Hello everyone I'm trying to get an unknown 8chan board called cub running with active posters I made a few threads but I don't think that will be enough so I'm asking that you please contribute to posting and make some threads or give some ideas on what to do.
Well I saw the obscure cub thread and the aged down thread and thought "what if we challenged artists to do an obscure cub every week? Like Cub Maid Marian BDSM or such?" I think it's a good idea
Well I saw the obscure cub thread and the aged down thread and thought "what if we challenged artist
The board seems to be getting some attention and has a decent amount of posts there. It's not as active as it could be, but I've seen some people say one way to get people to the board is to 'ally' with other 8chan boards like fur. No idea how allying is done tho.
The board seems to be getting some attention and has a decent amount of posts there. It's not as act