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Down with the Chickness

So, been about a year since my last entry here, and there's a little to share with you all. A few days ago, I was blessed with the fortune of finding a lone hen (I believe she's an old english game bantam) in my back yard, and we've been getting things moved around and set up for her. I have named her Marceline, and she apparently loves oranges and peanut butter. I managed to draft up a coop that I could print out for her (still printing, actually), as well as a feeder and a waterer, so she'll be in the best spirits she can be.

In other news, the water main did get fixed. It had been fixed once before, but the main issue was a bit further up, meaning that we had to dig under my patio to remove even more of the old pipe and get it fixed, but it's all done. No more 300 dollar water bills!

Delilah and Samson are both doing well, though they're getting a little older now and are starting to get stiff legs from laying in one spot for a long time. A good butt rub and some hugs and they're both off to the races, though.

Artwork has pretty much come to a standstill for now. It's not that I can't do it, but rather that I have no desire to make art in 3D right now. Instead, my efforts have been focused on making things for Marceline and making knives. It's not gone forever, though. Eventually I will make more 3D art.

My mental state really hasn't changed much over the last year, either. I am still a bit depressed, but more than that, I am exasperated at what humanity has become. Corporate greed seems to be reaching new heights, our government seems to be run by a group of children, nobody can crack a joke without some karen getting bent, and if you compliment anyone for anything you either get bitched at for supporting the person, bitched at for not supporting someone else, or bitched at because the person reading it has so little value in their own life that they feel they have to be a dick to someone else to get a hit of dopamine. It really isn't a surprise to me why so many people want to commit suicide, now.

There was also a stint of around a month where I had lost my wallet and had to begin replacing the cards and such in it. Luckily, a nice lady did find it and finally returned it to me a few days back. It was one of the few instances of human kindness I've been able to witness this year, and whoever she is, I wish her well, and thank her dearly for returning it. It's a sign that not EVERY bit of good is dead.

Lastly, my brother, Grim, is going to be a father. This November, I get to become an uncle! The fun part is that I'm pretty sure I am going to be the one footing the cost of all of it, because he managed to have this happen while he has no house of his own, and his S.O. just quit her damned job. I honestly have no clue how in the hell that's going to play out, but if my luck holds true, I will be the one who catches the shit from it. Seems to be all I am good for, really. Taking the heat for someone else's fuck up.

Anyway, yeah. That's about all I have for an update here. Things are going a little smoother, but I am so fucking burnt out on the world that I actually pray we have a meteoric impact. Having Marceline helps a bit, since her needs make it so I have to go outside more, and knifemaking helps for those days when I cannot get free of my mind, but it's probably never going to be sunshine and rainbows with me, and I am fine with that. It's the little things that help us most, and sometimes that little thing is a one pound chicken.
Viewed: 3 times
Added: 1 year, 10 months ago
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