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First of all I would like to say that the support and love, appreciation that I've received over the years has been awesome! Thanks so much for all of the well wishes, the comments and enjoying the ride with the lewd pupper that ish I 😋

I wanted to start this off with a more positive note and then move into some stuff that I have noticed that I don't appreciate.
Quite a few of the people I've supported for years, given the benefit of the doubt and made excuses/reasons for in my mind as well as defended kinda suck and fall short when it comes to repaying the favor. And I know it shouldn't be an obligation and also that real life can lots of times get in the way and come first but all of the time? Are you only going to post journals whining and wailing about how unfair life is and only when you have something to complain about? Are you only gonna show up to the party to ruin it, only comment on art and pay attention only to nitpick and bring artists down, ignore the stories that take so sooooo long to write (because I don't like to read, it's boring and the only thing interesting is when Johnny puts his dick in Monica or Raymond). No offense but that's pathetic to me, especially when you're not putting in any of the work yourself, especially when you sit back and do nothing but commission what you want. Yeah you work hard for the money but it shouldn't give you the right to treat those of us who come home from working a 9 to 5 right to another job that a lot of times is thankless with a bunch of customers who can be some of the most entitled, ignorant, egotistical fluffs ever, like shit.

Let me just pause here and say that a vast majority of people who I have done business with have been wonderful to work with, patient with me exc. I've been on both sides of things, commissioning and being the artist commissioned. Everyone's perspective is different as well as relevant. From where I'm standing though there are so soooo many people willing to trash the efforts of anyone who tries.
As if it isn't hard enough to practice for years, be lucky enough to attract an audience, keep said audience, develop a style, gain traction and self confidence while simultaneously having to work through changes in technology, art programs, updates, what's popular and relevant vs what is tossed aside because it's so yester year and old....

All of that, all of that perseverance and up hill battle and even if you have never screwed over anyone, even if you have been dependable and go out of your way to be nice, you still get lumped in with the rest, with the few instances where artists do take money and run. Over generalization, as well as a lack of appreciation is rampant for most things these days because of oversaturation of entertainment. There are so many many things we can do and so much available that it's easy to take it for granted or to make demands that might seem completely reasonable when they aren't.
I am thankful for all that this Fandom has given me personally but I'm so sick of the stupid, entitled mother fuckers who have nothing better to do with their time and their lives than to be bitter. Maybe something happened to you or someone wronged you.....I'm sorry and empathize that it did. Maybe it's been a streak of bad luck that you've suffered, my condolences to you and yours. Doesn't in any way however change the fact that I'm not responsible and it's not my fault. You did dumb things that have won you dumb prizes, I had nothing to do with selecting or winning them for you. You do.
So word to the wise if you want to share positivity and good vibes by all means share, hit me up, provide constructive criticism every once in a while by all means. But keep your drama and petty put upon bullshit out of my sandbox and out of my outlet for imagination. I built mine up brick by brick so before you come to me cocked and ready to spread hate and a bad mood turn right around and leave me be, especially if you haven't put in the time or the effort (YOURSELF) to build yours.  You want things to get better, they aren't going to if all you can do is complain about everyone else when the real problem is in the mirror, staring you back in the eyes, a perfect, entitled copy of you leering back but somehow invisible to your blind ass because for some reason your shit is an aphrodisiac and doesn't smell bad, somehow being nice is beneath you....
There's enough bull in the real world without you messing up make believe and online life as well. So do us all a favor and back off.
Anyways rant over. I don't like feeling this way at all. But it just is something that has been happening lots to both me and quite a few of my friends, and it's not cool.
Viewed: 383 times
Added: 1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
Misery, as they say, loves company. And we're all the heroes of our own story. When you put that together it's very tempting to fall into the position that you are above others, more than them. And from that position to not grant anyone excuses or mercy. Sure, others may work hard, but not as hard as you. In fact they probably slack off and watch youtube all day. They don't put as much effort into their work as you do, they don't feel as strongly as you do. They don't understand (they're probably not that smart) and they're not as nice (they're not there for you ALL the time!) This is how you can get millionaire CEOs whose companies have been bailed out, getting a $10'000'000 bonus and whining about how their employees don't want to go back to the office.

It takes effort to step back and see the good in the world and even more effort to see the good in others and feel their pain. It takes humility to step out of the world that revolves around you and into another's. The cycle of negativity is so much easier to fall into than the one of positivity and building-up. So those who try are often swimming against the tide. Of course this particular bit of knowledge isn't the most cheerful either, but you gotta know it to fight it. And you can always end on a cheerful note.

In that vein, here's a pug enjoying some steak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E57o0K2kMWc
1 year, 6 months ago
You have grown as an artist since I started following you. Don't let the haters get to you, your art just keeps getting better and better. In this world you can't please everyone sadly
1 year, 6 months ago
Thanks bunny fluff! I try and most times it's easy given how awesome friends and family are. It's just every once in a while there are those that are pretty annoying to deal with. Appreciate your support 🥰
1 year, 6 months ago
<3 love ya fluff butt, hehe *hugs tightly* Keep up the great work!
1 year, 6 months ago
Why not just put this person name out there? He's obviously the one giving you trouble why not do the same back?
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm pretty sure calling someone out I think that's against the sights TOS and all it does is causes more harm then good.
1 year, 6 months ago
*hugs* Pup.

You be you pup, let the rest of the world sort itself out.
1 year, 6 months ago
In all fairness. There are plenty of good and EXTREMELY patient customers who put up with some pretty obnoxious shit from artists. Artists who act just as entitled. Not saying you in particular, just that, it's not one sided. :/
1 year, 6 months ago
As I've stated I've put up with some things from artists as well who feel entitled and seen some of it both ways. However I felt I'd put some perspective out there from my point of view which is I feel talked about less. There's a whole lot of crap either way that happens behind the scenes without a doubt.
1 year, 6 months ago
It's a fandom full of emotionally immature furries. Kinda puts the ones who are willing to act like adults at a disadvantage. There's no good reason to act like a insufferable 9 year old (not you, just people in general). I would remind artists though, regardless of the obnoxious customers, there still is a large demand. You can still make money making art. Which is a damn sight better than the situation for a lot of other artists.  
1 year, 6 months ago
I feel like this is relevant here.  https://twitter.com/OapaKorgs/status/1678235434105688064

But anyway, I feel for ya.  If it wasn't against TOS, I'd say to name and shame the people who do that.  Making them known seems like the only way to stop the behavior sometimes.
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