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I'm an artist kemono american- yo soy artista kemono americano

Yo estaba muy contento en Cubcentral un site fantasticamente libre  donde yo pudiera hacer kemono con humanos,muchos artista furries,les cuesta trabajo aceptar humanos entre los furries, si menciono algunos la lista seria larga lo que dibujamos kemonos-furries-hadas-juunji con humanos dije bien claro lo que dibujamos
no ponemos fotos ni nada de eso solo dibujo es lo mas humano posible,es parte de la mente de la fantasia unicamente.

Yo soy bluepaw de cubcentral muchos buenos amigos me recomendaron aqui,como yo soy un artista kemono-manga ya sea o no hentai me gusta dibujar humanos con furries es parte de la fantasia como lo
es los cubs y los lolitas son simplemente fantasias donde solo estan en un papel,yo soy el legendario artista y unos de los primeros del arte fur que puso humanos con los fur-anthopormofos, siempre lo he dibujado asi o no seria bluepaw,muchos artistas extranjeros tanto europeos y orientales conocen a bluepaw y respetan mi estilo de dibujo  y espero que sean mas tolerantes con este artista humano revelde que ama los furries-kemono juujin entre los mundos del arte.

para muestra les podria dar muchos link de varios artistas tanto americanos y como orientales que si meten humanos con los fur-kemonos y nunca ha habido un poblema con este tipo de arte hasta lo puede comprobar en FA y son muy famosamente mundiales y muy buscados por todos ustedes.

I was very  happy in Cubcentral a site fantastically
free where I could do kemono with humans, many artist furries, costs work to them to accept humans between the furries,
if I mention some the long was a list very big what we drew kemonos-furries-juujin
you foretell with humans I said well clearly what we drew
 we do not put photos nor anything of that drawing only is but human possible,
that  is part of the mind of the imagination unique.

I 'm bluepaw of cubcentral many good friendly recommended to me here,
 as I am an artist kemono-fur if was hentai or not
I  like to draw humans with furries is part of the imagination and of tha fantasy
 like are cubs and lolitas are simply imaginations fantastic where they only are in a paper,  
I am the legendary artist and of first of the art fur that put humans with the fur-antho,
I have drawn always of this way or nonserious bluepaw,
many European and as much Eastern foreign artists know who is bluepaw
and respect my style of drawing and I hope that they are but tolerant with
this rebellious human artist who loves furries-kemono juujin anthro
 between worlds of the art. for sample will can to give many Link
them of several American artists and as as much Eastern that if
they put humans with the fur-kemonos and never have been a problem
with this type of art can verify until it in FA and world-wide
and are very very famous looked for all yours!.

i'm sorry for my bad english but i use the translated of yahoo.
Viewed: 36 times
Added: 14 years, 2 months ago
14 years, 2 months ago
It's no problem with the language/translation.  I understand most of what you have said and I liked your ideas of humans with furries.  Until the Inkbunny administration say's to you this or that can't be seen here, I would say to let it stay.
14 years, 2 months ago
i read this  menssage of inkbunny-
I am afraid that you cannot post humans in sexual situations on Inkbunny.

From our acceptable content policy ( http://wiki.inkbunny.net/wiki/ACP#Human_Characters) :

[quote]Human characters are permitted in artwork, however they *must not appear in sexual situations* and *must not show genitals or sexual arousal*.

Human characters are permitted in stories only so long as they are not involved in sexual situations of any kind.

Characters that are essentially human (pixies, faeries, elves, orcs, trolls, etc) or just have ears/tails or other superficial animal features applied are considered human for this rule.[/quote]

We do not have any problem with humans in general, but that the laws of many countries forbid such pictures, especially when they may be children, and we do not want to get our users (or staff) in trouble.

!n a single word is called a contradiction this menssage, but that poblem is called racism disguised as "moral poblem," that humans love the anthros, is the same when the human world is a different race, who mind the fact that a human right an anthro love, which is similar to a "whitey loves people of color or vice versa, is a way rude  of say of all the racist, hypocritical spoke, as the alleged artists, but here in the country that said  of course" freedom "will have many reasons here or whatever, when if there are many sites that if allowed because they know that are just fantasy, first I am an ARTIST! drawing in this way as well as all the Japanese artists and too others as also as Sweden, Denmark and other countries with better compression Hunan and professional, as there may be prejudice, when they are simple fantasies and simple drawings that do not involve anyone mingling with the dial rather hypocritical ethics with confirmed here is that artistic and creaCtive prejucio, that was my feeling and I was not wrong, in said it so many who mistrusted on inkbunny, so I return cubcentral,  Tksanctuary, play mouse  HentaiFoundry and pixiv where humans can draw love or anthros kemono-anthro-kemono who love humans and so much artists that are doing on the controversial FA, with more reason i love cubcentral with that years that have in cubcentral these pictures and never were low and never had poblem as here, so thank you very much I'm leaving this site.

En una sola  palabra esto se llama contradiccion, mas que poblemas se llama  racismo disfrazado de "poblema moral", de que los humanos amen a los anthros ,es igual cuando la gente humana es de distinta raza,el hecho que les molesta que un humano haga el amor a un anthro,que es similar a que un "blanquito ame a una de color" o viceversa, es el modo de decir grosero de los racistas,en forma hipocrita de los supuestos artistas, mas aqui en el supuesto pais de la "libertad",  muchas razones tendran aqui o lo que sea, cuando en si existen muchos sites que si lo permiten porque saben que son solo fantasia, en primer lugar soy un ARTISTA! que dibuja de esta forma a igual como los artistas japoneses e  igual como otros como suecia, dinamarca y otros paises con mejor compresion hunana y profesional, como es posible que existan los prejuicios, cuando son simple fantasias y simples dibujos que no involucran a nadie,  que mezclan con la disque etica mas bien hipocrita, con eso confirmo que aqui hay prejucio artistico y creactivo,ese era mi sentir y no me equivoque, asi se lo decia muchos que desconfiaba de inkbunny, asi que me regreso a cubcentral , a Tksanctuary , a play mouse , a HentaiFoundry y a pixiv donde yo pueda  dibujar humanos que amen a kemonos-anthro o anthros-kemono que amen a humanos como lo estan haciendo el el polemico FA, con mas razon amo mas a cubcentral que tienen años estos dibujos y nunca le dieron baja y nunca tuve poblemas como aqui  ,asi que muchas gracias yo me voy de este site .
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