Mobius (65 Million Years ago.)
A lone green Curve Claw snuck through the tall grass her red hair moving in the breeze as she approached a Herd of Prey Beasts.
In her mind she was repeating her mother's words. "Slow an easy Rita, don't get impatient" the Girl repeated. She gripped her spear tighter as she got closer to the beasts. At first glance they would look slow and easy to kill. But that couldn't be further from reality.
These beasts are Strong and Fast, one mistake could spell her doom. The thought put the Mobian Raptor on edge.
"Who though it was a good idea for me to do this as my first solo hunt?" Rita Thought as she inched closer.
To her left she noticed one off abit on it's own it seemed older the others and more Feeble. A perfect opportunity.
The whole heard looked up to the Mountain that loomed over them. As did Rita.
The Mountain beloved out a huge cloud of Smoke, it had been doing that for several days now...and it's put everything on edge.
Rita realised the Old Beast had turned it's back to her to look at the mountain...this was her chance!
Rita prepared herself readying her spear.
Suddenly one of other beasts lout a bellowing call getting the others Attention as they turned to face it.
When the Elder Turned it noticed Rita.
"BLAST IT!" Rita mumbled.
The Beast Reared up and let out a fearful call.
The others turned to him seeing The Curve claw aswell the one that had Called suddenly charged her.
Rita dodged as the Leader swung it's front limbs at her the toe Spike narrowly missing her as she darted away.
"Blast it all, I was so close!" Rita cursed.
She realised the ground had started to Rumble, she glanced back to see the WHOLE heard was Chasing her. The sight filled her with fear like she's never felt before.
Rita ran as fast as she could but the beasts were faster the leader being the fastest of all.
She could feel the Beast gaining on her. She let out a Loud Screech hoping to startle the Beast. Or perhaps get the attention of one of her tribe mates.
She tried to swerve to the left hoping the Beast couldn't turn as sharply as she could.
She realised how wrong she was as spiked Limb connected with her Side.
She felt her body lift off the ground as she went flying before rolling to a stop.
She hissed in pain as she felt where the Beast hit her, the spot felt wet and painful to the touch, lifting her hand she saw her orange skin coated in Red Blood.
She heard the rumbling getting louder again, she tried to get up but the wound shot pain through her body stopping her.
"I c-can't move..." Rita said horrified as the Beast reached her looming over her like the mountain.
"Some huntress I am...didn't even get to complete one hunt..." Rita muttered weakly, having a difficulty breathing.
The Beast Raised up on it's back legs preparing to stomp on her, to finish her off.
To Rita it was just a dark Blob as she faded out of consciousness.
Before everything went black a Loud Explosion was heard in the didn't matter to was so far away...
Rita Stirred. Her eyes opening slowly as she sat up. Her head throbbing slightly as she put her hand on her forehead.
" head...that Beast really knocked me sil-" Rita's eyes shot fully open as she felt her side in panic.
She felt nothing but her feathers, she looked down, expecting a wound or atleast a scar...but there was nothing. This realization left her Puzzled.
"Was...was that a dream?" Rita thought.
As she became more aware of her surroundings she relaised there were more pressing where she was.
From what she new she was in a Cave, but it had to be the strangest cave she's ever seen, the walls were so smooth and the coloring, not a stone Grey but almost bone white, plus the shape was incredibly off, too perfect to be natural.
She went to stand but the ground was suprisingly soft her falling of the raised platform she apparently was on, thankfully the lower floor was also soft...though not quite as much as the prior. She looked at the first she thought it was a strange blue moss, but she relaised it was some form of Fur....this wasn't too was common for her people to put soft material on the ground of the dens...but this color was strange.
"I wonder what creature this pelt came from?" Rita wondered as she got up.
She then spotted the only notable feature on any of the walls. An angled shape indented in the far wall from the platform she woke up upon.
She quickly moved towards it and examined it. She tapped it with her finger it made a hallow sound, she quickly repeat the tap, but this time on the regular walls...the sound was different.
"Hm..." Rita mumbled.
She noticed a round protrusions on the side.
She touched it and it moved slightly she gripped it and tried to turn it.
The Protrusion turned and the door moved away from the wall.
As it did Rita felt a cool breeze. Rush into the room. It felt good.
She poked her head through looking around.
It seemed to be a cooridor....she could hear voices nearby.
She followed them.
"I...I actually brought somthing back to life." Sky thought, looking at her hands.
"It certainly was a suprise." Zaran said pouring her a cup of Tea.
"A suprise? Zaran I defied the laws of Physics.." Sky replied.
"We do that all the time Sky...the "Laws" of physics aren't exactly one hundred percent accurate." Ruby said putting a hand on Sky's Shoulder.
"But bringing somthing back from the dead?" Sky asked.
"Yes...I mean Sonic's died." Luke said.
"I'VE died..." Zaran added.
Sky thought about it and started to calm down. "I suppose that's just feels...weird, knowing I have that kind of power."
"Maybe we should run some tests. See what triggered it." Zaran suggested.
Sky shook her head. "I'd rather not...If I knew how to do it...and it got put that I can revive the dead...."
Zaran shhh'd her softly. "Say no more, your right my friend." He said with a smile.
"I guess the biggest question we need to ask is...what do we do with the Dino Girl?" Luke asked.
"Let her rest for now, when she awakens we'll think of somthi-"
Zaran was interupted by a Creek of floorboards.
The group turned to the stairs to see a curious Raptor Girl staring back at them with big Yellow eyes.
"Oh! Well that's just tperfect Timing." Zaran said.
The Raptor tilted her head as the group of Strangers got up.
Rita watched as the group of creatures approached her...they didn't seem threatening...but the urge to run was there.
Rita studied them. They weren't like anyone she's ever seen. The Green one...his texture reminded her of a shelled Swimmer she saw once, and the Grey one looked alot like the small soft skins that would scurry around the caves.
The White and Pink ones....they were clearly Female...and Quite beautiful, there eyes all looked Caring and concerned...definitely not hostile.
She cleared her throat before opening her mouth.
"Y...Y-yes." The Dino Mobian Replied.
The whole groups eyes widened in suprise!"
"Amazing, you can speak our language!!" Ruby said with a sparkle in her eyes!
"Uh....I guess so." The Raptor replied, slightly Bewildered.
Sky out a hand on the White echidna's Shoukder. "Don't freak her out Ruby, she's been asleep along time." Sky said with a smile.
Ruby looked back at the Raptor. Her was looking at them confused. "I'm sorry."
"It's...alright....what do you mean I was asleep for a long time?" The Dino Girl asked.
Sky looked down nervously as she approached the Raptor Girl. She leaned back kinda startled but when Sky put her hand son the Girls Shoulders...she felt peace.
"This might come as a shock sweetie....but you've been asleep...for millions of Years."
The Raptor looked Puzzled. "Years? What's a year?"
Zaran stepped forward. "Do you have a name my friend?"
"Rita" the Raptor replied.
Zaran nodded. "How do you tell how old you are friend?"
Rita tilted her head. "By the season rotations, every time it comes back to the season I hatched in is my breeding season."
Ruby and Sky Blushed slightly, the Raptor noticed. "They can change color?"
"How many of these seasons have you been around?" Zaran asked.
Rita thought for a moment.
"Twenty. I had just gotten permission to hunt on my own for the first time today."
She could feel the air get tense as the creatures looked hurt. The females more so.
Zaran took a deep breath. "You've been asleep...for 65 Million of those."
Rita looked concern. "Is...that alot?" She asked.
The group all Nodded.
Rita's expression grew concerned. "Is my family okay?" She asked.
"Honey..." Sky knelt down infront of Rita. "65 Million longer then any mortal could live...your parents....your siblings...the world you knew." Sky did her best not to cry.
"'s all gone."
Rita shot up to her feet her eyes wide in Shock about what she heard.
"WHAT?!!? N-NO!!! THAT CAN'T BE!! I'VE COULDN'T HAVE BEEN ASLEEP THAT LONG!?!?!" Rota exclaimed, the panic setting in.
"You weren't actually were...dead." Ruby said, to sad to look at her.
Rita was stunned, unable to reply.
"We found your Fossilized bones in a Cave, and I used my powers by accident and brought you back to life."
Rita remembered her it ended..."it wasn't a dream....that was"
NOOOOO!!!!!! "Suddnely Rita Exploded forward pushing through the group as she panicky looked around. "THIS HAS TO BE A LIE!!" She Screamed.
She saw an opening she saw...Stars...the moon!....THE OUTSIDE!!!
Rita leaped for the exit suprised as she crashed through some kind of invisible barrier...she didn't care she had to find her family!!
Ruby and Sky covered there mouths in shock and fear as Rita burst through the living room window and took off into the night.
Zaran leaping out after her. "RITA WAIT!!!"
The Fox looked back into the living room "we need to go after her! There's no telling what might happen if she gets into a village!"
Sky nods "Luke and I will go with you! Ruby call Tails and let him know what's happening we'll need his and probably Sonic's help to find her!"
Ruby nods removing her Rings
Sky and Luke leaped through the window carefully as they and Zaran took off after the Panicked Dinosaur Mobian.
(To be continued)
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1 year, 10 months ago
07 May 2023 21:10 CEST