Alright I'm not sure if they have a creative writing portal of some type or anything of the sort, but since I want to try my endeavors at writing here goes my little contribution. Since this is a demo chapter somethings are subject to change. Lastly I apologize if it's too much of an expository writing ( I haven't written anything this serious in well over a decade). Anyway Kern, an anthropomorphic rat having just been washed out of her old home must now seek a new home whilst having meager supplies and her own skills at sneaking around a centuries old building in hopes that it will be her new residence.
One night just after a heavy thunderstorm Kern was catching her breath after fleeing the now flooded tunnels that was her former home. Tired and weary Kern had to find somewhere anywhere dry or warm for the night with no luck she carried onward further into city. Even with years of knowledge of the city streets Kern was not intimidated at the prospect of getting lost with the fading light and heavier rainfall; however it was to no avail as she did not find so much as a cubby to roost in. Street by street, market squares, and vendor stalls nothing seemed to offer sanctuary from the downpour. Not long after natural light started to dissipated; leaving the only other forms of illuminations where the occasional flickers from lightning, glow crystal post, and glow spheres from pronged light post. Each of them providing just enough light for navigation.
At one point the rain was so heavy that Kern forced to seek some respite by hiding in the doorway of a smithing build. Kern thought to herself that she can at least stay somewhat dry here then hoped that if they crouched in the corner of the doorway she can hopefully rest. At that point Kern only had half dry rags on her body to keep warm. No sooner as Kern sat down did the torrent changed direction and was now pelting her with a complete vertical assault of rain as if one was to point a hose and rinse down the unfortunate rodent of whatever dry scraps of cloth she has left. Immediately Kern jumped to her feet and fled further into the mire. Going up street near to where Kern had more familiarity with the city layout right next to a couple of burned out brick buildings and some street vendor stalls. Finally Kern found some place that looked promising, a stall with the brick walls and a thick canopy offering some protection Kern sat down and looked at her surroundings.
Tired and barely being able to keep her head up, Kern didn’t noticed at first there is a neatly stacked and folded heavy cloth sheet placed right next to her. It was only after the crack of thunder; waking Kern up from her brief rest, did she noticed the heavy fabric sheet. Picking it up and deciding to use it as a blanket; at the vary least Kern thought; now she can be warm. Huddled and wrapped all around with her newly acquired cover she began nodding off then starting to go back to sleep only for without any warning the all too familiar feeling of cold water gushing down all over Kern as the canopy above gave way. Startling Kern in the process it took a moment to realize what happened and once again Kern was forced to seek shelter elsewhere. Wandering around the streets for what felt like hours wrapped with the heavy blanket; the only shield from the cold and rain; which started to grow more and more intense with only lightning being the only source of light. It seemed to be useless endeavor as not even a nook or cubby was able to spied out to crawl in.
While on the move Kern saw the silhouette of a large building just up ahead. With little options left Kern pressed on wards using the flashes as a way to gauge her progress. Judging from the colossal silhouette it was impressive to Kern and she could only imagine that it must be big enough to shelter in let alone the whole city. What normally should have been a short trek was turned to a slow mire even at some points Kern was forced to paw around feeling their way to help navigate; even slipping on the cobble roads a couple of times along the way; then moving quickly after each flash. The only real advantage for Kern was the only thing wondering about the streets was herself. Everybody or it at least seemed like everybody and anything that could find shelter have already found it. It seemed as if it was just Kern; the half drowned rat; all alone and condemned to wander the city with no salvation from the savage storm. Finally making it to what seemed to be the building main proper and the cobble road that ran alongside it denoting the boundary between the streets and the main property. Kern was at awe of the glimpses she could make out and wondered if at some point in it’s history if it was a castle or fortress of sorts. Undoubtedly if it was; Kern though to herself; it must have been through a couple of sieges at some point. Then a sharp crack of thunder reminded Kern of more pressing matters and continued to roam around the property. At first there was nothing suitable to take refuge in but as Kern continued following the cobble road a smaller structure started to come into view. Approaching what turned out to be a bell house, it was a perfect little hideaway from the storm. As Kern moved closer toward the bell house just before she could crawl under the bell Kern stopped. Hearing peeping noises Kern began to approach the bell cautiously and as she closed the distance the peeping noises began to multiply. Discovering that squeekbats have now taken up residency in the bell house and not wanting to incur a swarm Kern backed away slowly being forced to continue the search around the premises.
The storm did not let up either, in it’s ferocity the heavy blanket became completely waterlogged. Not knowing if she should ditch the blanket or hold on to it in hopes of finding someplace dry Kern went along the road wondering if seeking shelter is a lost cause as there seems to be no good way in or if she should continue searching around the property limits. Noticing a short wall and next to it a shed Kern’s hopes were lifted and she began to head towards the barrier. After clambering over the wall and reaching the shed just a few feet from the edge Kern finally find a place that offered some protection from the torrent of what felt like ice daggers stabbing her all over and occasional freezing gust. The shed was at least twelve feet wide and ten feet in height. With a white plaster coating all around the shed and what felt like thick walls; though not made of stone; and small overhang of the wooden slat roof it was at least better than lodging along with the squeekbats. Staying off center with her back against the wall Kern sat herself down thinking of how long they are going to stay there. Grumbling and in a moment of self pity thinking of how could the whole of existence could be cruel to this rodent and for a moment thought if this would be the end almost wanted to give up to the elements. Kern decided for one last look around to see if there maybe some other place in sight, suddenly she felt something soft mushy that caught her attention. Wincing for a moment at the thought of what she stepped in, Kern went for a closer look not even noticing at first around the base of the shed right next to where she was standing some of plaster had come off. A flash of lightning illuminated the area allowing Kern to spot the exposed bricks. Realizing that the bricks are now melting away Kern gleefully started to scratch at the mud brick and began to dig a hole in the side of the shed big enough to squeeze through.
Delighted that now she is in a dry and warm place Kern immediately started to take in the new surroundings, noticing on the corner to her right are a pile of neatly folded cloth bundles. Kern grabbed them then began to pat herself dry. All over the room where tools and other items neatly placed sorted in a manner to maximize efficient space usage. Barrels and bags placed around in each corner. Tempted to rummage through the sacks and barrels as hunger pains started to set in for Kern. Most tempting for Kern was a bag of seeds; however; it quickly turned out the seeds were that of gnoss peppers. Repulsed by repugnant memories Kern turned away and stopped when she caught a glimpse of paper pinned on the wall with a message. Approaching then grabbing the sheet she looked over it as the sounds of the storm continued with constant patter of rain hitting the roof and walls in waves and muffled sounds of thunder.
Not being able to understand what was written on the parchment Kern turned around to inspect the rest of the interior looking to see if any spot would be a good place to rest. Checking behind crates and barrels nothing seemed to suitable even to simply lay down and stretch. The exercise was not made any easier with hunger pains coming and going was enough to motivate Kern to see if she can scrounge for any scraps. After moving over some smaller wooden containers; directly opposite from the hole made moments before; Kern spotted then lifted a floor door and spurred on by curiosity when she saw a ladder leading down. The dimly lit passage dug underneath the shed looked more like a mine shaft with thick timbers evenly spaced out on the sides and ceiling. Torch light was the only source of illumination that sputtered and flickered in an almost haunting manner. The floor felt as if it were a mix of gravel and sand along with the occasional odd size stone, clearly this passage was not used in some time. Further evidence of the disuse of the passage and accompanying rooms all half filled with wooden boxes and crates and being empty enough Kern could stay not only to rest for the remainder of the night but maybe longer. The idea was temping for Kern after all she narrowly fled with her life and whatever possessions she had left behind it was claimed by the flood waters the choice was rather obvious. With a final excuse to justify her own decision to now occupy this bit of real state, “At least the smell of sewage won’t be accompanying this poor rat anytime soon…., nor evading the watchmen’s hounds too.”
No signs of anyone gave Kern confidence to creep along to the edge of passage right before it opened up to a hallway that ran parallel to the under tunnel. Stopping every few feet to hear for any noise then moving again until she reached the edge of the tunnel. Kern taking a breath to ready herself to poke her face out not knowing what she’ll find. As she leaned off to the side the hallway transitioned to stone slab floors and was better lit with the hallway being at lest twice the size of the passage constructed with brick walls and stone archways it was rather plain compared to what she could make out on the outside of the building. Kern could see multiple branching paths on either side of the hallway and was hoping that her luck will continue to holdout and she would be completely isolated. As Kern went down the hallway keeping a lookout as to avoid any possible confrontations with only just a short distance traveled from the corner she turned, Kern found herself overpowered by a fragrance she has never smelled before. One whiff was enough for her to be stopped her in place. The sensation even causing her tail to jump upright and whiskers jittered with excitement. Instantaneously Kern was under it’s hypnotic trance and the smell of roasted, seasoned meat overtook Kern.
The trail was easy to follow and in a minute or two Kern found the room where the succulent, well seasoned with multiple herbs and a light coating of bread crumbs along the entirety of the roast. Steam still flowing off the round cut and savory drippings collecting on separate cooking pan. Not believing in her luck that both the hallway and the kitchen were totally empty allowing free reign to completely waltz around at will, Kern darted for the meat and then gorged on any other food left out in the open. Satiated after her fill “Well at least living in a place like this has to have some perks” remarked Kern then went about to explore the adjacent rooms. Stumbling into one room that is the repository of alcohol of different types Kern wondered if the alcohol stored here was the cheap stuff or if it’s the legit hard party drinks. Either way expense or not there must be something useful stowed away to quench the thirst she now developed. While looking through each case and racks, pulling the bottles from the cradle then pushing them back in to see if anything she can consume she came across one such bottle that stopped before it fully reached the back of the racking then hearing a clicking sound Kern realized that she bumped on something someone didn’t want found. After the click a grinding sounds of a stone rubbing against stone as a wall lowered emanating a sound directly behind her. Kern turned to face the sound and was taken aback at the discovery of the newly revealed entrance of a hidden store room. A second or two passed before Kern went inside the room and was delighted by the aroma of different fresher foods. Helping herself to the variety of cheeses and salted meats Kern could not believe the fortune that laid upon her. Snubbing the alcohol Kern’s attention was then drawn to a large crystal bottle that contained a black liquid. Having not seen anything of the sort before Kern was rather apprehensive at first but out of the urge to satisfy her own thirst Kern went up to the crystal bottle then tapped the bottle. The crystal bottle was noticeably colder and indeed as a matter of fact the recess in which the bottle was stored was much cooler. She then went to the bottle touching it with her finger. Amazed that with every tap the liquid would bubble then Kern picked up the bottle to smell the liquid and was greeted by a sweet scent mixed with spices and other aromas Kern never though possible in a liquid. Thus far delighted with the mysterious black bubbly and fizzy liquid Kern went for a tiny sip of the drink then a gulp then a bigger gulp. With wide eyes in pure bliss Kern could not break herself from guzzling down the sweet and peppery taste of the black liquid and thought that this drink that was bestowed on her lips was a gift that higher beings bequeathed unto mortals that elevate their pallet from simpler tastes and ascend all to the rapture of this divine liquid.
Assuming that there must be more hidden rooms all over the mansion Kern continued exploring the rest of the floor. After some time exploring the whole of the basement level Kern thought to herself that maybe this place might just be perfect for a new hideout and strongly considered it with the evidence at hand, oh how very easy it would be to stay undetected for a long time months even. Wanting to go back to the store rooms near the tunnel for a rest Kern couldn’t break away from exploring even further. She was spurred on by curiosity and excitement at what else she could find wandering the near empty halls and rooms. Following the hallway the lead to the basement kitchen to it’s end Kern walked up to the metal door and listen for any signs of activity. Hoping that the metal door was not too thick to mute any sound from the adjacent room Kern decided to open the door slowly and steadily looking through the gap and gradually opened the door till a wide enough gap allowed Kern to then dart across into a corner covered in a blanket of shadow. The hallway in which Kern has stepped through is much larger than the one she just left once again leaving Kern at awe by the size of the mansion let alone the size of the interior. Further down the hallway Kern could see a stairwell built into the side of the walls and looking up at the outward jutting stone steps that wrapped around and must have stretch up two more floors. Then looking back down Kern noted underneath the stairway some crates were stacked atop each other.
Just as Kern noted the crates she detected the sound of footfalls that must be approaching from above. She immediately sought for cover seeking aid form the shadows underneath the stairwell behind the crates. Judging by the sound Kern figured there must be two people on their way down. Kern then waited for the two to pass. As they did, Kern noted; by their grumbling; that they were guards and hopefully they were not on a short patrol route hoping that instead they are going to sleep or to be occupied by other endeavors. The conversation between the two did not reveal anything of importance for Kern so as the guards passed by Kern’s nook, she felt rather confident that security is laxed enough for her to indeed stay here for as long as she likes. Wanting to make sure that the guards were not on patrol Kern waited for awhile to see if they would come back around. With no sign of the guards walking back Kern continued upwards to the next floor. The floor above the basement level was comprised of the servants quarters and what Kern assumed must be a guard quarters. Each room was plainly decorated being comprised of stone slab floors, stone or brick walls, a glow crystal or two for lighting. Wooden chest for the inhabitants to stow their belongings and crude wooden mattress frames with straw as padding to served as their beds. Placed in no particular order in some of the rooms were wooden table and benches along with a couple of plainly decorated wooden chairs, some even had along the walls shelves that had a variety of articles that were of no interest for Kern to further look at. Finally along the walls of the quarters themselves were banners. Kern did not recognize any of the symbology and iconography embroidered on the tapestries and wanting to avoid any confrontation Kern did not dare tread into any room that was too open and well lit with little to no cover. There was at least a little bit more activity going on the servant level. Kern could hear the distant chatter of two servants and hoping to find any information that would be useful around such a place Kern snuck close enough to eavesdrop. Passing by a sleeping guard and hiding behind on of the corridor pillars as one guard who shuffled around passed her with little care or any display of alertness.
Along the way were some other rooms that were converted as additional store rooms. Kern peeked in spotting furniture, wardrobes, and what she assumed were paintings covered over with sheets. Trying not to get too distracted any further Kern made her way to edge of opening to the room where she can hear the two servants yakkating about. Cloaked in shadow Kern listen as the two servant talked frankly to each other. The two were expressing their annoyance at the current lack of staff and how each of their workload has multiplied. One in absolute agreeance bobbing their head with every point the other servant made then mentioning the lack of morale amongst the guard staff. Noting how there seems to be more and more issues with cooperation and a steep lack of discipline displayed by the guards. The other then replied with maybe the new captain of the guard is pressing them way too hard in order to impress his new boss. Further mentioning their own discontent about the regular staff were being treated as if they too were apart and subordinate to the new captain. Expressing that they wish the old captain was still in charge; rough though he may have been but fair with his deliberations and accommodations with both staff and security. Finally the conversation concluded with one of the servants asking if they would consider a transfer to the new property where almost half of the staff had already gone to.
Gleeful at the prospect that mansion was operating with minimal staff and more possibly to leave soon Kern reconsiders the idea to stay temporally and instead with the sheer size and hidden rooms this would be perfect. Elated at the turn of fortune now more than ever Kern wanted to see the rest of the building. Going back to the basement stairway Kern went to the next floor above. With a similar layout and only a couple of guards neglectfully patrolling about; there was nothing of importance except to link to the mansion and the staff quarters. Exiting the hallway Kern was immediately greeted with stone blocks half the size of a man, decorated with alternating colors and placed in a geometrical pattern. The texture of the stones were different form the sub levels, these were instead chosen for a more polished and decorative look. Carpets stretched out covering parts of the floor and they too had a similar geometrical pattern as well as the walls too. The marbled tile showed the expert level craftsmanship with it’s fine geometric details. The ceiling too was made of stone blocks though it looks as if they were quarried from a different source all together. Kern almost imagined that the owner’s guest would hopefully not notice the difference in stone while being preoccupied gazing at the decorations on the walls, carpets and statues.
Just before Kern could reach the end of the hallway she stopped and nearly leaped backwards almost giving herself away with a gasp as she barely noticed the legs of someone sticking out from imbetween one of the sautes. Kern could hear incoherent murmurs from the body, puzzled at first Kern crept forward but at an angle then noticed all over the floor where empty bottles and it became clear that the incoherent mumbling was that of a drunkard. Relieved at the incapacitated guard Kern wanted to see if there is another way around the him then she turned around to head back through the metal door. Only after a few steps did something catch Kern’s eye and it was compelling enough for her wanting to get a closer look. Noticing one of the floor tiles was off pattern Kern walked up to it careful not to make any loud noises then tapped the suspicious tile with her finger. The tile gave way to some degree revealing that grater pressure was needed. Then stepping on the tile hearing a click a hidden passage revealed itself. Immediately going through the passage Kern then hurriedly started to look for a way to close the passage door and frantically started to claw around for a switch, button, or lever before someone else walks through and spots the open way. To Kern’s immediate left where a recess in the wall slightly concealed by a crystal sconce was the trigger Kern was desperately looking for. After activating it Kern felt relieved that now there is some protection from any interlopers and started to look around the Passage. It was smaller in size than the other hidden room offering a clearance slightly above average height and almost wide enough for two people to stand abreast. The stonework indicated it’s age and indeed the age of the mansion.
The wooden floors worn by age and slightly bowing with each plank placed lengthwise. Crystal sconces were spaced out evenly and gave just enough illumination to overlap each aura. Each sconce emitted a noticeable humming noise that almost gave haunting ambiance to the whole passage. The stone blocks were of a different complexion to the others with a blue gray color to it. It had a more rougher cut and was not picked for it aesthetics. The passageway split into two pathways. Directly in front was a wooden stairway leading up to another floor above while a little bit further down the passage corner turned right. Choosing to stay on the same floor Kern briskly walked down the passage turned right to follow the rest of the passage to it’s end. Just before reaching the other end of the passage Kern spotted the lever used to activate the door then with a few steps further she stopped to hear for any clattering footfalls. Hearing nothing and hoped no one else is wondering around she became ever more confident when she could not detected anything. Then Kern turned to the lever and just before pressing it; Kern in a moment of caution; stopped and thought what if they were to open the passage door and someone not in hearing range as of yet could by coincidence see the passage open then as she walked out from it spotting her as they walk by or turned the corner. Weighing the options Kern felt that her luck has held out thus far and reasoned with only half or less than half of the staff present, the odds of getting spotted as the door opens would be minimal. Checking one last time to hear any sound and once again not a single sign of anyone near the secret passage, Kern activated the lever and slowly poked her face out. With nobody in sight Kern stretched out her arms to feel the sides of wall then began to leaning forward. Placing her hand on the moulding for balance and then feeling across the length of the moulding Kern felt one of the pieces started to give way. Instantly deducing that it must be the switch used to open the passage from that side Kern turned to look. The cleverly hidden button was disguised as a square piece on the chair rail moulding. Kern then darted to the nearest shadow for cover after closing the passage door checking for anyone wandering around then darted to the next shadow. Doing the same for the next few shadows as Kern made sure the path was clear to safely move, by her guess this must be some sort of common area or at least leading to a common area of the mansion.
Passing by a small room seemingly out of place it caught Kern’s attention. Peering in, it was deceptively larger though not by much on the inside. Walking in to gaze at the splendor on display with fine intricate and a wide verity of carpetries and tapestries. Kern quickly realized that she was in a Malitite chapel; remembering all of the trouble the Malitites caused her; and not wishing to stay any longer Kern left with a sinking feeling that with Malitites also roaming about things may get more difficult. If the Malitites have a side chapel then maybe they might have a barracks or small contingent inside the mansion. Wanting to leave after being compelled by on coming footsteps and a desire to try searching the second floor of the secret passage Kern manage to make it back to the hidden passage and walked up the stairs without incident. In contrast to the stone blocks that made the passage below, this was made entirely of wood. The pathway immediately opened up upon stepping onto the floor. Now with more room Kern wondered what is it that they have stumbled across. Seeing that the interior allowed ease of movement with carpeting on the wooden floor dampening the sounds of movement. A Different type of crystal lighting was used that produced only the faintest of hums, and the light emitted from the sconces were dimmer. One of the panels further down had a shaft of light peering through it, drawn to the light Kern went closer then turned to the panel to discover narrow notches build into wall allowing for a view the other side. Kern then discovered more notches and peepholes in other panels located exactly on every room adjacent to it. Kern then imagined of all the possible spying and eavesdropping that must have happened on the inhabitants and wondered about the many possible types of intrigue that took place. After passing by six of such notches Kern was starting to a better understanding of the layout of the mansion. Kern though it best to acquire some scrap paper or parchments and any type of writing tool to make a rough map as she went along exploring the place and make notes. Leading to the end of the wooden passage Kern listened carefully for any signs of patrols or footfalls of staff walking around. Then opening the door seeing that the hallway was partially lit with corners and shadows to hide in and little traffic with whinging guards. Entering a part of the mansion that has dulled barely polished stone floors, the occasional torch crackling and emitting their soft orange glow, with every so often a painting on the wall or a wooden table with various decorations and confections place atop. The walls themselves were a mix of stone blocks and thick wood trims that have a tapering recesses were the torches were placed. Some of the torches weren’t lit while others were. Looking down the rest of the hallway Kern could see another doorway directly in front and some open entrances on other ends of the hall with carpet leading to either entrance. Kern chose to go for the door in front as it was closest and allowed to evade the oncoming patrol.
The room was a smaller room possibly something like a waiting room or a tea room where anyone can make small talk; Kern wondered if this too has any peepholes to listen in on; it was rather cozy with a single torch lighting up the room along with a couple of wing back seats and a camel back sofa with an end table separating the two. A large wooden display cabinet decorated with fine vine carvings all over the edges and the glass panes with a clear pattern at the center and frosted borders at the edge of each pane. Behind the cabinet doors were goblets made from fine metals and crystals. Along side them were decorative plates and smaller cups. Finally what Kern can only assume were more bottles of alcohol among the contents of the cabinet. The floors were all wood planks with a large rug that almost covered the entire floor, lastly Kern noticed a bookshelf with a flat box that looked out of place. Ignoring it for now Kern pressed forward to the next room. Opening the door revealed that the hallway once again was larger than what Kern was expecting. The first thing Kern notice was the curve of the hall and the lack of any real good hiding places. The top of the walls were covered with crown molding, no rafters on the ceiling, just the occasional rounded wooden pillar that marked the end of room from another. Not liking the lack of any good cover Kern headed back to see if there is another route to take, she thought maybe the side passages would offer better cover. Going back to the tea room Kern decided to look at the flat box.
The box it self was a mix of a blue and purple color, not at covered in any real fine detail expect for the edges of the box; Kern was surprised that it wasn’t locked and it’s contents underwhelming when she was greeted by a near empty green felt laced box with only bits of miscellaneous junk and paper scraps too small to be useful. Thinking that there must be something else of importance in the flat box otherwise why would it place in such a room when it would be better stowed in a bed room or study. Only by chance Kern noticed some inscription on the bottom of the box when she picked it up looking while looking for a false panel on the box. Being able to make out the crude pictograph of the room and the furniture Kern immediately turned her attention to the display cabinet. Looking all over for a button that the pictograph showed was somewhere on the cabinet. Checking the bottom first, Kern was groping anything from the bottom of the cabinet and all around even sliding her fingers around the short feet. Looking for any recess or switch or button camouflaged as any small detail, Kern then poked her snout under the bottom using her whiskers helping in the endeavor.
Kern’s inspection was temporarily halted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Kern started to feel more and more tense as the foot falls became louder and heading directly to the tea room she then quickly looked around the room for any place that is viable to hide in. The display cabinet was the obvious choice with the bottom drawer big enough to hide in though Kern did remember the last time she choose a similar spot to hide in and the ensuing calamity that followed. Grabbing and stroking the wounded area where her tail was pinched by the closing of the cabinet door. Almost at a panic Kern huddled in corner blocked by the enormity of the display cabinet tucking her entire body as best she could and with not time to left spare the footfalls stopped and the door opened. Holding her breath for fear of discovery Kern tried her best to stop shuttering. The guard walked in without even bothering to glance around the room. He then stopped right in front of the door leading to the next room then he began muttering to himself and fixed the surcoat over his mail armor. Afterwards preceded to in a mocking tone with his complaints as he entered the next room. It was a quick reminder to Kern to not to get too confident, even with these lackluster guards. Knowing she will loose a fight to any of the guards if they got caught her. Kern went back to finding the hidden switch. Feeling up and down the sides of the cabinet and even any railing around the display table were plates and flatware were left out for the guests. Kern then payed her attention to the top of the cabinet. By standing on the display table to gain a better vantage but it was to no avail with no sight of a trigger to press. Kern then quickly started to look at the moulding on the walls, still no luck finding anything Kern looked back at the inscription and studied it for a bit longer. Afterwards Kern turned to cabinet and realized she did not check where the goblets were stowed. After opening up the and glancing through seeing nothing that would indicate a button hidden amongst the goblets Kern noticed a detail that was rather odd and out of place. The interior frame where the goblets and finer flatware were kept normally would not have any form of decoration as they would not normally be seen unless with a closer inspection. At each point where the frame joints conjoined there are additional wooden squares that offered no additional benefit to the frame and were simply decorated as carved rings growing smaller as they went closer to the center. Looking and prodding at all of them Kern finally found the button she was looking for and hearing a reaffirming click and loosening of a hidden door. The sound it made betrayed the location the hidden entrance to Kern and now she went to open the bottom storage and carefully rearranged the items stowed within it then she preceded through. After making her way through the entrance of the passage, Kern with a chuckle and smug look to go with it turned around to close the door behind her knowing that she won round two with those contemptuous cabinet doors that bereaved her tail.
Just like the other passage before with some room for Kern to move about with no difficulties and the same signs of no one have gone through them, Kern kept her eyes open for anything she could use for writing and any scrap sheets big enough to map out the place. Following up the length of the passage and just before reaching the end Kern stopped, she could hear a conversation that started to echo from a part of the passage that branched left the closer she got to the corner. Curious to how well one could listen in on anyone’s conversation with the hopes of learning anymore useful details. She crept along the way to the peephole on the wall Kern was taken aback as she gazed upon two Malitites in mid conversation. Not pleased by the development Kern continued to listen in; one of the Malitites in an upbeat manner; chuckling at the response of the other Malitite before continuing with their point, “Further more with these new acquisitions the Order does see fit for potential promotion in the ranks of the clergy. Finally Bentheth, finally I will be able to make my mark in the Order after all the years spent under foot of that ungrateful wretch Master Diemous-” Bentheth interrupted “Do you honestly think things will change?, the acquisition after all is still only a partial one and it’s not even official as of yet. I know that you’ve shown a lot of promise through the eyes of clergy that I can affirm and they do see potential in you for other work in the Order. But don’t you think before going forward with this half baked scheme it would be best to wait and refrain yourself until future developments about Master Diemous and his successor? You of all people should know how ruthless the clergy can be with any hint of a power struggle within the ranks?”.
Annoyed with Bentheth’s questioning the validation of his plan “Yes indeed I do remember what happened to the previous master and how narrowly close our Order was to an all out schism. Everyone knows that when he steps down or dies there will be many who will seek to claim the position. I have no illusions that will cause a shake up then afterwards a purging of council and others who are loyal to the old guard will ensue. Then I’m sure they will undoubtedly install more ardent supporters who favor the expansion of influence towards the High Court of Argenvell and the greater pursuit of political power over the land.” Bentheth replied “ So your insurance policy to expand the holdings and gain favor all in the hopes that you’ll be viewed as a valuable asset so you won’t have an assassins blade in your back, even if you were to be chosen what makes you think you’ll not winding up on heresy trial from conspiring fellows. Or even being able to hold our Order together without causing even more trouble. We are indeed on the precipice of something monumentous. Methinks you have been listening to too much hearsay friend, and I think it would do you more good to calm down and not read too much into whats going on. I’m confident Master Diemous would choose wisely and mend the troubles and calm the other Malities of any worry of a schism.” Bentheth paused then breathed in “Honestly your fears seem misdirected come now I do believe that good news awaits from the Scribes of Jerro with their research on the topic. Anyway have you by any chance received contact with our courier he was supposed to report back with credentials of passage for the Scribes?” Kern at this point loosing all interest with the exchange of the two Malities was able to take consolation that they were having trouble of their own and was amused at the thought of some karmic justice for all of the grievance the Malities caused for once.
After looking through the other peepholes and spying into the guest rooms for anything useful. Kern once again unsuccessful, headed back and decided to make her way to the next floor. Discovering a couple more hidden passages along the way, and not taking any interest in fully exploring the dinning rooms and studies even with the lack of guards patrolling on each floor, Kern was however at least concerned at the passage of time and was seeking a way to the outside to hopefully gauge the time. Kern decided that the best place was on the top floor. Finding a stairwell that lead upwards and was delighted to find that it lead directly to the top that lead to an outdoor roof garden with what appeared to be a lunar pool surround by pillars. The rainstorm has calmed down considerably to a more gentile ambiance with a hint of the ocean in wind. Looking up at the night sky scanning for the moon in between patches of clouds Kern was surprised that she still has a little bit more than half of the night left. It was a guess of course then turning her attention over to the pool wondering if it could or possibly have a way or even a device that calculates the night time. Walking to the pool Kern eyed iconography on the stones with depictions the moon in all of it’s phases along with script that she has never seen before. For a moment Kern was transfixed at how the water reflected light of the moon and in it self seems to generate it’s own but faint glow as if the water contained some otherworldly properties. Feeling the icey chill of the water as Kern leaned towards the shallow pool she decided against touching it and thought it better to leave such mysteries alone.
Wanting to get a look of the city from her vantage point Kern walked to the edge where thick stone railing wrapped around the edge. Kern could only imagine how things would look in a few hours after the morning dawn has appeared. Placing her hand atop the rail not noticing a jagged pebble until it poked at her palm she then brushed over the pebble from the railing. Looking to see where the pebble could have landed Kern’s attention shifted over to a balcony that she can easily climb down to. But before Kern decided to climb to the balcony she wanted to look at the rest roof checking out the final room. The door leading to the room was of a simple construction with planks of wood placed vertically and nailed in place with a couple of horizontal planks on the top and bottom. The door itself was not totally mounted properly with it being slightly crooked and small gaps where the weatherstrip now long rotted away gave the first glimpse to the other side. Kern at first had a some difficulty opening the door indicating the lack of use but was able to free it when Kern applied some weight to it. Concluding that this is an attic of sorts, Kern almost felt right at home in the place.“Well at least being a roof rat is an upgrade from being a sewer rat” Kern remarked as she looked around. The room was poorly lit with piles of straw and other detritus over the stone floor. It is rather spacious with two floors dividing one half of the room and up in the ceiling joist, spare lumber beams laid across each other with plenty of room to safely hide and difficult enough for most inhabitants to reach to. Satisfied with the location Kern took a moment to to stop to think about what she’ll need and where she is going to store it. Then finally making the space more comfortable for a longer stay. After coming up with a plan Kern wanted to go back and climb down to the balcony to start searching to where it leads. Getting up and readjusting her makeshift cloak so it won’t fly away from the now revitalizing storm. Kern’s last thoughts before carrying on was about the old cistern and remembering how she came across it the first time and the few fond memories spread out through the duration there and hoped that this would be the begging of better things.
Proceeding to clamber over the railing and cautiously scaling down the wet walls Kern had mostly made it all the way to the ledge without incident until the last few steps where Kern lost her grip from the wet surface then landing in an ungraceful and rather catastrophically manner fell on her previously aggrieved tail. Teary eyed at her misfortune Kern looked at her tail stroking it to console herself then continued to look about. Kern walked over to the edge and saw a few other ledges not wanting to tempt any further injury to both tail and ego she turned back to face the large wooden double doors then placing her ear next to the door in order to listen for any activity Kern was satisfied when she could not hear any signs emitting from inside the room. Before going in Kern looked through one of the sidelites barely being able to see but was confident that no one was inside. Going over to open the door; hoping that it was not locked; Kern turned the door knob and was relieved that it was left unlocked. The carelessly unlocked door had some weight to it so Kern opened the door wide enough for her to darted right in. The room itself was larger than some of the others on this floor and Kern noticed that it was roughly around twenty to twenty five feet in length and roughly twelve feet in width. Bookcases stretching to the ceiling of the second floor, each placed next to another filled with books, scrolls, instruments, small figures, and other articles sprinkled around each case. In the center of the room were more bookcases stretched out and not as high as the ones on the wall. The ceiling has hanging candle light chandelier all of which were unlit. Paintings of figures and landscapes were place in between the bookcases along with the a couple of simple desks placed down opposite of each other. The floor was decorated with dark red and gray diamond tiles in alternating patterns. Despite the tiled floor Kern was able to move about the room with little noise from the rainstorm. Even if some one was to hear Kern, the likelihood of discovery was still poor.
Going up the wooden ramp to the second floor and walked around for awhile only to then stopped at a desk at the corner of the room where a half eaten loaf of bread and a plate fill of apples were placed. The center of the desk was a pile of papers some books and rolled up prints with writing utensils and other items scattered all over the desk amongst them was a key. Kern wanted to riffle through the drawers but she didn’t find anything of interest until checking the last drawer on the bottom right of the desk. The drawer was locked and instinctively Kern grabbed the key and used it. Driven by what may be contained in the drawer Kern rummaged till she hit the bottom and grabbed a rolled up print. After a minute or two Kern found some notes and after glancing over the papers she then started to undo the jute twine bindings. The print was that of a map of the mansion, incomplete and partially covered with scribbled notes and marked locations of other passages Kern did not find yet along with others she already found. Kern was amazed at how many hidden locations could be crammed in such a building. Knowing the usefulness of such a map Kern took a couple of the utensils so to jot down any further findings.
At that moment Kern wanted to go back down to the basement storage and begin bringing anything useful to the attic. Knowing that any item there would be least likely to be missed Kern also wanted to be thorough in detailing any secrets. Taking anything of use from the first basement floor and easily bypassing the guards Kern was able to then swiftly make her way to second basement floor. Likewise there wasn’t much of anything Kern could use that would be easily transported by hand to the attic all the while making any notes for any secrets. Kern was even able to make her way back form where she came from and added that location on the map. Temped to go back to the hidden store room with the peppery black liquid, Kern found herself to be turn around and lost while in pursuit of the black liquid. Kern stopped and wondered for a moment if she had jotted down the starting location in the wrong position on the map. Walking a bit further Kern stopped again as she heard a commotion from a room just ahead of her. Putting away her map and other things in order to better creep closer to the room with little noise, Kern walked into a deep shadow casted by one the timber beams and was able to get a good look inside the room where she recognize the guards from earlier having a conversation with other guards numbering around five or so in view and maybe more not in sight. Feeling apprehensive that there are more guards than she originally thought present on this floor there was at least some solace that they were all occupied for the time being. Most of the guards were either playing a game of cards or a sort of dice game all the while getting lethargic off of eating and drinking. Looking around Kern saw two having a conversation off to the side closest to the entrance. One guard was standing up talking to the other sitting on a bench, both unable to hide their exhaustion. Finally after taking in a breath and exhaling the standing guard ask “So Landell got you working the double shift this week, huh?” a second passed before the other replied, “Yeah, the new captain defiantly has a way of seeing how much pressure he can apply to test all of our limits.” The guard started to lie down on the bench for a quick stretch and breather. “But don’t worry too much ‘bout me, I’m still rearing to prove I can handle this new posting.” The other smirked “Well by the looks of it you seem more tired already. Honestly I’m surprised that he always seems to keep going. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he sleeps or bathes in that armor.” chuckling to himself “Can you imagine that, always being ready at a moments notice always in your armor.” The guard then sighed “Well I suppose that’s how it is when you are one of those Dwendorn elves. Anyway, Fethner was asking earlier if you have seen the Captain?”. Sitting up from the bench the guard replied “A Dwendorn elf? Well reminded me not to get on his bad side before he uses one of their legendary dispensary measures. Besides, he should be still on patrol like he’s been on for the last few hours.” Kern withdrew into the cast shadow no longer finding anything useful in the conversation and was content that at the very least all or most of the guards are too occupied to bother the unwelcomed interloper right beneath their notice.
Looking at the map rotating it in different orientations to get a proper fix on her location Kern finally solved her dilemma plotted a course to bypass the guards. Retracing her steps back Kern passed through another room with wide open space relatively well lit with torches and a couple of hanging candle lights with a large plank table situated in the middle. The room was divided in half with the wide open space on the left and to the right is a series of brick and stone pillared archways. Going to the table to plunder any utensils Kern noticed that the table was somewhat worn with use and age and stained presumably with alcohol and small spatterings of blood. Turned off by the mess and with of nothing of value in sight Kern turned to to the right and walked to the more dimly lit side were after passing one of the pillars Kern saw four rooms all side by side. Judging by the smell emitting from three of the rooms it left little to the imagination of the purpose of the rooms. The forth and largest room Kern thought must be another store room. When opening the door it revealed a spiral staircase leading further downward. Taking the map back out imagining that it must be an oversight since it was not on the map Kern then followed the staircase noticing that it goes further down than the level she first entered through. Finally Kern reached the end and felt rather disappointed when it lead to a room that was a total dead end. Stopping for a few moments to plan out her next move, Kern observed that the stairway was wider than normal and with the treads being longer than the other stairway treads. Also upon further examination each riser was only a few inches high. Almost as if it was made to make it easier to carry heavy, bulky objects down. Kern stared to look around checking for anymore buttons or switches she can press. Touching the walls and looking at the floor for any irregularities in the stone. Kern even went so far as to stack a couple of trunks to get a better view atop the stone crowning. Checking even behind the spiral stairway and found nothing. Frustrated at the waste of time Kern angrily imagined that if the switch she was looking for is located somewhere else or it could possibly be that she is thinking about it way too much and there is no switch to be found. Deciding to give it one more go Kern retraced all of her previous steps and ultimately reached the same conclusion. Kern was at the point of giving up and was entirely flustered and walked under the stairway. Stopping and leaning her back against the wall withdrawing some food out of her side pouch to alleviate some hunger pains. Looking up and staring blankly and after chewing for a few moments it was then Kern’s eye caught a glint of something and realizing that it was in arm’s reach Kern touched the object and felt that it was not stone but instead the button they were looking for. Rather annoyed that of course the only place that she did not think to check is were she would find the button that is directly above her head in the dark corner of the stairway. Just after pressing the switch the wall that Kern was leaning against opened and revealed another passage but of bare rock and a dirt pathway that lead further bellow the mansion’s foundation. The passage itself opened up considerably lit with torches and crystal lights. After a short walk following a ledge with guard rails that contoured with the slope of the ledge, Kern was in awestruck at how such a thing could exist under a building and could only imagine the history of the place. Kern walked over to the edge of the slope to look down and by her estimate the ledge dropped about nine or so feet and a massive pool of water that must have accumulated over the years. Looking back up Kern then spotted a series of carved out statues and reliefs in the rock walls that stretched out from one end to the other. In complete astonishment at the splendor and fine detailed work on display, Kern never had seen anything so remarkable in size and beauty with the almost life like and utter attention to detail Kern could only gaze and marvel at this masterpiece left for those who perchance crossed it’s path.
Remembering that she still need to go on taking any carriable items back with her, Kern headed further along the path and was greeted by a large structure composed of massive blocks compared to the majestic artistry she just left, this structure was rather plain and uninspired and the interior had little to no decorations like the one outside in the cavern walls. Visible layers of dust build up was everywhere, remarkably the interior was very well lit up. Kern must have thought that it was the work of magic to keep the lighting from torches, candles, and an occasional lumination from which no source could be detected. The floor had piles of gray sand and mineral buildup along the tops of the walls and hanging down from the ceiling. The layout from what Kern saw was very simple, just a few rooms all linked with a hallway that only branched out a bit and connected back to the main hall. Passing by one of the rooms and looking inside Kern came to the realization that this must be a crypt of sorts. Stone caskets place along the walls or carved out space big enough for the caskets. Some caskets were even made into the floor itself. Each had a figure that adorned on the top lid of each casket. The figures depicted were most probably warriors of sorts with great attention to the detail of their armor, weapons, and belongings, some even had shields depicted on the casket lids. Kern could not make out what the inscriptions and the iconography depicted on the shields let alone the rest of the caskets. Ultimately Kern decided to back away slowly in hopes that she wont disturbed the dead fearful that she will have to deal with some riled up, cantankerous revenants. Becoming more and more apprehensive the further along exploring the mausoleum not knowing if there maybe other things lurking around or treading any further where the dead rest. Kern ignored her apprehension being spurred on by curiosity pressed onward, passing by a couple of more crypts before finding a downward slope where Kern can hear the steady sound of dripping water. Taking a closer look to see if she can tread through the water and recoiling at how cold the water is.
The section itself was partially submerged and the walls covered in stains indicating the water levels with slippery, spongy moss overgrowth. Desiring to go back to find higher ground Kern began to head back but was stopped when she spotted a wooden door. Kern reasoned that since the water level is not too deep that she will explore the room before leaving. The door covered in mold; fuzzy to the touch with a sprinkling of orange from the rust; gave only a mild resistance when Kern went to push the door open. Kern was in absolute bewilderment when her eyes gazed upon treasure undisturbed for centuries. Dumbfounded that such a place has not been looted yet Kern’s only other thought was of a massive payout from any of the local crime lords for a tip off like this. It would be too easy with no traps, guards, and so far no super natural or unnatural beings to prevent it’s plunder. Tempting though it may seem Kern also thought of keeping the secret for herself and take only a handful of treasures to fence it off and keep a bigger cut instead of dealing with the treacherous and unpredictable crime lords. Kern ultimately decided to come back later after noticing the steady increase of water becoming more and more like the deluge she’d escaped from before. Going back up slope, Kern turned around to look at the treasure that was within her grasp but could not even take so much as a souvenir and Kern lamented that for a second time in a row her prospects of wealth were thwarted by flood waters. After leaving the mausoleum and going back to the basement Kern pressed the button to close the hidden wall.
Kern felt that she have more or less total mastery on the evasion of the guards and thought up of a plan to make caches. Wanting to go up to the third and fourth floors to loot whatever she can use before going to the attic for a well earned rest Kern was feeling rather confident again and rushed to make it to the third floor. With very little items of note in the bedrooms and guest rooms Kern swept through the third floor then quickly made it to the fourth floor. The fourth floor did have a little more to offer other than scraps and likewise to the previous floor the quarters on the fourth were bare. Most of the useful comforts that would hardly missed were in the studies and offices. Kern’s side pouch at this point was starting to become bloated with loot, Kern took note of it but before going to the attic to drop off her score Kern wanted to check the third study room before going to the attic. While approaching the corner of the study Kern stopped as the sound of multiple foot falls grew louder. Two maybe three guards were walking on their routes and Kern could hear their conversation knowing that they were fast approaching. Kern figured the best way to bypass them was to use one of the passages she found earlier. Bolting to the passage the side pouch filled started to clank and rattle, Kern swore that she heard oncoming guards taking note of the disturbance and were surly alerted by the ruckus. However Kern did make it to the passage without incident and quickly ran down the length of passage. Not stopping to check for anyone on the other side Kern quickly opened the passage while looking over her shoulder. Just as Kern stepped out of the passage and turning her head forward Kern gasped and nearly slipped as she ran into a patrol of four guards. The guards simultaneously turned their heads to the direction of the opened passage. Both parties took half a moment to absorb what has transpired then Kern dashed back into the passage as the patrol gave pursuit. One ran off to sound the alarm bellowing and making all sorts of racket, another ran around the in hopes to cut off Kern’s escape route while the other two pursued Kern directly in the passage. The guards shouted at Kern with swears and orders to halt. Kern’s side pouch now spewing it’s contents didn’t slow or slip the guards and Kern was thinking of any possible tactic to escape. Remarkably for the undisciplined guards they seem to have; despite all of their discontent; started to swarm as if a nest of stinging insects were disturbed as the guards magically multiplied from floor to floor.
Kern’s only thought and hope of escape was to make it back to lower floors and back to the tunnel from where her insertion was made. A few times Kern was nearly grabbed by more than one guard and a couple of times did Kern narrowly evaded the loosed arrows and other missiles the pursuers could grab. Out of any options for evasion for not even a friendly shadow could save Kern the only hope was the hole she made would be small enough to give her some distance from the rambunctious fury of the guards. Quickly approaching where she first entered Kern could hear that storm was raging even more ferocious than before offered a small spark of hope that she would loose the pursuers in the gale. Effortlessly squeezing through as Kern slid through the hole she could hear the swears of the now bunched up swarm of guards and cursing at their misfortune and were totally dumbfounded as to what their next move to be. Resisting the urge to look back and taunt the guards Kern trying to keep herself composed knowing that she was not out of danger yet. Kern wanted to get away maybe as far as to the other side of the city then lay low for awhile hopefully having found a newer place to reside in. While being in a hurry Kern leaping over the short wall and slipped as she hit a rock as she landed. Kern did not have time to stop and look let alone to tend to her injury. Now hobbled while the mansion’s security was on full alert there was no doubt that things were not in Kern’s favor. Counting on the rain to obfuscate her path all that she could do is keep moving and rely on memory the layout of the streets. Having difficulty spotting any landmark and being barely able to retrace her steps, Kern saw the familiar outline of the bell house it offered her a chance of a getaway motivating Kern to keep pushing knowing that she is at the cusp of escaping.
Just before reaching Kern fell over landing on the wounded ankle, thinking that her ankle must have given out not realizing that she was tripped by a figure in the gale, that soon then multiplied to other figures. Hearing these figures gloating and laughing with the realization that they have caught their prize, it was soon obvious that Kern was caught by the guards which started to encircle Kern. In and panic and wanting to give in to fear, Kern desperately looked around in every direction looking at the guards, then the manor walls, to the ground, anywhere, to the faintest of hope for a chance to escape. One guard uttered “Looks like we caught ourselves a little rat thief” another chuckled along adding “Yep, looks like a washed up overgrown rat gonna rot in the cell tonight”. Just before the guards could finish with the taunts of their own before moving closer to apprehending Kern; Kern took a final look around and saw the pebble she knocked over on the floor right in reach of her tail. Instantaneously remembering about the squeekbats in the bell house Kern immediately flicked the pebble with her tail and hope it would hit the bell. The guards noticing that Kern was about to whip her tail shouted to the others to watch out then jumped back fearing some final assault form the wounded rodent. After Kern flicked the pebble the guards not at all amused then abruptly switched from being serious to once again mock Kern for what they thought was a pitiful attempt at one last ditch effort to flee.
They then went to grab Kern from the floor and just before they could lay their hands on Kern the guards found themselves swarmed by a flock of squeekbats flying through them with some clinging on to them. Now becoming totally distracted by the cloud of bats they too were in a panic at the situation at hand. Kern took the opportunity to flee hobbling along the way. Kern quickly left the mansion grounds and found herself back into familiar territory, almost ironically not far from where she’ve started the whole misadventure, turning the corner and recalling the spot where the heavy blanket was folded up and a little bit further down passed the cubby Kern passed by a metal cover left ajar. Going to it and looking through the gap Kern saw a ladder that lead down. Recognizing the odor the emanated and reviling at the thought that she has once again found sanctuary in a sewer. At least it is a dry sewer and knowing Kern has no room for compromises she then accepted; rather begrudgingly; at the lot of her life seemingly condemned to be confined to such places she climbed down closing the cover along the way. Stopping to catch her breath finally being able to collect herself Kern then looked around for a spot to sit then tend to her injury with the meager supplies that survived the chase. Afterwards Kern laid on the floor propping her head back against the wall then finally dozed off to sleep.