As some of you likely know, I have a few things of art I've yet to post. I just don't feel motivation to bother...
Life has just been so blah, I'm not living. I'm just here for the ride to make many bad choices.
Might be losing my job. None of the few places I've applied for seem to be interested... the union will fight the employer for me to be kept at this job, but this job has drained the want to do anything from me so hard...
I work Crack ass early like 4-5am for 2-3 hours, go home. Nap because I can't get enough sleep between the end of the second shift and start of the first in the morning, because I go back to work at 2-3pm and don't get home till after 8pm, to sleep like 4-7 hours.
Been doing that for a while now. And still stuck doing just that if they don't fire me or I manage to fight to keep this job.
I feel like I'm not allowed to have any real life. Every day at work feels like two days due to the nap.
I've struggled to take the diabetes medication, and if I keep... not I will lose my job, due to driving with a CDL.
I just. Wanna run away. Just don't wish to be fucking stuck in this life. But I've got no we're to go. No real skills. All I've done for the last 5 years is driving.
If you made it this far, sorry. Just needed.. to bitch and moan I guess..
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1 year, 9 months ago
09 Jun 2023 19:16 CEST