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FAQ "The Feast of Nero"

Chirp! ^__^ Finally, I decided to create an FAQ for "The Feast of Nero".
I will be adding new important questions here over time.
Please, keep the conversation civil and let's respect each other ^_^ Chirp!

I like the comic so much! And I would like my character to be in "The Feast of Nero". Is it possible?

No. Strictly no.
But, soon I will create bunch of YCHs with the characters from "The Feast of Nero", so it will be nice opportunity if you want to get your character painted with the characters from "The Feast of Nero". As soon as new characters will appear in the comic, I will create more YCHs featuring them!

In which historical period the events of "The Feast of Nero" take place?

"The Feast of Nero" takes place between 51 and 63 A.D.

Is Servius a wolf?

No! My beloved Servius is not a wolf. He is a coyote. (Yes, I am aware that coyotes do not live in the area of The Roman Empire :) )

Is it possible for a canine like Servius to impregnate a feline like Julia? Seeing how they are smitten with each other.

Yes, it is possible. This is why Julia mentioned Silphium – a plant used like a contraceptive potion. Silphium is not as effective as modern contraceptives (if effective at all), but still.

The breeding logic of  Furry Rome World has the conventionality: different species can have babies together, but with a strict rule – the offspring can never be mixed between different species, so children will strictly take the form one of two parents. Like, there will be no hybrids between cheetah and coyote, but their babies will be cheetah and/or coyote.
There is still a natural, physical limitation for breeding between different species, like elephant male cannot get babies with lynx female, because penis of elephant is too big for lynx. And so on.
So please, keep in mind the conventionality above. In addition, all my stories are focused on Roman customs and life, but not on subtleties of reproduction.

How many pages in total "The Feast of Nero" will contain?

I think not less than hundreds.

What do the carnivore citizens of Furry Rome World feed on? Their herbivorous fellow citizens?

Of course no :) Furry Rome World has cattle, wild game, and everything tasty that a real ancient Rome had.

Viewed: 198 times
Added: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Ah molto interresante ottimo lavoro.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
grazie mille :)
10 months, 3 weeks ago
I will be watching for any YCHs with Flavus, that's for sure :3
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Q: Are we going to see mentions about the further reaches of the Empire later in the Story? E.g. Parthia, Syria, Numidia, Germania, Brittania, etc.? Are we going to see characters from there (of course with focus still being largely on the Furry Roman citizens)?

Q: Do you plan to mirror some important events (e.g. destruction of Pompei) from our history in your storyline?

Q: Are you allowing the possibility of some anachronisms, or are you aiming to be (relatively) close to the Nero's reign? (the simplest example would be the presence of stirrups, which were not known by the Romans, as it appeared in Europe only around VI-th century)

" children will strictly take the form one of two parents. Like, there will be no hybrids between cheetah and coyote, but their babies will be cheetah and/or coyote.

Q: So, is it possible that in a single litter there are some coyotes and some cheetahs (and even some other species in, let's say, very rare special cases)?

Q: Could species be "carried over" a generation? E.g. grandparents are a wolf and a fox, parents are a wolf and a deer, could the child be a fox, or would the appearance of a child of a species unrelated to parents be considered a proof of infidelity?

Q: For species that have litters in nature (like most felines and canines), do they also have litters in Furry Rome, or are single pregnancies predminant? Granted, twins and triplets can still be possible in either case.

Q: Do you have some goal as to how many pages each storyline should take, or do you let it evolve?
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Q: Are we going to see mentions about the further reaches of the Empire later in the Story? E.g. Parthia, Syria, Numidia, Germania, Brittania, etc.? Are we going to see characters from there (of course with focus still being largely on the Furry Roman citizens)?

A: Yes! :) Some characters from other Roman provinces or parts of the Ecumene will just appear for a moment. Some will be important characters :) There is one character. It's not told directly, but his ancestors are from Gallia.

Q: Do you plan to mirror some important events (e.g. destruction of Pompei) from our history in your storyline?

A: The destruction of Pompeii was in 79 AD. The timeline of The Feast Of Nero is 51-63 AD, so I am afraid there will be no references to the Vesuvius eruption or the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD. But we will see. While the main story has been strictly determined, there is still a window for small ideas :) We will see

Q: Are you allowing the possibility of some anachronisms, or are you aiming to be (relatively) close to the Nero's reign? (the simplest example would be the presence of stirrups, which were not known by the Romans, as it appeared in Europe only around VI-th century)

A: I am trying to be as historically accurate as I can. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't (Like I can't depict correct hairstyles because, well, my characters don't have hair). But I am really, really trying my best to keep it historically accurate. In the end, it's a huge task to research information, and I may miss something. (^_^ Yes, I knew there were no stirrups, so I will not depict them)

" children will strictly take the form one of two parents. Like, there will be no hybrids between cheetah and coyote, but their babies will be cheetah and/or coyote.

Q: So, is it possible that in a single litter there are some coyotes and some cheetahs (and even some other species in, let's say, very rare special cases)?

A: Yes, you can have a baby cheetah and a baby coyote in one pregnancy. But no, no other species. It would be waaay too chaotic.

Q: Could species be "carried over" a generation? E.g. grandparents are a wolf and a fox, parents are a wolf and a deer, could the child be a fox, or would the appearance of a child of a species unrelated to parents be considered a proof of infidelity?

A: I need some time to answer this question. ^_^

Q: For species that have litters in nature (like most felines and canines), do they also have litters in Furry Rome, or are single pregnancies predminant? Granted, twins and triplets can still be possible in either case.

A: Sometimes 1 baby, sometimes 2 in a pregnancy :)  Like homo sapiens do x)

Q: Do you have some goal as to how many pages each storyline should take, or do you let it evolve?

A: I have no idea. Right now, I am working on page 79/80, and this is even not the beginning of the main plot. Let me explain how I am working :) I have whole plot in my Word files. When I live my ordinary life, I think about the plot and ponder it. From time to time, I have interesting ideas and put them into my Word document. Additionally, I currently have about 40 loose sketches of pages. Once I finish drawing these 40 pages, I will create new loose sketches for the next pages. While I am working on the pages, I take the time to research details, make changes, or add new elements. Because of this, I can't yet determine the final number of pages.
Probably it would be more easy to complete the entire plot in a few days, but I've found that giving the plot time to develop ,  makes the story even better :)

If I missed something or misunderstood, please let me know. I will try to answer.
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you for all the answers!
10 months, 3 weeks ago
will servius, julia, agatha, flavus, ecc.. have their character sheets?
i am curious about their past, especially servius.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Honeslty I don't have any characters sheets :( sorry.
We will learn  about Servius' past for sure. Right now I am working on these  pages.
Not sure  if I will be able to tell more deep story about Agatha and Flavus. The comic already has several important  characters . Its very difficult to tell all info about them. Maybe later. First I want to complete main story before I will be able to start or continue next.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
" We will learn  about Servius' past for sure

: ᴗ )  oh, thank you !
10 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm going to leave my main thoughts on FA
10 months, 2 weeks ago
I’d like to second Gashren’s first question, re: the possibility of seeing Persians, Germani, Britons and/or other Celts in the story (so long as they don’t detract from the mainly Roman cast).
For a question of my own, does statuary of the Gods feature in the narrative at all? And if so, would they be depicted as anthros? (You can disregard this if I happened to miss any divinities by dint of not perusing the first few pages.)
10 months, 2 weeks ago
First question has been already answered to Gashren ^_^
And second question. Yes, they will be depicted as an anthropomorphic animals. I dont think I have much possibilities :) And a short funny comic I did few years ago
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