i've felt like i need to write many more sequels to a few things. however quite a few i have given up on.
I was thinking of doing another Midnight Encounter, or Junior Leaguers, or even a sequel to the latest one- Stay on Target.
i dunno. What do people like reading? which would readers prefer?
midnight encounter sequel would entire gore
junior leaguers would definitely involve gore and groups
and Stay on Target would definitely have Feral sex in it
or maybe i keep them as stand alones, except for junior leaguers as that is supposed to be a many series type thingy
i dunno.
working on one between a student and teacher atm and i know i need to keep up with writing. But dam. days turn to weeks turn to months and before ya know it ya fav sock has to be replaced and another needs to be broken in
what do ya'll think i should do?
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1 year, 10 months ago
21 May 2023 14:02 CEST