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Emergency Vet Visit

So some how, my 14 year old mutt was drugged with.. something.. and we ended up having to run her to the vet last night for an emergency diagnosis.  She could not walk, stand up, or move very well, as if she were 'drunk'.   We are not sure what she got into, but a night of detoxing and a day at home sleeping, she is starting to get better.  

Bella still has trouble walking.  Where last night she was walking as if she was DRUNK, now she is walking like she is trying to find her sea legs.  As long as she is slow, she is okay, but quick turns or trying to shake her fur out causes her to fall down.  But this is far better than 24 hours ago.

The cost, over $1800 Canuck dollars..  Well, there goes Christmas... heh heh... This dog has cost us over $5k in the past year... but given how she was so badly neglected and mistreated in her youth, i just want to make sure the rest of her life is a good one.

I am going to look to open up a few commissions, but given just how fucking exhausted I am, it will be a slow go.   If you are interested, poke me AFTER Labour Day.  As for now, I am going to eat, then sleep... as I have not sleep for nearly 3 days now.

Viewed: 6 times
Added: 9 months, 2 weeks ago
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