Westside Island (1 month after the war.)
Deep below the island in the Hidden Palace Zone.
Sky Delivered a Swift Strong Kick that Zaran Blocked with his arms crossed. The Fox then Grabbed her Leg and Spun her.
The Echidna Woman landed on her feet as Zaran dashed torward her winding up a Punch.
His Blow was caught by Green Tentacle as Luke protected his Girlfriend. "No ya don't!" The Octopus replied with a grin.
Leaping over both boys Ruby jumped at Sky swinging a foam replica of her Spanner at her.
"Don't let your guard down!" Ruby taunted playfully.
Luke attempted to Grab her with another of his Tentacles but Zaran grabbed it with one of his Tails.
"Heh heh your dance is with me Luke." Zaran Joked as he twisted around.
Ruby swung her Spanner with extreme accuracy, but Sky's Agility kept her out of harm as she sidestepped the blows.
From above on a platform Tails and Amy watched in safety as the Four Sparred. There battle getting close to the Cavern wall.
Sky finally saw an opening in Ruby's Assault and grabbed her by the Arm and Tossed her over her Shoulder.
"GAH!!!" Ruby grunted as she connected with the Cavern Wall.
"Oh gosh Ruby are you alright!?" Sky exclaimed as she ran upto her to help her out.
Ruby smiled and winked. "Yeah I'm fine, that actually felt alot less painful then I thought it would." Ruby tried to pull herself free but her hips were lodged pretty firm into the Wall.
"Oh...well this is embarrassing." Ruby said blushing.
Sky Giggled. "Allow me to help." Sky put her hands on Ruby's hips, the white echidna blushing brighter.
"On three I pull, you push." Sky said. Ruby Nodded in agreement, trying to hide her blush.
Ruby's Hips came free, but as she fell away the wall began to crack.
Both Echidna Woman backed away as the wall began to Crumble!
As chunks of Stone began to fall The Girls felt themselves get pulled back as the rocks came down. In a cloud of Dust.
Ruby looked up to see Zaran holding her. "You alright Rubes?" He asked worried. The White echidna smiled and Winked.
"You alright Dear?" Luke asked. Sky Smiled "I'm okay Luke thank you~"
Tails hovered down with Amy holding onto his Hands. "What happened?" Amy asked?
"I guess I don't know my own Strength.." Sky said rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry guys I didn't mean too."
"Hey it was me that got stuck. Don't worry about it." Ruby said waving of Sky's apology.
As the dust Settled the group saw a large Hollow was revealed behind the wall. Zaran was the first to approach the newly revealed Chamber, Looking around inside.
After a few moments a "woah." Echoed out of the Chamber.
"What is it Zaran?" Sky asked approaching closer.
Zaran turned back to look at the group. "The walls...they're lined with Bones!"
The group's eyes perked up at the word "Bones" as they stepped up to join Zaran.
As the looked in they're eyes were greeted with walls upon walls of Bones.
"Incredible!!" Tails Exclaimed as he hopped into the Chamber to get a better look. The others joining him.
"These are incredibly well preserved Fossils." Tails said carefully running his gloved hand across one of the Skeletons.
"Fossils?..that what they call Bones now adays?" Zaran Asked confused.
Tails turned back to Zaran."No no...Fossils are Bones that have turned to Stone after billions of years."
"Oh....huh...so these things are from Billions of Years ago?" Zaran asked.
"Defiantely Mate there Dino Bones." Luke said examining a Skull.
Ruby looked confused. "Dino?...there Terrible?"
Luke Chuckled. "Sorry. Dinosaurs are what these things are called."
"Terrible Lizard?" Ruby questioned. "Fitting I suppose, they do look very Reptilian..and Scary."
"They were...probably...Dinosaurs aren't around anymore." Sky said giggling.
"Oh? That's a shame...I'd love to meet one." Zaran said inspecting the Claws on one Skeleton.
"It probably want you for it's Lunch Mate." Luke Joked.
"Heh...love to see it try!" Zaran Scoffed
"Tails...do you have any details on What Spieces these are?" Sky asked running her hand across the smooth Stone Bones.
Tails pulled out his MILES Electric and tapped a button on the side, a blue radar dish began to scan the Fossils.
"Hm...looks like...this is...or was....an Iguanadon." Tails Said pointing out the big bulkier Bones. "Early Cretacious....it traveled in herds."
The young Fox Looked around. "Actually these all seem to be Iguanadon...perhaps they all died together....but how.."
Zaran approached and looked around. "Theres alot of Obsidian in the walls...I'm wondering if they were caught in a Volcanic Eruption...maybe the same one that created the Hidden Palace Caverns"
"Cery Likely, That actually makes pretty good sense." Tails replied.
As The two Foxes hypothesized. Luke and Ruby listening in, kinda enjoying the Geek Talk.
Sky continued to study the Bones hearing what Zaran said...she felt..saddness...feeling sorry for the poor Creatures. "What a horrible way to go." Sky said to herself.
As Sky Examined the wall she came across a Skeleton that was Smaller. Walking over she knelt down beside it.
"What are you I wonder?" Sky thought admiring the almost bird escape bones.
"Oh you found another type of Skeleton!?"
Sky looked to See Tails walking over with his Miles Electric, the machine automatically began scanning.
"Oh this is an interesting one, it's got sharp teeth and Claws." Zaran said carefully putting a hand on the bones.
"Hm...Huh?" Tails said as the Miles Electric Buzzed.
*Error! complete compatibility match not found.*
""Match not found?" Whats that mean?" Ruby Asked.
Tails looked at Ruby."It means there no Full Match...the closest match was...Utahraptor...Female."
"Whats that?" Zaran asked.
Tails pulled up a page called Utahraptor. "It was a Meat eater, big and strong with Curved sharp inner Toe claws, it's also believed they were very intelligent."
"Huh....but why wasn't the Skeleton of a Utahraptor?" Sky asked.
Tails ran another scan the Skeleton being copied as 3D images on Tails' Screen.
The bones assembled themselves onto a full Skeleton but to they're suprise! The Skeleton looked very...Humanoid...like a Mobian.
"My gosh!" Tails exclaimed!!
"So it was a Dino Mobian?" Zaran asked?
"Thats not possible!? Tails Explained. "Mobians evolved long after the Dinosaurs...theres never been a Fossil of a Mobian...BUT A DINOSAUR MOBIAN!? That's incredible!!
Sky explored the fossil with her hands studying the details she could figure out. Until her hand fell upon a spot on the Raptors ribcage where it looked as though somthing broke into it...like a Knife.
"I think I figured out what happened to it..." Sky said sadly.
Ruby Examined the brake In The ribs. "Stab wound...a powerful one."
"Thats what my programs saying aswell." Tails added. "It thinks...it's from an Iguanadon."
Zaran walked over to one of the Iguanadon and looked it over. His eyes falling on a huge spike on it's front feet, resembling thumbs. "With these I bet...she must of got ganged up on by this group..."
Sky's eyes filled with Saddness. "Thats awful...pour thing." Sky thought.
"Hm..well it's merely estimating...but the app is saying she's likely around 18." Tails said studying the Data on his Tablet.
"I bet this was her first hunt alone.." Ruby said examining the Bones.
Sky put a hand on the Skeleton's Ribs. "I suppose that's life...not everyone makes it very far." Sky said a tear forming in her eye.
The tear Rolled down her cheek, falling onto the bones at her knees.
Luke put a hand on her shoulder. "You okay Sky?"
Sky nods as she gets to her feet. "I am, just kinda sa-"
Sky trailed off as a Blue Glow caught her attention, the others also noticing it. The glow coming from the ground where Sky was sitting!
"What?" Sky muttered as the bones of the Dino Mobian fossil started to glow! Cracks erupting from around the bones.
The Group hopped back away from the Phenomenon!
The Glow enveloped the Fossil glowing brighter and Brighter!! A Soft Hum filling the air!
"Whats Happening!?" Amy Asked in shock.
No one could answer. As the Light Hummed.
In the Glow they could make out somthing Changing! Movement.
As suddenly as the Glow appeared it Faded. Leaving the Group agap at the sight it left for them.
A Mobian...green in color with Red feathery hair and a long Tail ending in the same Red Feathers. Her feet were bare adorn with three toes the inner ones ending in curved claws. She seemed to be asleep. Breathing steadily.
That was all that could be said as the group stared at the strange Mobian.
Finally...Zaran stepped over to her. Feeling her back. "We better get her topside." Zaran said lifting her up.
"Is she?" Sky started.
Zaran looked back to where she layer, where the fossil rested...the bones were gone.
"She...is gonna have a lot of questions when she wakes up." Zaran replied carrying the Revived Raptor out of the cave.
Sky didn't take her eyes off of the girl. "I...did I do that!?" She thought in disbelief, before following Zaran, the others Following quitely.
(To be continued.)
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30 Apr 2023 05:14 CEST