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On enjoying cub, death

TRIGGER WARNING: The following is dark and speaks about murderous desire frankly and without judgement. I don't condone any of the harm I'm speaking about here, and the desires I talk about are purely expressed through and acted on in fantasy and roleplay between consenting adults.

Why do I desire killing in my art?

Understanding the emotional core of a piece of artwork is important, what am I doing if I draw without understanding this?

When I think of pleasant things, a butterfly, a barking dog, children around an icecream truck, the pleasure in them is obvious, so what of a collar wearing anime girl trapped in a unkempt backyard? What on earth is it that I gain from this? To violate and kill them, why would I find that at all pleasant? I thought for a while.

The theories.

Do I crave tragedy because I'm grieving childhood? Lamenting my own past, projecting it onto some avatar of the femnine side of my emotions, I create a subject for myself to cry through, a ventriliquists doll to torture rather than crying myself. If I accept being an adult, how does this change my relationship to my artwork? Does considering ANYONES sadness in ANY situation satisfy this desire to grieve? Can tragedy be explored outside of sex? Can growth and healing take the place of grief? Instead of killing to end somethings suffering, can I use my power and control to give it a happier life?

Do I want to violate the weak because I desire power? Control? To what ends? Power permits actions not otherwise accepted. Someone I'm so much bigger than, so much stronger than, It must be true that I see myself as weak because I make the subject of my affection and aggression something incapable of resistance. Can we make them incapable in other ways? Does a stronger and more mature but bound up thing work, what of just getting stronger myself? How else can control be taken, how about being asked for? Can consent take the place of overpowering?

Do I kill to avoid being shamed? The dead can't shame you, clean and simple. There's more ways to avoid shame: A blinded and deafened victim of my affection would serve just as well. So would someone incapable of really understanding their surroundings. As long as I am not percieved, not understood, not seen, then all is well. But if I am seen, death erases memory. If I'm only avoiding shame, would acceptance suffice as a replacement for murder? Being accepted? Accepting myself?

Do I hunt innocence because I lack confidence? Age or lack of experience both work just as well. Perhaps innocence is not a virtue in my partner, but expresses a lack of confidence within me. If I kill to avoid shame, does something similar cause me to seek out innocence? Not shame, but fear of being belittled, feeling small. The way that I would make myself feel if I was corrected, redirected, or told something. Can I just have confidence in myself instead of seeking out people less experienced than me? Can I accept being the student and not the teacher, at times?

So, right now, for something to turn me on, it's got to be the following:
Tragic, Weaker, Effectively Mute (dead or invalid), and Naive.
I might instead seek out the following traits:
Openness and generosity, Consent, Acceptance, Mutuality/Confidence

There is only one more question, what in me would prefer the former to the latter? What part of me is proud or comfortable with what I like and who I am? To what ends does a one sided sexual encounter bring me joy or satisfaction?

I believe it's the part of me that most wants love. To be understood, cherished, attended to by another. Accepted. I wasn't loved right and don't understand love well, so I developed a series of kinks. When I wsa younger I must've come to see sex as the fulfillment of a close bond, but I felt too tragic, to weak, to silenced, to naive to properly engage in relationships, let alone sex. Confused about how to improve, I built a lust that could steal the symbols of love and affection from others cruelly and coldly to feed myself, killing to leave no trace of my theft so I could cherish the moments I took without the victim there to contradict my story. Forcefully building a close bond with someone while also protecting myself from them because they're a threat to my ego.


Welp, that's gonna be useful information going forward. No Limits Commissions are open, hope you enjoy my work! Cub Snuff coming up soon!
Viewed: 364 times
Added: 1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
I love cub snuff
1 year, 7 months ago
I don't like any snuff.
1 year, 7 months ago
Same it's pretty great
1 year, 7 months ago
art is a powerful way of expressing uncomfortable fetishes and exploring trauma.
i really like noncon (*especially* when young helpless innocents are getting hurt and violated~) but for me the thing i fear the most is harming other people, so the opposite of that became fetishized; it's an inversion of what i value in life

closely examining the kinda ambivalent feelings ur describing can create some truly powerful art
1 year, 7 months ago
It's funny, when I was a teen, there were these kids playing on a flatbed trailer, climbing on it, having fun. One of them slipped and fell off the front, hitting his head on the way down. I jumped down to check if he was okay and I saw blood running down his face. I freaked! I ran to get help. He was okay, didn't need stitches, and I went home, afraid if I stayed there I'd have nightmares about it.

But of course, you show me some art or an animation about a cub falling and smashing their skull open in much the same way, my only reaction would be "needs more rape".
1 year, 7 months ago
The odd thing for me is I'd be even more into it if the *characters* themselves are into it. Picture the same scene: say, a fox kit playing on a vehicle, spots a grownup who looks like they might enjoy what comes next, and waves at them. "Hey look at me!" The kit then dives off the vehicle aiming for a sharp loose rock on the ground, and smashes their skull open. Almost immediately, a ghostly form rises up off the fresh corpse, haunting as loud as they can: "Oh darrrn, looks like I died, be a real shaaaame if someone just started using my corpse as a yiff toy. Hint hint! Wink!"
1 year, 7 months ago
There's certainly a debate on nature vs. nurture when it comes to kinks, but whatever it is, once it's there, it plays by its own rules regardless of reasons, or your understanding of it.
1 year, 7 months ago
I'm not a fan of snuff.
1 year, 7 months ago
Originally I had no desires for snuff/gore but as I got older these began to start in basic interest, to simply just look.
But it soon later became a fetish for me, enough to seek it and enjoy. I’m pretty sure it stems from my sadism kink. Delivering some pain has always been satisfying to me, even when I was younger. Getting into fights and such was always exciting.

Nowadays my sadism is clearly something I keep in the bedroom with consent. But porn is fake and all free gain. And what could be more painful than murder, dismemberment, drowning. It’s the ultimate pain being put onto something.
And of course this is all something that I’d never do in real life due to obvious reasons.

And putting a cub into the mix makes it all the more pleasurable to me, seeing something so pure and innocent get absolutely ruined with no way to defend itself, just being forced to endure the pain in so tantalizing.
1 year, 7 months ago
I'm pretty sure at least part of the reason I'm into snuff comes directly from things I was exposed to as a young child that induced a lot of anxiety/trauma at the time I was exposed to them. So now I'm an adult navigating these fetishes that started as debilitating fears.

(Sorry that I didn't respond to your PM, I've had a lot going on IRL and been inactive. My financial situation unfortunately has changed and for now I can't afford commissions but I will update you.)
1 year, 7 months ago
No worries! Come back ground if you get the chance again, and thank you for giving me a chance to begin with!
1 year, 7 months ago
For what it's worth...

For my part, with these 'bad things happening' themes, whatever they may be, I think it's a few elements.  There's contrast against the positive traits in the characters, there's emphasizing the characters' inherent value by exploring situations where it's lost or wasted...

And additionally there's also that childhood sense of 'what if it doesn't turn out okay?' that you'd get from those slightly scary children's films.

I realize this might seem a bit... idealistic?  But nonetheless I can't help but feel that, for me at least, it's very much about shining a light on the good.  Same goes for fanart of bad things happening to characters in media I enjoyed.  Exploring potential 'bad ends' puts the canon good end in a clearer frame.  'The victory wasn't inevitable and/or arbitrary; it could have turned out like this.'

And by extension all those positives-from-negatives serve to lend a certain... well, inherent value, even when there isn't a greater positive context to a piece of art where bad things happen.  The absence of a positive outcome is itself something to be acknowledged and explored.
1 year, 7 months ago
I like snuff art because it's taking something horrific and monstrous: death itself, and expressing it in a way that's safe and comfortable for us to experience: a drawing, or an animation, or a 3D model.

The concept of the "snuffie" genre takes it even further into the realm of fantasy by making it "safe" within the bounds of the fantasy world the art or story is "happening" in. With snuffie, the characters themselves aren't being permanently harmed by bodily destruction that would be the permanent end of a life in the real world. They resurrect/respawn, or continue existing in an afterlife, or reincarnate with enough of their memories for continuity of identity, or take on an undead form such as a ghost.

The same goes for cub-inclusive content. Something else that would be horrific in real life becomes safe and fun for everyone. :3
1 year, 7 months ago
Each of these comments is so welcome and so personal, I don't think I should respond to them all because they're all very valid and self sufficient. But if you're seeing this and are thinking about commenting, please join the pool. The waters warm.
1 year, 7 months ago
People often overthink taboo and/or dark kinks in fiction. Fact of the matter is if it ain't real nothings wrong or 'problematic', morals do not apply to fiction simple as that. Personally I love dark and/or taboo porn, the darker and more taboo the better as far as I'm concerned, don't make me a terrible person and it sure as hell don't mean I'm goin around killing and/or raping people. Fiction is not real, it has no effect on real people, so just enjoy what you like and if people try to bitch at you for it blockem and/or report them since most of the time those kinda people will try to harass you for it.
Sorry for the ramble, I'm from Twitter so I see sooo much crap about people getting  hounded over the dumbest shit >.<
1 year, 7 months ago
Oh don't worry, I'm not really trying to find out weather what I'm doing is moral or not. I'm fine drawing porn of this stuff for now, doesn't make me feel guilty in the least.

But I want to know where those desires come from, why do I find it fulfilling or enjoyable or satisfying. Not so I can chastise myself, but so I can better serve the basic things that cause this art to spring up, and make more satisfying work. I have a lot of trouble deciding what projects I'd like to create, or if I'm creating something longer or more intense, what's the point or purpose. Breaking this stuff down might in the future help me think critically about what I make and what it's purpose is so I don't get confused.
1 year, 7 months ago
ah kk, like i said im a twitter user so to me it kinda felt like a 'people were harassing/shaming you so you felt you needed to explain yourself' kinda thing, if that makes sense lol
1 year, 7 months ago
I appreciate the back up, but I'm okay! If people harass me, I'll brush it off, this kind of content isn't for everyone and I wouldn't do it if I wasn't prepared for some backlash.
1 year, 7 months ago
Glad to hear it, it's so frustrating that now a days it seems most people are either absurdly sensitive and get upset at literally everything or are total cowards too terrified of the slightest backlash to post anything fun, I wish more people had your mindset
1 year, 7 months ago
I do enjoy this sort of stuff too, but I've never been able to really dig into why I enjoy it. Can't put it into words just yet, but Im sure some day I'll be able to!
Otherwise, until then I'll continue to enjoy the stuff I do see!
1 year, 6 months ago
How am I going to cum buckets if little girls aren't dying???

A question for the ages.
1 year, 6 months ago
I'm into snuff and not cub.

I think about fetishes and why people have them a lot myself! I don't have much to do in my life and I have a lot of mental issues that I kind of just observe as a third party, so I like to analyse myself as pretentious as that sounds gahaha. I grew up with a dissociation disorder beginning with depression so I'm a mess and "didn't develop right". And oh man, I got HUGE mental whiplash at myself when the dissociation and depression lowered themselves! I immediately stopped watching irl snuff and started drawing it instead, wanting to keep it completely fictional, it's been a lot better for my mental health.

With there already being personal stuff here in these comments, I'll just go for it. I grew up not feeling like I was listened to or that I could tell anyone how I was feeling. I stopped connecting with new people and I fell off with people I knew. I got into a relationship while I was extremely dissociative, meaning I was barely aware of what was going on at the time and I have huge memory loss from that period in my life. I got a bit better after someone broke up with them for me because I managed to squeak out a vent to someone. When my grades dropped I started doing education from home and met a few new friends. Unfortunately with prior PTSD and a sudden new PTSD I became a new mess, but I had these new friends to help me through it more. I'm a lot better now! :)

All the dot points you mentioned would be at different levels for everyone who enjoys snuff (and would occur for different reasons!) so there's a lot of variations on why an individual would enjoy snuff. For me personally, wow, I don't know if I felt any kind of control growing up. I was scared to look in mirrors because I didn't want to acknowledge I existed for god's sake! So it completely manifests itself as a fetish for me based around lack of control and growing up feeling like I couldn't connect with others. I find it very hard to enjoy something without some kind of pain in it. I don't know how normal people be in normal relationships it looks so impossible and boring tbh!

Because irl sex turns me off (says irl living sex sounds weird but. irl living sex), I'm very lucky to have a queerplatonic partner I can do painplay and necro roleplay with, and never in my life would I have believed I'd have the opportunity to do this ^^

When you said "I believe it's the part of me that most wants love. To be understood, cherished, attended to by another. Accepted. I wasn't loved right and don't understand love well, so I developed a series of kinks" That. That's exactly it.
1 year, 6 months ago
Wanna beta read my story Im writing?

Yout comments so perf I felt like youd like jt.

Hmu in my private messages or on discord at guiltstar!

(Anyone else who sees this comment and wpuld like a story about these themes can come and read it too. Hmu on discord or in dms)
1 year, 6 months ago
Yeah sure!
1 year, 4 months ago
Its interesting reading this from the perspective of someone who sort of fantasizes about being the aggressor. I never thought of it as being something that could stem from feeling socially anxious or anxiety around one's own self confidence.

I'm into this because I have masochistic tendencies and fantasize about being the victim. I think it was born of stress. When I was in college and extremely stressed out I found myself wanting an escape from all that responsibility. The idea of giving up all that responsibility and control and instead someone else taking charge was appealing and offered something of a relief. If someone else has power over me, I'm not in control, so there's notthing to worry about the aggressor. Not having to make decisions on my own, instead focusing on one person. Plus in death there's no more responsibility or work to worry about. Its a sort of rest. I also see it as a sort of a romantic thing - to give one's whole self, even their life, to another is weirdly romantic and personal. Couple this with pain and fear being exciting, and well, here we are.
1 year, 4 months ago
Hearing about the other side of it from someone who also got into it into their adulthood (I've been like this since I was like... I must've been 7) is a really important perspective. Sharing is so cool of you! Your thoughts kinda put together a lot for me because I'm always wondering "what could a victim see in my art?" like, who would want entrapment and death, who would enjoy looking at that, and why would they? But I kinda get it now that I'm hearing about it from your side.
1 year, 2 months ago
i found this very informative, thank you for sharing!

When i draw gore/snuff/general harm, i tend to imagine myself as the victim. i preferred scenarios where the malice was somehow justified or excusable, i aimed to make the audience side with the aggressor instead of the victim while still keeping an appeal to the victim. kind of like when a cat eats a mouse, the mouse is still cute but its the cuter cats lunch now and everyone is ok with that.

i suspect my kinks were also due to childhood experiences. that feeling of weakness while being expected to be strong, the self loathing that came from feeling weak while pretending to be strong, eventually maturing into self harm fantasies. the sexualization was likely due to the feeling of relief that being a victim gives, finally being able to be honest about weakness. its also what sparked my interest in necro stuff. seeing dead things got me thinking how lucky they are, completely stripped of dignity and pretense.

later on as i made peace with myself i was drawing a lot less gore. hehe, the negative feedback and death threats also discouraged me a bit and i ended up hiding all my gore art behind the friends only barrier.

in closing, ive noticed an interesting trend among gore artists:
those inspired by sadism more frequently depict damage/disfigurement to the head and face while those inspired by masochism have far less damage/disfigurement to the head and face.

i suspect its due to the emotions experienced by the victim being more important to those inspired by masochism. i'd love to hear your take on this theory.
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