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commissions open (plz read the new rules)

hello everybody!
i feel bad doing such a journal...but:

duo the fact that i have to pay two cons - (at the same time untill 2 months cause both want the money on the same time even if they are on different times) - i have to open up for commissions again.
(i still need around 120 for MMC and around 220 for EF and some normal money to pay to eat and drink)
i will be very thankfully if you help me with that.

but this time i have some extra rules - so plz make sure to read em carefully!
ok here we go:

A) BarbedStudios Commissions
B) Stuff I Like Commissions
C) Pokemon Vore Comic Commissions

- A)
BarbedStudios Commissions:
- if you ever wanted to do dirty stuff with one of the girls or the 3 new boys this option is the best choice for you! (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/5023152/) - if you take this option you'll get a single picture with adult stuff. eigher you chose what they will do OR one of your characters together with one of the barbed team. - just let me know what you want. link me your description and idea!

.....choose what they do (only barbed team charcters)
1 character = ~45euro,
2 characters = ~55euro
3 characters = ~65euro
.....your character together with barbed team member/s
2 characters = ~70euro
3 characters = ~85euro

- B)
Stuff I Like Commissions:
- if you got an own idea for an picture different than the other two options - this is the best choice than - so in other words you tell me what you want to see and i only take the commission if i enjoy to draw it. i think you people know enogh about me to know what i could like and what not :P

.....with simple/easy background
1 character = ~55 to 65 euro
2 characters = ~75 euro
3 characters = ~90 euro
other kind of background = ask

- C)
Pokemon Vore Comic Commissions:
- do you remember the comic i did about the small lugia and mewtwo? or the comic i'm working on for charem - yes the end result will look like that. square formed frames. vore and pokemon topic (at least one part of prey or pred is a pokemon / or both)

1 frame - ask
3 frames - ask
6 frames
9 frames - about ~95 to ~120euros
12 frames - about ~150 to ~170euros
more - ask

and here are some more standard rules:
(please still read them some are new)

- if what you like is not on the list - just ask!
- prices are not bound. there could be a misstake.
- totally difficult pictures or characters can result in a higher price. but depends. just ask!
(barbedstudio characters don't count as a reason for a higher price :P don't be afraid!)
- on the other side i can reduce the price as well if i totally love the idea.

- plz don't be mad with me if i don't want to take your commission without a reason.
- it is NOT about speed - i choose which one i take and will do.
- plz don't bitch about me using notes to handle commissions. if you commission me you agree that i post it on my gallery/s and that means people will know that you ordered it anyway. and for privat details or informations? it's only me who need to give them away not you. x3

- they work in this order: SKETCHING, PAYMENT, INKING, COLORING
if you like to pay forward i'm fine but to be sure i would prefer to take payment after the sketching. i don't offer the pay after colored option anymore!
- I AM ALLOWED to post the pic on my internet gallerys
- there is NO TIMELIMIT but i'll do my best to don't let you wait
- you NEED to pay with PAYPAL but if you know how to pay and transfer to germany - why not!
- I got the right to CANCEL them if i got a personal reason
- commissions are DIGITAL done in SAI and PHOTOSHOP
- you cant get the PSD-file, but a PNG if you want.
- for all OTHER questions PLZ send me a NOTE!

PS: I'm going to let this journal open for maybe a week.
plz send me notes to request a commission. thank you. don't comment to the journal. tnx
Viewed: 14 times
Added: 14 years, 2 months ago
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