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Itaku and Pleroma

Hello everyone, I'm making this journal to talk about a few things I'm excited to share about.

TL;DR: I made two new accounts to post my drawings.
Itaku: https://itaku.ee/profile/miau
Pleroma: https://inoot.net/users/miau

First, I've signed up to Itaku. I'll be uploading my stuff there eventually, but you can follow me there.
Second, you're probably wondering "pleroma? inoot.net? what are those?", this one requires more context, it's story time.

In a previous journal on FA, I've talked about how people should try to use mastodon. In short, mastodon is a micro blogging software that mimics twitter. The way it works is that you can join a mastodon server, or even host your own mastodon server, and then you're able to interact with the people of your server or other mastodon servers around the globe.
I've been using a mastodon server called https://meow.social/ since January last year, way before twitter was bought out by Elon Musk. The userbase may not be as large as other mainstream platforms, but my experience with it has been great. The absence of tracking, ads and data collection makes me feel comfortable to engage in conversations there, it feels like a return to the old days of the internet, but in a modern way.

But I wasn't fully satisfied, I went deeper with my curiosity about the mastodon, and I felt invested to host my own server! But unfortunately, it's not a simple task. Actually, it feels near impossible if you're not skilled enough to understand how it works, so I gave up after many attempts. But on the way, I've learned something else, mastodon is not the only micro blogging software around, there are MANY more available, and nearly all of them are able to interact with each other! This is what the community calls the "fediverse", and that's when I've learned about another software called Pleroma.

Pleroma is just like mastodon, it's also a micro blogging software, and both are able to fully communicate with each other seamlessly. The benefit of pleroma is that it's WAY easier to host, and it's less resource intensive too. Thus, I was finally able to host my own server! I'm running my pleroma server on the domain https://inoot.net/.

Maybe you're wondering right now "wait, do I have to sign up to it?", and the answer is no. The beauty of the fediverse is that, if you already have a mastodon account, in whichever server you may be in, you can simply copy the link of my pleroma user (at the beginning of the journal), paste on your mastodon search bar, and then follow me that way. If you're still not sure how it works, feel free to ask in the comments.

For now, I'm keeping my server closed for sign up, since I'm still learning how to run the server. Perhaps this could change someday, who knows... But I'm willing to create a guide if anyone else is interested in making their own server too.

I think that's all for the recent news, also, thank you for everyone that has been following me throught the years. I apologize for being so quiet most of the time, I'm way too introverted in public, but I read all the comments and I really appreciate what you guys have to say.

Viewed: 220 times
Added: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Still trying to learn how to use Mastodon. Would be cool to see what you do with your server!
11 months, 2 weeks ago
It's okay! It also took me a while to get used to it, since it's a new way to use social media.
And yeah! I'm making some decorations, like background and nsfw warning images themed around penguins :V
11 months, 3 weeks ago
i need to dust off my old mastadon account. or make a new one... but i'm definitely following on itaku. after IB, it's definitely my favorite place right now
11 months, 2 weeks ago
It's alright, I'll be posting on both eventually, I'll keep using IB as well.
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh neat, I can add you to my mastodon and Itaku then!
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks! I'll see you there~
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Hey awesome, I added your inoot account from my mastodon account. What a cool feature! I hope you'll post a lot more art there~

(Of course I hope you stay active on Inkbunny! This is much easier for me :D )
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Thank you! And yeah, Inkbunny and other websites have proper gallery, so they will be my main focus. But I'll also post on pleroma for the mastodon users as well.
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey! I found your inkbunny via your Pleroma account. :3 Funny how that works out.

"Maybe you're wondering right now "wait, do I have to sign up to it?", and the answer is no. The beauty of the fediverse is that, if you already have a mastodon account, in whichever server you may be in, you can simply copy the link of my pleroma user (at the beginning of the journal), paste on your mastodon search bar, and then follow me that way. If you're still not sure how it works, feel free to ask in the comments."

Yes, true. Assuming the person's account is not on an instance that uses the harshest level of blocking another instance like meow . social does to mine. lol (It's worth mentioning, as a good chunk of Inkbunny users seem to be on Baraag, which may very well be the most blocked instance out there by others.)
11 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, it's true. I've left that out to keep it simple for reader that are learning about it for the first time.
Since my instance is fresh new, technically anyone is still able to follow me from any other server, but it's a matter of time until other servers also decides to fediblock inoot.net for one reason or another.

Which makes me wonder, does the major furry instances block other instances on their own accord, or do they agree upon blocking other instances together?
11 months, 2 weeks ago
My instance has been around since January, and the ONLY furry instance to outright suspend me was Meow. After further review, it seems like a few "larger" (but nowhere near as large as baraag or pawoo) instances are in a Discord chat together and share their block lists. ( https://writer.oliphant.social/oliphant/the-fedi-council ) The member of that group that seems to be the most prominent in badmouthing other instances in my opinion is mastodon . art . If you go to any big instance and search the FediBlock hashtag, it's pretty blatant. An instance that shares admins with .art is the one that posted about me on that hashtag, resulting in a few blocks and some false CSAM allegations. Of the blocks, there are only 2 suspensions that are annoying for me. Since I don't block either of those instances, I see boosts that originate from there, but they won't receive my replies. Basically the rest are all non-furry instances that none of my users would have interacted with much anyways.

Sadly, several groups that are not in that Discord seem to have rules and federation blocks to try not to piss off that group though. Fedi, by nature of how the moderation tools work, is fragmented. People form cliques, and you develop what and who you will tolerate based on who you want to be able to engage with. Nobody wants to be blacklisted by the most prominent members of their clique. You can generally read the rules page and flip through the timeline of the owner of any instance and figure out what they are about and who they are aligned with fairly quickly. If you want to keep chatting about it without filling up your journal, feel free to PM me. I have Telegram too. ^^
11 months, 1 week ago
I had the feeling that they'd contact with each other and maybe form groups, but I wasn't expecting it would be this bad. Reading the fedi council page was the most surreal thing I've seen from fediverse so far, borderline delusional.
I'm still new to this, so I appreciate for sharing your experience and thoughts on it, and I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all this trouble. The more I learn about fediverse, the deeper the rabbit hole gets... oh well.

And yeah, I'd be interested to get in contact, thanks for the offer!
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