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Writers question

To all the writers out there.

Do you ever have stories waiting to be finished and you really want to work on them but dread to even start back up on them because it’s been so long since you last looked at them and you know your writing has changed and it is most likely you would rather scrap the whole thing and start over, but even that feels like a mountain to climb over?

“I'd rather succeed in doing what we can than fail to do what we can't.” - Watership Down
Viewed: 28 times
Added: 9 months, 2 weeks ago
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Aha, I just decided to scrap my whole first novel and re-write the whole damn thing from scratch, because even with recent revisions it was a terrible trainwreck of a book. I'm enjoying the re-write now I'm into it, but yeah, I definitely know what you're talking about.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
*hugs*  Yeah, that is what I should do too. Just keep the basic idea and start over so I am happier with the story.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
I know that happens when composing music. So yeah, it's a thing. For me the biggest concern is, will I wreck the tone of a preexisting work with all the new things I know and all the changes that have happened to me.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh I could only image it being a lot of trouble with music.  I am glad to know its not just me. *hugs*
9 months, 2 weeks ago
*hugs* indeed!
9 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't dread to start back up on mine. Really I want to but for some reason laziness is overtaking me.

9 months, 2 weeks ago
lol I can understand that too. I have so many other things to do its easy to put it off longer.
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh yes, very much so. It's because of that reason I dread even starting some of the story ideas I've wanted to, because I can't guarantee any consistency in my writing quality from one story to another.
9 months, 1 week ago
It is hard to keep it consistent, I think every writer has that issue. I just try my best and hope it works out. Thus why I almost avoid stories I have started and have not completed.
9 months, 1 week ago
Sometimes... it depends on the circumstances involved within any given story. If something doesn't seem to make sense chronologically, I'll take certain liberties to rectify and revise it to further make sense. That rarely happens though, unless somebody points some glaring error out to me. :P

There's a few ideas I'd like to divulge upon but my only concern is that they won't translate very well into written passages...
9 months, 1 week ago
I personally get hung up on small details. Like names, phrasing, or even body positions, and definitely keeping things chronological. I have spent so many hours just revising a single sentence somethings that it may be all I get done in a nights work. I think that is when I feel the unhappiest and the happiest. Unhappy because I feel dumb that it took me to get a line sound/reading right to myself and happy that I was able to make to line enjoyable. Well, I hope enjoyable haha.

" GratitudeAdvocate wrote:
There's a few ideas I'd like to divulge upon but my only concern is that they won't translate very well into written passages...
What kind of idea's?  
9 months, 1 week ago
Mostly ideas of a subconscious nature, like delving into the minds and memories of certain characters to reveal emotional impactful scenarios... untold secrets revealed,  harsh judgments cast forth; deepest darkest personal vulnerabilities exposed. I'm heavily influenced by horror fiction writers and the notion of supernatural phenomena among the anthros I write about are basically what keep me going, but I sometimes feel like it can be quite tricky to pull off such a strange trope and not deviate from the focus of any given story. I don't want to intimidate anyone with my literary fiction! That's why I try to find ways to allow others to read cohesively and comfortably.
9 months, 1 week ago
I would agree, keeping the story cohesive is very important and that is what I hope to achieve too. And I do like the idea of delving into the character to reveal little things about them, but I am not that good at that part yet hahaha.
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