
Luna: (one at time, please one at a time)
Off screen: (QUIET)
Panel 3:
The princesses turn to see Spike
Spike: (I’m sorry girls, but I can’t sit back and watch you get hounded)
Panel 4:
Spike addresses the crowd
Spike: (especially when the only thing you did was fall in love with me)
Page 15:
Panel 1:
Spike continues to talk with the gasping crowd and the girls fully clothed shyly wave from behind Spike
Spike: (that’s right I’m the princesses’ lover and also the lover of the holders of the elements of harmony, but so what)
Off screen: (and what do you know about love?)
Panel 2:
Spike continues to talk to the crowd
Spike: (cause that’s all I felt from these girls the past week. The ways they expressed it may have been different but it was love all the same.)
Off screen: (that doesn’t mean it wasn’t just lust. How can you say it was true love?)
Panel 3:
Spike shouts as the girls behind him are blushing from cheek to cheek, wide-eyed, and their mane and tail going straight up
Spike: (cause I want nothing but to marry them, Tartarus I will marry them)
The girls: (w-what)
Page 16:
Panel 1:
Spike turns and talks to the still blushing from cheek to cheek, wide-eyed, and their mane and tail going straight up girls
Spike: (last night I told you I could never choose just one to be my bride. I love you all)
Panel 2:
Spike gets down on one knee
Spike: (I want nothing more but to prove the love we have is real. Will you all marry me)
Panel 3:
The girls happily cry as they tackle Spike
Girls: (yes)
Celestia: (sorry but this interview is over, we need to start planning our wedding)
Luna: (and our honeymoon)
Page 17:
Panel 1:
Twilight cuddling up to Spike as Twilight’s family congratulates them
[The next few days after that, we went around talking to the families about the wedding]
Twilight Velvet: (oh congrats you two)
Shining Armor: (who would have thought when she brought you home all those years ago; she was bringing home her boyfriend)
Cadance: (oh stop teasing this lovely couple Shiny)
Panel 2:
Rarity cuddling up to Spike as her parents congratulates them and Sweetie belle lightly pouts behind them
Hondo: (welcome to the family)
Cookie: (I know you’ll take great care of our daughter)
Sweetie belle: (why is it always Rarity?)
Page 18:
Panel 1:
Fluttershy cuddling up to Spike as her parents congratulates them
[For the most part everyone was okay with everyone in a harem]
Father shy: (congratulation you two)
Mother shy: (but I must warn you she can be a little bold sometimes)
Panel 2:
Rainbow Dash cuddling up to Spike as her parents congratulates them and Scootaloo lightly pouts behind them
Bow Hothoof: (looks like we better start adding on to the house)
Windy: (we’ll use it as a trophy room for all our grandkids)
Scootaloo: (thought we would be together)
Page 19:
Panel 1:
Pinkie cuddling up to Spike as they talk with her family
[It was a little hard trying to convince others]
Igneous Rock: (surely Pinkamena you can’t mean to be part of a harem)
Cloudy Quartz: (thou must give us a better explanation)
Maud: (way to go sis)
Limestone: (he better not be just fooling around)
Marble: (mmhm)
Marble: {then again maybe me and big mac might still have a chance}
Panel 2:
Applejack cuddling up to Spike as they talk with her family and Appleboom lightly pouts behind them
Granny Smith: (I’m glad you found a husband Applejack, but I’m just not sure about this harem thing will work)
Big Mac: (eenope)
Applebloom: (I hope I can be in a harem with the CMC someday)
Page 20:
Panel 1:
Celestia and Luna cuddling up to Spike as they talk with King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia
[Especially when we dealt with Celestia’s and Luna’s parents]
Celestia: (please say yes dad)
Luna: (how is this any different from when you tried to marry mom)
Galaxia: (they have a point dear)
Cosmos: (‘sigh’)
Page 21:
Panel 1:
Igneous Rock, King Cosmos, and Big Mac talking to Spike
[in the end though they understood our love]
The three to Spike: (you have are blessings)
[with the hard part done, we focused on the wedding]
Panel 2:
Spike talking to a happy Moon dancer
[Picking out my best mare]
Spike: (moon dancer would you like to be my best mare for the wedding)
Moon dancer: (of course, Spike i’d be honored)
Panel 3:
Spike and moon dancer at a jewelry shop looking at rings in a box
[picking the rings and gifts for the girls]
Moon dancer: (they’re beautiful, he girls will love them)
Spike: (yeah)
Off screen: (we also have your special order ready sir)
Spike: (thank you)
Panel 4:
Moon dancer gently dragging Spike carrying a case to a night club
[Having the bachelor party]
Spike: (Wait what Moon dancer I can’t)
Moon dancer: (c’mon Spike you’ve been stressing yourself out, plus its tradition)
Page 22:
Panel 1:
Moon dancer gently drags Spike into the club past the two female bouncers
Spike: (but I’m getting married tomorrow)
Moon dancer: (all the more reason, you need to relax)
Spike: (but a night club, the girls are gonna kill me)
Panel 2:
Moon dancer takes Spike into a room full of pillows decorated like a sultan’s harem room
Moon dancer (no, they won’t. this is their idea)
Spike: (huh)
Panel 3:
Moon dancer sits Spike down on the biggest pillow in the room as her horn starts to glow
Moon dancer: (oh by the way, no clothes allowed)
Panel 4:
Moon dancer starts to leaves the room, after she uses her magic to strip Spike naked. Spike tries to cover himself with the case
Spike: (Moon dancer, wait)
Moon dancer: (he’s ready girls)
Off screen: (thank you Moon dancer)
Page 23
Panel 1:
Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Rarity wearing different color see through belly dancer outfits like the ones worn in the sultan and his sirens
Celestia: (we’ll take it from here)
Page 24:
Panel 1:
Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash wearing different color see through belly dancer outfits like the ones worn in the sultan and his sirens
Rainbow Dash: (it’s time for the bachelor to have some sexy fun)
Page 25:
Panel 1:
Spike blushing and shocked as Celestia carries a basket of grapes and Luna holding a pitcher kneel beside him
Spike: (wha-what)
Celestia: (like moon dancer said, you need to unwind)
Luna: (dealing with our parents and the wedding was too much)
Panel 2:
Rainbow Dash and Applejack walk behind him and put a cd into a player
Applejack: (so relax and enjoy the show, sugar cube)
Panel 3:
Rainbow Dash and Applejack start fanning him with giant feather fans music plays in the background
Rainbow Dash: (this is going to be awesome)
Page 26:
Panel 1:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy begin to belly dance
Panel 2:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy belly dance
Panel 3:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy belly dance
Panel 4:
Celestia feeding Spike grapes on at a time as he stares at the girls
Celestia: (glad, you’re loving this but it’s going to get sexier)
Page 27:
Panel 1:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy begin to belly dance while almost rubbing against each other
Panel 2:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy begin to belly dance while almost rubbing against each other
Panel 3:
Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy begin to belly dance while almost rubbing against each other
Panel 4:
Applejack and Rainbow Dash continue fanning
Rainbow Dash: (mind if we have a turn to dance girls)
Page 28:
Panel 1:
Pinkie and Fluttershy start fanning as Applejack and Rainbow Dash go to the dance floor
Pinkie: (shake your booties girls)
Panel 2:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance
Panel 3:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance
Panel 4:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance
Page 29:
Panel 1:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance almost rubbing against each other
Panel 2:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance almost rubbing against each other
Panel 3:
Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash and Applejack belly dance almost rubbing against each other
Panel 4:
Luna gets extremely close to Spike as Rarity pours the juice from the pitcher into his mouth
Luna: (well master how do you like our dance)
Rarity: (show her master, show her how much)
Page 30:
Panel 1:
Spike grabs Luna by the butt as his case falls to the floor
Panel 2:
The case pops open to reveal 8 different leather chokers with jewels in the shape of the girls’ cuties marks on them
Luna: (what are those?)
Spike: (oh no, your wedding gifts)
Panel 3:
Pinkie and Luna playful smirk at him
Pinkie: (so you got collars for your pets, huh)
Spike: (n-no they’re chokers, even had them engraved)
Luna: (no difference to us, so long as you let us get you something)
Panel 4:
Luna turns around and lifts up her mane
Luna: (would you put it on us please)
Spike: (ok)
Page 31:
Panel 1:
Spike stands behind a blushing Luna as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my majestic moon)
Panel 2:
Spike stands behind a blushing Celestia as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my shining sun)
Panel 3:
Spike stands behind a blushing Rainbow Dash as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my sexy speedster)
Panel 4:
Spike stands behind a blushing Fluttershy as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my sweet kindness)
Page 32:
Panel 1:
Spike stands behind a blushing Applejack as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to the apple of my eye)
Panel 2:
Spike stands behind a blushing Pinkie Pie as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my lovable laughter)
Panel 3:
Spike stands behind a blushing Rarity as he puts the choker on her
Spike: (to my fabulous fashionista)
Panel 4:
Spike stands behind a blushing Twilight as he puts the choker on her and Twilight takes off her veil
Spike: (and finally to my magical maiden)
Page 33:
Panel 1:
Twilight gently tackles Spike while kissing him
Panel 2:
Some of the other girls without their veils jump onto Spike in a pile
Pinkie Pie: (make out pile)
Panel 3:
Some of the butts of the girls shaking in a pile as Spike’s hand and feet wiggle underneath them
From the pile: (we’ll never take these off)
From the pile: (w-wait girls aahhh)
From the pile: (oh ne-never mind aahhh)
[the night continued on like this]
Page 34:
Panel 1:
Spike in a wedding tuxedo with Moon dancer taking their positions at a wedding altar
Moon dancer: (so, guess you had fun last night)
Spike: (yes, I did. thank you)
Off screen: (ahem)
Panel 2:
Spike in a wedding tuxedo with Moon dancer and Cadance taking their positions at a wedding altar
[but before I knew it]
Cadance: (do you Spike take these girls to love and cherish equally as your wives for as long as you shall live)
Spike: (I do)
Cadance: (and do you girls take Spike to share love and cherish as your husband for as long as you shall live)
Page 35:
Panel 1:
Pinkie, Luna, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash wearing their chokers sexy wedding dresses and holding wedding bouquets
Girls: (we)
Page 36:
Panel 1:
Twilight, Celestia, Applejack, and Fluttershy wearing their chokers and sexy wedding dresses and holding wedding bouquets
Girls: (do)
Page: 37:
Panel 1:
Outside of the castle having a after wedding party, Spike dances with some of the girls
Panel 2:
Some of the girls smashing a piece of wedding cake in Spike’s face
[had a wonderful time at the reception]
Panel 3:
Twilight and Rarity next to the limo with their backs towards the crowd, ready to do the bouquet toss
Twilight: (ready girls, here they come)
Page 38:
Panel 1:
Zecora, Apple bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie belle each catch a bouquet
Panel 2:
Gilda, Gabby, Sunset shimmer, and Ember each catch bouquet
[and after the bouquet toss]
Page 39:
Panel 1:
Spike and the girls having fun at the beach, the girls wearing skimpy swimsuits and their chokers
[we were off to our honeymoon]
Page 40:
Panel 1:
Spike in trunks relaxing in a beach chair as Twilight in her swimsuit approaches him
Twilight: (is this spot taken)
Spike: (no go ahead)
Panel 2:
Spike stares lovingly at Twilight as she relaxes in the beach chair and puffs out her chest
Twilight: (enjoying the view)
Spike: (I would)
Panel 3:
Spike reaches over and gently pulls up part of Twilight’s suit revealing her nipple
Spike: (but there’s pink fabric blocking it)
Panel 4:
Spike releases the suit as it snaps back into place and Twilight gently moans
Twilight: (ah)
Page 41:
Panel 1:
Twilight sits up, arm around her chest and give a sly smiling glare at Spike
Twilight: (you’re still a naughty boy)
Spike: (and you love me for it)
Twilight: (yeah I do)
Panel 2:
Twilight and Spike deeply kiss each other
Off screen: (ahem)
Panel 3:
Celestia standing looking at the two
Celestia: (sorry to interrupt but me and the other girls are heading to the hot spring, want to join us)
Twilight: (sounds wonderful)
Spike: (go, ahead I’ll be there as soon as I get all our stuff)
Panel 4:
Twilight and Celestia walk away as Spike picks stuff up in the background
Celestia: (before I forget, our special guest will be arriving soon)
Twilight: (great, now this going to be fun)
Page 42:
Panel 1:
Spike carrying a few bags and beach gear into a giant living room
Spike: (girls, where are you)
Off screen: (already out here at the spring, come join us)
Off screen: (but lose the trunks)
Panel 2:
Spike removing his swim trunks
Off screen: (yeah no more clothes tonight)
Spike: (alright)
Panel 3:
Spike opens up a sliding door leading to an outdoor hot springs
Off screen: (please hurry Spike, we need you badly)
Spike: (so I see)
Page 43:
Panel 1:
Near the hot spring, Fluutershy and Luna making out, pressing their breasts together, as they finger each others’ ass. Next to them are Applejack and Rarity sucking and playing with each others’ breasts
Off screen: (sorry that I kept you girls waiting)
Page 44:
Panel 1:
Near the hot spring, Celestia and Rainbow Dash licking each others’ pussies in a 69 position. Next to them Twilight is scissoring Pinkie Pie
Page 45:
Panel 1:
Spike steps into the hot spring
Spike: (but would anyone care to join me for a swim)
Panel 2:
The girls step into the spring
Panel 3:
Everyone relaxing in the spring
Page 46:
Panel 1:
Fluttershy swims up to a relaxing Spike in the water
Fluttershy: (Is the water fine Spike?)
Spike: (feels great, couldn’t be better)
Panel 2:
Fluttershy straddles Spike’s hips
Fluttershy: (oh really)
Panel 3:
Fluttershy straddling Spike starts doing a lap dance as Luna from the water sneaks up behind her
Fluttershy: (how about now)
Spike: (you’re right it got better)
Panel 4:
Luna gets up and fondles Fluttershy’s breasts and plays with her nipples
Luna: (naughty, naughty Fluttershy. Trying to have Spike all to yourself)
Fluttershy: (first come, first serve)
Spike: (since you girls are eager, let’s go to the bedroom)
Page 47:
Panel 1:
Celestia and Pinkie Pie in water
Celestia: (I agree let’s go now)
Pinkie: (ooo, ooo how about we watch a few pornos too)
Panel 2:
Pinkie Pie gives a sly smile as Twilight smiling and blushes embarrassed
Pinkie: (starting with Pinkie Promise Punishment starring Twilight Sparkle)
Spike: (huh)
Panel 3
Spike and some of the others watching a TV in the bedroom, near them Twilight is shy rubbing her legs together
Spike: (wow, I don’t know what to say)
Twilight: (do you like it)
Panel 4:
Spike gently lifts Twilight’s chin as she blushes happily
Spike: (love it, got any more)
Twilight: (actually)
Page 48:
Panel 1:
Spike fucking Twilight while watching TV
From TV: (uhn-uhn Miss Twilight. you want your reward, you have to earn it)
Spike: (she has)
Twilight: (and always will)
Panel 2:
Spike in a different position fucking Rarity while watching TV
From TV: (and by the looks of your big friend. you’re having just as much fun)
Spike: (you bet I am)
Rarity: (more fun to come, Spikey-wikey)
Panel 3:
Spike in a different position fucking Rainbow Dash while watching TV
From TV: (who is your favorite lover.)
From TV: (there is only you)
Spike: (is that still true Rainbow Dash)
Rainbow: (it will always be true)
Panel 4:
Spike in a different position fucking Fluttershy while watching TV
From TV: (huh? Then what is for dessert)
From TV: (me)
Spike: (still remember the recipe)
Fluttershy: (with the girls’ help. You’ll have an all you can eat smorgasbord)
Page 49:
Panel 1:
Spike in a different position fucking Applejack while watching TV
From TV: (ha I can tolerate any form of pain you try to inflict partner)
Spike: (I only want to give you pleasure Applejack)
AJ: (same here sugar cube)
Panel 2:
Spike in a different position fucking Pinkie Pie while watching TV
From TV: (is every mare enjoying the show)
Spike: (I know I am)
Pinkie (have many ideas for future shows)
Panel 3:
Spike in a different position fucking Luna while watching TV
From TV: (we’re mares that know what they want)
Spike: (and I’m going give it)
Luna: (and we’ll give you back double)
Panel 4:
Spike in a different position fucking Celestia while watching TV
From TV: (but I’m dragon Lord Spike’s slut)
Celestia: (and I always will be)
Spike: (good to know)
Page 50:
Panel 1:
A four way split panel of Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy screaming in pleasure as they cum while Spike fucks them
The girls: (AAHHH)
Page 51:
Panel 1:
A four way split panel of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Luna, and Celestia screaming in pleasure as they cum while Spike fucks them
The girls: (OOHHH)
Page 52:
Panel 1:
Spike flops on the bed, Twilight lays next to him leaning her head on her hand
Twilight: (A dream come true huh Spike)
Spike: (yes it is)
Panel 2:
Spike rubs his muscles
Spike: (but I know its real cause of how sore I feel)
Twilight: (aww poor baby)
Panel 3:
Twilight and some of the girls cup their breasts
Twilight: (we know how to make the pain go away. Right girls)
The other: (yup)
Panel 4:
The rest of the girls cup their breasts
The girls: (absolutely)
Page 53:
Panel 1:
Spike lying on the bed, Twilight and Pinkie Pie rub their breasts against his face, Celestia and Fluttershy rub their breasts against his chest, Rainbow Dash and Rarity rub their breasts against his stomach, and AJ and Luna give him a double titty fuck
Spike: (is this going a regular thing now)
Twilight: (yes, anything wrong with that)
Spike: (no)
Panel 1
Spike sleeping on the bed as Rarity wearing only an apron gently pulls his arms above his head
Rarity: (girls get ready)
Panel 2:
Rarity gently sits on Spike’s arms, Applejack, and Fluttershy each sit on one of his legs and Twilight sits on his tail. Those three wearing nothing but apron start pulling red feather out from between their breasts. Spike is a little groggy
Rarity: (wake up Spike-Wikey)
Spike: (no, having a great about being married to 8 beautiful mares, and I don’t want it to end)
Panel 3:
Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack gently wave their feathers as Rarity continues sitting on Spike’s arms
Rarity: (have it your way darling, we don’t mind)
Panel 4:
Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack start tickling his cock and balls as Spike atruggles and laughs
Twilight: (gitchie gitchie goo)
Page 55:
Panel 1:
Rarity still sitting on Spike’s arms wiggles her fingers in a tickling motion, as the other girls tickle his cock
Rarity: (okay)
Panel 2:
Rarity uses her fingers to tickle Spike’s armpits and the others tickle his cock
Rarity: (tickle, tickle, tickle)
Rarity: (I’m so sorry)
Panel 3:
Rarity uses her fingers to tickle Spike’s stomach and the others tickle his cock
Rarity: (you wanted me to tickle your tummy)
Page 56:
Panel 1:
The girls continue to tickle Spike’s cock and stomach
Off screen: (haha, ok girls that’s enough)
Page 57:
Panel 1:
Celestia, Pinkie Pie, Luna, and Rainbow Dash wearing nothing but aprons stand there. Luna is carrying a breakfast in bed tray with fruit topped pancakes and juice
Pinkie: (it’s time for breakfast)
Off screen: (aww just five more mintues)
Celestia: (sorry, but we shouldn’t let the breakfast Luna and Rainbow Dash made get cold)
Page 58:
Panel 1:
Rarity gets off of Spike
Rarity: (oh alright, you have a point)
Spike: (‘pant’ one day I’m getting my ‘pant’ revenge)
Panel 2:
Pinkie Pie excited as Applejack and Twilight bashfully blush
Pinkie Pie: (oh, great idea for our next show at the spa. Bet Twilight or Applejack would love to go first)
Panel 3:
Luna puts the tray down on the bed and Rainbow Dash snuggles up to Spike
Luna: (haha, we’ll talk about that later)
Rainbow: (for now just enjoy the breakfast me and Luna made)
Panel 4:
Luna cuts up the pancakes
Page 59:
Panel 1:
Luna starts to feed Spike
Luna and Rainbow Dash: (now say aaahh)
Spike: (aaahh)
Panel 2:
Spike puffs up his cheeks and looks ready to puke. Luna and Rainbow Dash panic
Rainbow Dash: (oh no)
Luna: (did we mess up again)
Panel 3:
Spike burps up a letter with his magical fire. Luna And Rainbow Dash are relieved
Rainbow: (oh it’s just a letter)
Luna: (got to find a better way to do that)
Panel 4:
Celestia reads the letter, the others gets excited
Celestia: (great news girls. Our gift for Spike has arrived)
Spike: (gift?)
Page 60:
Panel 1:
Pinkie Pie teasingly talking to Spike while touching her choker
Pinkie: (we wanted to get you something, since you gave us our collars)
Spike: (th-there chokers Pinkie)
Pinkie: (Potato, potahto)
Panel 2:
Celestia talking with them
Celestia: (we just wanted to give our husband something he would always enjoy)
Spike: (but girls, you didn’t have to)
Panel 3:
Twilight starts to leave as Luna, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Celestia cuddle to up Spike on the bed
Twilight: (but we wanted to now, since we had our fun, we’ll get the gift while you continue breakfast in bed)
Celestia: (alright)
Page 61:
Panel 1:
Luna and Rainbow Dash cuddle up to Spike’s chest
Rainbow Dash: (now where were we?)
Luna: (I believe we were enjoying breakfast)
Spike: (Are there enough pancakes for everyone)
Panel 2:
Pinkie Pie and Celestia lay down staring at Spike’s cock
Pinkie: (no, we want some meat)
Celestia: (and we see a nice big, long, tasty piece of meat in front of us)
Panel 3
Panel 3:
Celestia and Pinkie start gently nibbling on Spike’s cock
Off screen: (aahhh and here I thought ponies were herbivores)
Panel 4:
Luna and Rainbow Dash start licking and nibbling Spike’s sides and chest while he tries to eat the pancakes. Rainbow Dash grabs the bottle of maple syrup
Luna: (what can we say; we want to eat you up)
Rainbow Dash: (but you need a little something extra)
Page 62:
Panel 1:
Rainbow Dash pours maple syrup over Spike’s chest. Luna licks her lips
Spike: (th-that’s cold)
Luna: (but I bet it’s real tasty)
Panel 2:
Luna and Rainbow Dash start licking and nibbling Spike’s sides and chest while he tries to eat the pancakes
Luna: (I was right)
Off screen: (oh let me try some)
Panel 3:
Celestia pours the syrup over Spike’s cock
Pinkie: (looks extra yummy now)
Panel 4:
Celestia and Pinkie start gently nibbling on Spike’s cock
Celestia: (so delicious, you just got to try it)
Off screen: (switch)
Page 63:
Panel 1:
Luna and Rainbow Dash pour syrup over Spike’s cock
Panel 2:
Luna and Rainbow Dash start gently nibbling on Spike’s cock
Luna: (you were right sister it’s scrumptious)
Rainbow Dash: (so awesomely tasty)
Panel 3:
Pinkie Pie and Celestia pours syrup over Spike’s chest
Spike: (you girls are crazy)
Panel 4:
Pinkie and Celestia start licking and nibbling Spike’s sides and chest
Celestia: (only when you’re around)
Page 64:
Panel 1:
Pinkie and Celestia start licking and nibbling Spike’s sides and chest while Luna and Rainbow Dash start gently nibbling on Spike’s cock
Off screen: (okay girls we’re ready)
Spike: (oh gawd)
Page 65:
Panel 1:
Pinkie pouts as the girls get off the bed
Pinkie: (oh pooh, so soon)
Luna: (I know but fair’s fair)
Spike: (that’s it, I’ve decided)
Panel 2:
Luna and Celestia blush
Spike: (Luna and Celestia are first for the revenge spa show)
Celestia: (enough about that and let’s go get your gift)
Panel 3:
Spike and the girls walking downstairs naked
Spike: (seriously girls you didn’t have to get me anything)
Rainbow Dash: (oh but we wanted to and you’ll love it)
Panel 4:
Spike being bugged eyed
Spike: (wh-wh)
Page 66:
Panel 1:
A naked Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy are standing around Chrysalis. Chrysalis is naked, gagged, struggling and tied-up completely in a bondage swing with an anti magic ring on her horn
Off screen: (what’s going on?)
Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy: (surprise Spike)
Page 67:
Panel 1:
Rarity ungags Chrysalis as Fluttershy gently grabs one of her breasts with both hands
Rarity: (looks someone wanted to join your harem darling, right Chrysalis)
Chrysalis: (l-like tartarus i)
Panel 2:
Fluttershy grabs Chrysalis’ breasts and gently sucks her nipple, Rarity smirks at her as she moans
Chrysalis: (aahhh)
Rarity: (good you’re responding well)
Chrysalis: (let me go. I’m a queen not a masochist)
Panel 3:
Twilight and Applejack standing between Chrysalis’ legs massaging her pussy
Twilight: (but you seem to be having fun)
Applejack: (yeah, don’t knock it ‘til you try it sugar cube)
Page 68:
Panel 1:
Twilight and Applejack fingering Chrysalis while Fluttershy and Rarity grab her breasts and gently suck and lick her nipples
Chrysalis: (aaahhhh)
Page 69:
Panel 1:
Spike looks on confused
Spike: (Wh-what’s going on)
Luna: (spike, say hello to gabby gums the second)
Panel 2:
Spike becomes surprised
Spike: (huh?)
Celestia: (I know, crazy but true)
Panel 3:
Golden feather and silver wing in a newspaper office talking to J. Jonah Jameson pony
[We used disguises, wanting to try and find gabby gums, not knowing whether to kill or kiss them.]
Panel 4:
Golden feather and silver wing find Shutterbug on the street
[after a long search we seemed to have found our pony]
Page 70:
Panel 1:
Golden feather and silver wing secretly follow Shutterbug to a house near the edge of a forest
[but something was up cause her house was so far from any town]
Panel 2:
Golden feather and silver wing approach the house and a green light shines inside
[so imagine our surprise]
Panel 3:
Golden feather and silver wing peeking in through the window shocked as they see a naked Chrysalis holding a pic of Spike
Chrysalis: (Spike)
[to find out it was really Chrysalis]
Panel 4:
Chrysalis on a bed near a wall full of pictures of Spike using a dildo on herself while fondling her breasts
Chrysalis: (oh Spike, make me your, be my king)
[and she seems to have fallen in love with you]
Page 71:
Panel 1:
Golden feather writing a letter and silver wing sneak in behind Chrysalis
[so we did the only rational thing, we snuck in]
Panel 2:
Golden feather and silver wing jumping onto a surprised Chrysalis
[tackled and subdued her]
Panel 3:
Golden feather and silver wing holding a tied up Chrysalis with an anti magic ring on her horn standing on a magic portal
Chrysalis: (let me go)
[and took her back to the castle]
Panel 4:
Golden feather and silver wing holding a tied up Chrysalis in a dungeon with Twilight in a dominatrix outfit and Raven holding a box
[for interrogation]
Chrysalis: (let me go)
Page 72:
Panel 1:
Twilight tying Chrysalis to an x frame as Golden feather and silver wing begin to detransform
Chrysalis: (you’re going to pay for this)
Twilight: (be quiet, we have questions and want answers)
Silver wing: (that’s right especially about you and Spike miss Gabby Gums)
Panel 2:
Celestia and Luna fully detransform and are wearing dominatrix outfits as Raven starts to open the box, Chrysalis looks away blushing
Chrysalis: (don’t know what you talking about)
Luna: (oh, we have ways of making you talk)
Celestia: (right Raven)
Raven: (yes your majesties)
Panel 3:
Twilight, Luna and Celestia, evilly smirking as they look inside the box as Chrysalis struggle on the x frame
Twilight: (yes, these are perfect)
Chrysalis: (stop this. I won’t talk, I’ll never talk)
Page 73:
Panel 1:
Chrysalis starts laughing with tears in her eyes as Luna and Celestia tickle her breasts; Twilight tickles her pussy and uses her magic on two feathers to tickle her feet. All the feathers are phoenix feathers
Twilight; (alright but no funny business cause you’ll be the only one laughing)
[she was easy to break]
Page 74:
Panel 1:
Celestia and Luna talking to a wide eyed Spike
Celestia: (turns out she had been spying on us for quite a while)
Luna: (feasting on our love at time)
Panel 2:
Pinkie and Rainbow Dash cuddle up to Spike
Rainbow: (it was so powerful, that it became an aphrodisiac to her)
Pinkie: (and since she wants it so bad, we thought you should give it to her)
Panel 3:
Celestia and Luna cuddle up to Spike too
Luna: (I hate to say it but we owe her)
Celestia: (she is the reason you proposed and we got married)
Spike: (‘sigh’ yeah you girls are right)
Page 75:
Panel 1:
Spike walk over to the others still playing around with Chrysalis
Spike: (okay girls it’s my turn)
Panel 2:
Twilight kisses Spike on the cheek
Twilight: (give it to her and claim her Spike)
Panel 3:
Spike stand between Chrysalis’ legs, his cock rubbing against her pussy, Chrysalis starts to panic a tiny bit
Spike: (time for a bit of payback)
Panel 4:
Spike starts fucking Chrysalis as she moans
Chrysalis: (aahhh, t-too big)
Page 76:
Panel 1:
Spike thrusting into Chrysalis while groping her breasts
Chrysalis: (s-so rough aahh)
Panel 2:
Spike thrusting into Chrysalis while groping her breasts and licking her nipples
Chrysalis: (p-please)
Panel 3:
Spike thrusting into Chrysalis while groping her breasts and biting one of her nipples
Chrysalis: (oh gaahhwd)
Panel 4:
Spike thrusting into Chrysalis while groping her breasts and biting the other nipple
Chrysalis: (i-I’m gonna)
Page 77:
Panel 1:
Spike stops thrusting and Chrysalis becomes confused and panics
Spike: (not yet you’re not)
Panel 2:
Spike just stands as Chrysalis bites her bottom lip
Spike: (if we are going to do this, you have to promise to be a good girl from now on. Then you can cum)
Panel 3:
Spike starts to pull out of Chrysalis, as she tries to resist the urge to beg
Spike: (I see you don’t want to then)
Panel 4:
Spike smiles as Chrysalis starts to happily beg him
Chrysalis: (okay, okay I promise. I pinkie promise I’ll be good. Just please let me cum)
Spike: (alright then)
Page 78:
Panel 1:
Spike starts to fuck Chrysalis again
Chrysalis: (thank y)
Panel 2:
Spike deeply kissing a wide eyed Chrysalis
Chrysalis: (mmph)
Panel 3:
Chrysalis starts to close her eyes and ease into the kiss
Panel 4:
Chrysalis starts to kiss him back
Page 79:
Panel 1:
Spike and Chrysalis cum together while kissing
Page 80:
Panel 1:
Spike presses his forehead on Chrysalis’
Spike: (so, do you have anything to say)
Chrysalis: (when do I get my collar?)
Panel 2:
The girls untie and let Chrysalis down
AJ: (welcome to the harem sister Chrysalis)
Fluttershy: (so what are we going to do the rest of the day?)
Panel 3:
Spike relaxes on a coach with some of the girls
Celestia: (why don’t we let our newest member decide?)
Panel 4:
Chrysalis gently pulls twilight away and she follows
Chrysalis: (I have an idea, but will need Twilight’s help)
Twilight: (ok)
Page 81:
Panel 1:
Chrysalis takes Twilight into another room
Panel 2:
A green flash comes from the room
Panel 3:
Two Twilights come out of the room making out with each other
Panel 4:
The two Twilights stop and hug, their breasts pressing against each other
Twilight: (so Spike, want to play a game?)
Other Twilight: (see if you can figure out who’s who)
Off Screen: (here we go again)
Page 82
Panel 1:
Spike in a threesome with two Twilights
Panel 2:
Spike in a threesome with two Raritys
Panel 3:
Spike in a threesome with two Pinkie Pies
Panel 4:
Spike in a threesome with two Applejacks
[she sure had a great idea]
Page 83:
Panel 1:
Spike in a threesome with two Rainbow Dashes)
Panel 2:
Spike in a threesome with two Fluttershys’
Panel 3:
Spike in a threesome with two Lunas
Panel 4:
Spike in a threesome with two Celestias
[and made a great honeymoon the best]
Page 84:
Panel 1:
Spike and Twilight near a shamed Chrysalis as Cadance and Shining Armor sit on their thrones
[but trouble awaited us when we came back]
Shining Armor: (Twiliy, have you forgotten what she didto us)
Cadance: (even if you forgiven her, it’ll take a lot and I mean a lot for us to)
Panel 2:
Cadance, in a rope bondage suit, hanging from the ceiling, being double penetrated by two Shining Armors. In the background a naked Twilight sits on Spike’s lap as they watch
Cadance: (You’re forgiven, oh sweet Celestia you’re forgiven a thousand times over. Please keep pounding my ass)
Shining Armor: (We’ll keep going til Twiliy’s an aunt)
[some were a bit easy to handle]
Page 85:
Panel 1:
Some of the girls battling buff Tirek in Ponyville
Panel 2:
The others battling King Sombra
[others were a bit hard to deal with]
Panel 3:
Tirek and Sombra defeated
[though we won in the end]
Page 86:
Panel 1:
The elements and tree of harmony shattering
Panel 2:
The golden oak library blowing up
[the loses were great]
Panel 3:
Spike hugging a crying Twilight outside the destroyed library
[and the sadness we felt even greater]