Most don't know this anon here but I'm of the stripe that supports tacticool assault freedom of expression and people having the means to defend their freedom by force if needed. You can hold a MG42, M16, or AK47 in one hand and draw whatever age of characters and art you desire with the other and you'd get a thumbs up from me!
We as animals and free spirits, have the inalienable right to shoot, make, draw, paint whatever we want! Buy/get a Glock, draw whatever girl you want, tell political prudes to"pound sand", and enjoy life! Each step towards increasing censorship is a step towards authoritarianism, Communism, etc. and I'm no fan of that at all not to mention the flamboyant hypocrisy of the elites. An inch is the same as a mile, I say.
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1 year, 10 months ago
21 May 2023 21:32 CEST