A recent arguement has creeped up following recent AUP changes, and someone spouted the phrase "power dynamic" at me, defining it as an individual who is relied upon for most if not all of one's basic needs. So I posit this, as a real-life scenario; it actually happened, to me.
My SO at the time was six years my senior. I was aware of this, chose to live with them of my own accord; numbers don't bother me.
I relied on them for everything: They cooked my meals, took me to clean clothes, influenced what i watched. They ensured i excercised, had a roof over my head, a place to sleep, and tried to keep my spending frugal and not frivolous.
In short: They fulfilled all of my basic needs.
I was explicitly active with this person, on many occasions; both of my initiation, and of theirs, with varying degrees of desire or 'consent'.
No physical harm was ever done; emotional, though, came later. (If you know me, you know to whom I refer.)
This relationship began of MY doing, before the current legally defined number for doing so in the country it occured. The relationship lasted fifteen years, no irl explicit contact was had before the then-current acceptable number.
Specific numbers ommited due to AUP.
Was this abuse? I've currently heard mixed reactions, from both parties who knew US, together; and parties whom heard the stories, years later. The former said no; the latter said 'definitively yes'.
So I leave it to argue.
----WAS *I* Abused?----
For the record: I do not hate this person, nor do I fault them for anything. I choose to remember the good times, and forget the bad. But I want to know.
Comment below.
Note: I have no intention to regulate these comments. I truly don't care if I'm kicked as a result. Drop the truth bombs!
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1 year, 5 months ago
21 Sep 2023 16:09 CEST