Hello everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while and I think it's about time I came out about it. If you don't want to hear me ramble and just want the short version, I'm gonna be shifting my focus away from furry art. I'm not quitting, but I'm not making this my main thing anymore.
I've been doing this for 7 years now. I never really expected to last that long, I've never really committed to anything for that amount of time. What I'm finding more and more though is that I'm not nearly as interested in this as I used to be. I thought it might just be burnout but this has been a pretty persistent feeling for a while now.
To be perfectly clear, I'm not ashamed of the work I've done. I don't feel any regret choosing this path. Getting into art was probably the best thing I could have done for myself, it's done a lot for my confidence and self worth, and it's introduced me to a lot of cool people. I'm not about to become a prude, I'm not about to start shitting on the community, and I'm not about to start nuking galleries.
What it comes down to I guess is, I'm not as horny as I used to be and there are other things that I want to pursue. I don't wanna get to into detail because I wanna keep stuff separate, but it's something I've wanted to do for a long time and I feel like I'd regret it if I didn't try now. there's also some real life matters that I can't really afford to neglect any longer.
I'm not quitting entirely, and in fact you may see an influx of art from me for a while as I tie up some loose ends. If you sent in a commission pitch to me last time I opened, I do still intend to get to all those remaining pitches. Thanks for your patience! If you're waiting for me to open again I don't really know when I'll be taking any more comms. I do want to, if for no other reason than not wanting to disappoint (Needing more money is a factor as well).
Regarding my Subscribestar, it will continue to operate but I'll no longer be doing twice a month polls. I did a post over there that goes into more detail if you're interested! I'll also be running a bunch of polls on there to wrap things up on that end so if you want to spend 4 bucks there'll be 4 polls to vote in.
I really do appreciate all of you. I've had a lot of fun with this whole furry art thing. Thanks for reading, and thanks for 1000 watchers!