If you ever want to draw fanart for someone, most people will be like "I'm happy about any art I receive of my characters so go for it, no need to ask :D"
and I thought so too and whenever someone asked about if I'm cool with fanart I said "yeah sure!"
after a NSFW picture with a torture kink I then would usually add "of course! But nothing nsfw, thank you"
if you ask about NSFW being OK and describe what it is and I'm ok with that - but then add ... something... that is NOT ok...
for no one.
Specify what you want to draw.
I do not want to talk about this.
But what happened really wasn't ok for me and I'm legit in tears, shaking.
Not cool.
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1 year, 7 months ago
25 Aug 2023 20:19 CEST
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