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Writing Gay worlds.

As I been debating more on this subject as I work on more and more projects that feature this I have been looking into the many ways people set up Gay only or gay majority settings. Having consumed more and more stories featuring these its been quite fun to develop ideas and consume others who have a setup like this. So as the inner nerd in me is raging to get out I'll share with those who care to read about it (lets be frank this is a niche of niche kink) the ways I seen it done so far.

One of the things that I have loved about looking into these are what ways you change up society based on how they interact with these. When you do a gay only world you have to keep in mind when it started being that way and what things would still be here.

A fun example is in an all male gay world where now gender roles aren't put on you based on biology but your sexual preference how does history change with that in mind? How does gender roles change with only one real gender left? How does family dynamics change? how does the world adapt? How does sexual education change now that both parties can experience the same things?

One of my favorite aspects to explore as well is what is the youth experience like? What is it like growing up in a world like this? What's the school experience like when everyone is gay? Would Nerd and jocks be enemies still or the preferred couples? what would an outcast look like in this situation.

Lots of these discussions I had with my bf as he has been my main story board for ideas. Because it's been so fun just constructing worlds that feature this. Sometimes it's as simple as turning our world into a gay or constructing a fun gay fantasy world. Creating a fun setting or just crafting a fun one off in a setting with this.

So here's a list of ways I found to setup this up for a story:

The Temple/Factory setting:

One of the major factors when doing all male all gay settings is how do they continue existing and one of the ways I seen some do it is by having basically a reproduction factory or holy temple like where the men and boys are created.  This can be used in a sci fi setting, Fantasy setting and other settings pretty easily. You can have the women live in the factories or it by a mystery and you can play with what age people join society from these settings. It's probably one of the easiest ones for those who don't like cubs in their settings as it solves the idea of the whole being sexual without having and cubs around to see it.

One downside is that it removes intimacy, and is harder to do kinks like incest and family dynamics. You can adjust the world to fit these in but this one is better for setting up a fun setting without worrying about where everyone comes from.

The Gay Settlement:

This one is also one that is more friendly for those who don't want to use cubs as it allows you to setup a gay only setting where in men move there from other areas. Whether its to be free or sent their as punishment it's a setting great for exploring the themes of being yourself and being free while fitting in with those around you. Its a way to have a gay sexual area that doesn't make the whole worlds gay. It does lent itself best to fantasy and medieval settings but sci-fi and modern day can work as well. You can also have it be multiple settlements or have it be clubs, cities or even as big a kingdoms.

Main downsides to this is that there is not much in the way of family aspects to it and is a way to shrink the story setting. Though that may be a benefit for some. It also struggles in lore to keep itself filled as it relies on pure recruitment from outside to keep itself going.

the Gay Frontier:

Basically a reverse on the gay settlement where instead of a settlement where everyone is gay. Only outside the shelter of the settlements is everyone gay. This one lends itself well to stories about exploration and in fantasy or medieval worlds. Its best done when there is a threat or its untamed area. This allows you to have a cast that can travel the world and have all the horny and gayness happen outside the safe haven of the safe settlements.

Main downsides to this one is once again you are limited in where you keep stuff. It's not great for a modern day setting and is not as good for cubby stuff. However its great for hero's journey type story.

The Gay accepted world:

This one is the most common type of world I seen in stories. A story where being gay is totally accepted but its still not the norm. Basically our world without any or much reservations of about being gay. This one is fun cause it's just being able to write a story without much issue. Want to write a high school romance? this one is for you. It's probably the easiest way to write just basic gay story stuff.

The Gay majority world:

A take on the gay accepted world. Basically swap or adjust the rate between gay andd straight and make the world more gay than straight. This way can easily be explained cultural or via having a male population skew where more men are born than women leading to more gay couples over all. A good take on the gay accepted and generally good to use everywhere.

The mixed gender all gay world:

This one is take on all gay world that doesn't change the reproduction aspect of the world. Basically you keep the male female roles and then just have everyone be gay. This one lets you set the expectation that every male will be in a gay relationship without making the world all men.

The Outside Mpreg world:

Now the next two are my favorite ways to go about it. You can have it be a plant, or Technology or magic but basically allow to men to reproduce without having sex with each other. Basically have male to male reproduction and introduce the dynamics of having a male only society without that interfering with sex. This is my favorite because of all the little things that changes that happen to construct a world like this. It's also the easiest to make totally horny and incorporate all kinds of kinks into without having to worry about the sex resulting in pregnancy.

The Mpreg world:

Have a world that allows men to get pregnant via sex. This does have to keep itself in mind when building a more sexual world since any sex can lead to impregnation but that can also be a feature of the world and story. I have been exploring this a bit myself and have seen it used in various degrees. It's used either to just let everyone be gay and not even mentioned just implied or its a focus of the story or art.

I have a few examples of most of them though some of them I haven't found enough of to show but I am so in love with the concept of these worlds and I hope people are more than willing to give these worlds a try.

If you ever want to talk about story and world building concepts my telegram is @ saintkoopa so you can hit my up there if you want to ever talk.
Viewed: 124 times
Added: 1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
Well I'm bisexual and have no problem with a gay world.
1 year, 7 months ago
Fun thing is you can apply lots of this to bisexual world too. Lots of the innate changes would still apply though in a different way.
1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
Fully bisexual world was actually the Sims until they made an update recently to add sexual preference.
1 year, 7 months ago
Ah k
1 year, 7 months ago
One of my worlds is literally an all-male version, where females either never existed, or had died out for some reason or other, so I went with an external means, as you put, for procreation.
Like, some kind of magical/miracle fruit or some such.
1 year, 7 months ago
Yep. Plants make a great symbiotic relationship for reproduction. And a world where there were once females really does play differently to ones where none existed to begin with.
1 year, 7 months ago
Yeah, like, in such a world where females did exist at some point, depending on how long ago that was, you could depict the surviving males as either knowing them personally, or knowing them in a historical (recent or longer) context, or after so much time has passed, as nothing more than a fairytale told to boys before they sleep.
1 year, 7 months ago
Yep if it's a few generations back then the elders cab talk about it. Let the youngins know what life was like before it changed. If it's so long it becomes myth and fairytales and can be distorted. Lends itself to a mystery aspect of it.
1 year, 7 months ago
See, this is one of the reasons I love world building so much.
1 year, 7 months ago
Sexual/fetish world building is such a fun thing yet so underexplored.
1 year, 7 months ago
I agree, it really super is, but it shall remain underexplored in a more mainstream sense because the modern world we live in is still surprisingly sex-averse, among other things.
1 year, 7 months ago
Only thought about this a day later, but another interesting facet of a male-only or gay world's world building is that there are things that are unique to the male experience.
Like, off the top of my head, penile development, such as foreskin coming loose for the first time in cubs, or even if circumcision is part of a culture or character's cultural background and such.
1 year, 7 months ago
Yep that is one of things that cause gay worlds to be interesting. You remove the difference between the developments meaning everyone experiences penis development. Everyone gets male puberty meaning everyone gets those awkward raging boners.

Fun addition to it as well is now how parents discuss this with their kids. Normally its a point of contention due to the differences but now both parents experience the male puberty and thus are more open to discussing with their offspring just inherently leading to a more sexually open world.

the circumcision can also play into if its a world that has that.
1 year, 7 months ago
Always fun to have a good ol' gay world, especially one with casual sex dynamics, imo. I admire your commitment to working through the logistics of making such a world function; I'm often tempted to just go the looser, "there are no rules" route, usually by just focusing on the specific story/scenario and not explaining the broader world in very much detail. Perhaps I should try writing something that focuses more heavily on the functioning of the story's world sometime.
1 year, 7 months ago
Yeah it's definitely a much harder and less appealing thing to write but really good when done up right. One of my favorites is basically just write a day in the life of and create a crazy out there set of customs for that person living in their daily life. Like Mandatory Cumming times or can't wear certain clothes during times of the day.
1 year, 7 months ago
It's always interesting to come up with the specific role sex plays within a casual sex world. Could be an afterthought, or the crux of all civilization. Could be simple fun between friends or family, or it could be a means of exerting power and control. So many wonderful possibilities, and yet it feels like an underused theme a lot of the time.
1 year, 7 months ago
Very underused. I do love me some sexual power dynamics and how that goes but I digress.
1 year, 7 months ago
Personally, I'm partial to The Gay Apocalypse, where some cause is going around altering the world to be gay somehow.
1 year, 7 months ago
Gay Apocalypse is a classic as well. Love it when it's also combined with TF or humans turning to furries.
1 year, 7 months ago
The best End scenario ever. Because it doesn't really end but change foundemantally
1 year, 7 months ago
There's a series I really enjoy by one "Serathin" (on FA & SoFurry) called "Population Control". Hit a LOT of my buttons and I can't recommend it enough.
1 year, 7 months ago
Oh I have read it. It's one of my favorite story series he has done.
1 year, 7 months ago
I also feel like your S-Under-D series has shades of the Gay Apocalypse. Looking forward to the next entry, by the way.
1 year, 7 months ago
It's coming along. Just not enough hours in the day. But hoping by early next year to have part 2 and 3 rewrites done.
1 year, 7 months ago
Ugh! I know THAT feeling. No worries though; as long as your going at the pace you need, I'm happy to keep waiting.
1 year, 7 months ago
always fun to see how things turn out wit ha gaypocalypse, many male straight children still got born thanks to some artificial way of birthing yet there are no females, poor guys gotta deal with having no gurls to fuck. XD
1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
One of my personal World buildings is a world only inhabited by males which started originally as a "Harem Planet" for it's creator. There the most important rule would be to have sexual experiences as various and often as possible so that they can feed the tree of life, the heart of their world, who on the other hand keeps the cirle of life going by "reincarnating" the older men back to children, absorbing their experiences and memories while they're resting in it's buds. But the civilization turned away from their duties and the creator has to use "drastic" measures to make Mankind horny again, and safe the world.
1 year, 7 months ago
Oh that sounds very interesting hope to read about it one day. Love the Harem planet setup such a fun way to go about it.
1 year, 7 months ago
Glad you like the idea. Just don't know if I'm creative enough to write it down in full. But I always thought about starting with the cubs first so that they could lure their friends and then family to the underground cult, that is heralded by the creator and his loyalists. Until bit by bit the power scales tip from prudeness to horniness.
1 year, 7 months ago
2 months, 4 weeks ago
For "The Outside Mpreg world", how would the plant work?
2 months, 4 weeks ago
For the plant it's actually quite simple have it be a symbiotic relationship where the plant creates an egg that two males then can both fertilize leading to an offspring. The plant becomes the womb for the offspring in turn being protected by the parents. The plant allows them to breed using itself in turn it gets protection and sustenance .
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I like it! That seems like the one I'd use!
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