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Chapter 25: Stripped Bare

He honestly looked appetizing. She stood there enamored by how attracted she was to him. She was supposed to be terrified on him and all she wanted was for him to ravage her. She couldn’t get any words to come out. He laid his head back to rest it, “What do you want?”
“I wanted to see if you were ok,” she replied shyly.
The fires were flicking in every direction, “I’m fantastic.” Sarcasm never dies with this guy.
“Why are you mixing your medication with drinks?”
“Because I fuckin’ can.” He replied lifting his head. “No need to worry, I know what I’m doin’.”
“Scourge,” she stepped closer, “what were they talking about?”
“None of your business or concern.”
“I just, there’s so much, and it came out so quickly. And the way you reacted to it, you were out of line.”
“Do not come up to me telling me what I can and cant do. You have no idea what they are even speakin’ on. You can’t even fathom what I’ve been through or seen.”
“You dont treat women like that Scourge.”
“But females can treat me however they like?”
Amy looked at the ground sadly, she’d forgotten what Fiona had done to him in the heat of it all.
“No answer huh?”
“Just because one woman did you all the way wrong doesn’t mean all of us will.”
Scourge laughed, “oh Lord, ha, it wasn’t just one babe,” his fangs looked a little longer in his super form, “trust and believe, it wasn’t just one.”
“So did something happen with your mother? Is that why they said it was her in the hospital?”
“Why is it that you want to know?”
“You’re clearly hurt over topics with your parents.”
“What gave you that idea?”
She walked into the pool with her clothes on, it was waist deep, steps and seats all around. She sat on his lap, “don’t be crass with me. What really happened?”
He glared her down with a condescending stature accompanied by a low growl, “more than I care to explain.”
‘He’s so angry, why won’t he let me in?’ She lifted her hands to his face. “I’m still here. Your reaction was clearly a triggered by your mother.” He had a complex at the moment, and the only way it was working for him was that him being serious was provocative for her in the best way.
He didn’t want to see her as an enemy, and the comment she gave made him want to snap. He was trying to keep to himself. She doesn’t know how much he’s changed in the years, she barely knew him at all. “Just leave. You were right, you shouldn’t be here.”
That stung a little, “I want to understand Scourge. I don’t want to believe that you’re a monster. Please, help me understand.”
“None of you will ever understand,” he looked at her in a way that made her feel like he was looking into her soul. “Me explaining it is nothing compared to what actually happened. And if you think I’m a monster, just imagine where it came from.” He slowly wrapped his fingers under her jawline applying a squeeze.
‘Is this something he did to his father? Looked in his eyes til his last breath?’ Her heart rate increased and she started to feel dizzy.
“I didn’t kill my father and do not speak of my mother either. And if you value anything about me and what I can offer you, you will respect that. I don’t ask for a lot, so if you think that’s too much, you can leave me the fuck alone.” She looked terrified, tears forming, then he felt terrible. Letting go of her she breathed sharply, “I won’t hurt you but you will understand my boundaries until I’m dead and gone.” She said nothing, slowly creeping away from him as her glared her down. As she left, he closed his eyes, sensing her movements. He could tell she had went to his room and stopped moving. Had she laid down in his bed? It didn’t matter, she wasn’t in his face. He needed to be by himself. He got up and went to the side of the small pool that faced away from the door and laid his head back. ‘Why haven’t I come out of this form yet?’ He lifted his hand to look at his claws that grow in during Super. ‘I hope I didn’t hurt her. I’ll be surprised if she wants to continue to see me.’ Looking up out the windows he thought about how much he’d gained. How much he’d grown, achieved. Then how much his mother has impacted his life intruded. “I hate you for what you’ve done to me. You stripped me of a normal life. You’ve taken any peace I think I can obtain and shred it with just the mention of your name. I hope you fuckin’ rot. Watching you deteriorate gives me a satisfaction that only you can understand. I hope you never find rest, even in death. The day you die, will be the day I can truly move on from the fuckin’ nightmare you’ve embedded into my existence. I thrive to be able to give someone the life that was stolen from me. And with you being gone, I’ll be able to do it consistently and confidently.”

Amy had taken her clothes off, she didn’t want to get his mattress or bedding wet. As she sat bare she couldn’t help but worry for him and how much he’d taken. She got up and checked the dates on the bottles, did the math on how many should be gone. To her surprise he took his medicine regularly, but he hasn’t taken a single one of the anti depressants or antipsychotics. Maybe he did know what he was doing. On the other hand she didn’t have it in her to leave him by himself. Not after everything that just happened, what could she possibly do for him though? He won’t open up to her. And what did he mean by if you value me or anything I can offer you? Did he already see her as potential dating material? Which parent was to blame for him turning into this? The doorknob turned and the door creaked open an inch startling her. She looked in its direction waiting for Scourge to walk in. She hadn’t seen or heard any one, “I’m still here Scourge. You can stop using tactics to scare me into leaving.” A few moments went by with no answer or sounds. ‘The fuck is this?’ She got up to check and no one was around. She sneaked back to the room Scourge was in and heard him speaking to someone. She could barely hear him talking about a nightmare but she caught the last bit, “I thrive to be able to give someone the life that was stolen from me. And with you being gone, I’ll be able to do it consistently and confidently.” What the hell is he talking about? And who is he talking to, what the fuck is happening around here? She felt something rub against her legs and feet letting out a gasp. It was Binx. She’d completely forgotten she was even here. Her bright green eyes looked at her and she was purring letting out a small “meow.”
She whispered, “Aw, hey!” She looked back at Seeing Scourge with his head resting, he wasn’t paying any attention. Looking back at Binx she coaxed her to follow her back to Scourge’s bedroom. “What do you know of all of this” she asked her as Binx jumped on the bed. She let out a chirped meow. Amy sat on the bed, Binx then approached to lay in her lap. “You really do know when someone’s upset huh?” She scratched her jaw and behind her ears. ‘What life was stolen from him? Was he talking about his father? None of this is making any sense.’
“Meow!” Binx hopped down and went to the bedroom door, stopping to look back at Amy.
“Where are you going pretty girl?” The black cat watched her as she stood by the door frame. “Are you waiting on me?”
She let out a chirp meow again and continued to purr.
“Huh, ok.” Amy got up and Binx started to walk again. The cat leading Amy around the kitchen and to the pool room. She stood up on her hind legs at the doorknob. “You want to go in there?”
“Hmmm.” Amy grabbed the blanket Surge had on the couch and wrapped it around her. She opened the door to let her and Binx through, leading her to the door that led to the greenhouse and work shop. “Binx I’m not sure if I can let you outside, and I’m not trying to chase you!”
Binx reached up to the doorknob again. Amy felt an instinct telling her it would be ok, so she opened the door and Binx walked out into the yard. Amy nervously followed as she realized she was being led to the greenhouse. “Meow” she stopped in the middle of the greenhouse in front of the Veiled Maiden bust on a pillar. “It’s beautiful in here Binx!” She continued to purr and looked down at the ground. “Meow.” She pawed at the ground. “Hmm, should I be worried Binx?” The cats green eyes looked up to her, she was still purring consistently. “You make me feel like I shouldn’t” she ran her hand down the cats back. ‘What’s that statue for? He does appreciate art, but something seems different about it’s placement.’ Binx rubbed her head and arched her side against Amy. “I wish I knew what to do kitty. I feel lost and conflicted.” As she flicked her eyes back up to the bust, she felt like she wasn’t alone. “What do you think I should do?” A chirped meow came from behind her, Binx was by the door. “Going inside now? Alright, if you say so.”
Amy and Binx made their way back into the living room and Binx had zoomed into the kitchen jumping onto the countertop. “Acting like your father I see.”
“Mmurrr,” she chirped. She sat next to a bottle of his favorite sangria.
Amy tilted her head in awe, “wine, huh?” Petting the cat’s head, she smiled, “thanks Binx.”

Scourge still had his head rested, his body relaxed. His Super form hadn’t dissipated yet. Unable to completely clear his mind cause he was too busy sensing what Amy was doing. He’d managed to lower his want for aggression, but he didnt understand how to manage this form just yet. He assumed it was based off of his anger or emotions in general. It did give him the ability to sense people moving around him. He could sense Amy walking down the hallway, silent as the night setting in on a long day. He kept his position and didn’t acknowledge as he heard her light footsteps approaching behind him. Glasses clinked against the marble close to him and he felt her hands run over his collar bones to his chest. He inhaled deeply, ‘why is she doin’ this?’ She nuzzled her face next to his delicately as he placed his hand on one of her arms. ‘Why is she treatin’ me like she cares?’ She made him feel better however, holding him in a way that made him feel like life could be easy if he allowed her to. “I’m not ok Amy, and I know you witnessed it.” Opening his eyes, he could see her in his preifereal. “It’s not an excuse, but it’s something I work on everyday, whether I want to or not.”
“Is that what all the prescriptions are for?” She asked softly
“Yea. I don’t take some of them though, they make me into someone I’m not. I turned into a shell of myself, so I get them in case something happens, but I usually just throw them away.” She made talking easy, but he still had to watch what he told her. “I’m trying, Amy. But some days, some issues, I wont be at my best.”
“Everyone has those days Scourge, it’s how you handle them that matters.”
“When you don’t have bi-polar, borderline personality disorder, sprinkled with severe anxiety, topped with ADHD, I assume things are easier to handle Amy.”
‘That must the BPD labeled on the bottle,’ she thought. “Yea, when you put it like that.” She had never known with anyone with these types of disorders or issues. She knew she had some homework to do.
“I didn’t ask to be like this, please, if you don’t understand anything else, understand that at the very least.”
She felt the sadness in his voice, she could feel that he fights himself constantly on a daily basis.
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Added: 1 year, 2 months ago
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