Maaaybes, Cuz May+Freebies and You maaaybe get a Pic or Maaaybe not... still doing pix from previous Journals.
But I wanna draw more Lineart as Practice, so gimme Your-
Muscular or Chubby Gals, or Futas/Shemales
-Send link to reference pix of Your character!
-Describe your Characters Personality and kinks!
-Character MUST be YOURS, not a Friends, not a shared OC!
-If YOu wanna create a new Muscular or Chubby Gal, or Futa/Shemale, describe characters looks and personality and Kinks!
...,I Guess that's it!
Let's GO!
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1 year, 10 months ago
14 May 2023 15:55 CEST