Hello all, for those that have followed me and plan to stick around for my journey through Inkbunny. Just a small message for what you can probably expect for the time to come.
First thing first, the characters you may have seen on my page are both characters I will be using for several stories I wish to make, already I have some plots in my head on what I want to do and what I wish to add to in this community. Because let's be real, after seeing some great writings about underwater stuffs and seeing lovely art, I still see that it's rare to see peril type things. But I want to put a twist to it and make a world with my two young characters. Make a rich world where they can live and thrive while throwing in some awesome elements.
Now what do I like doing? Allow me to write a list for you.
Foalcon (For this it'll be anthro)
World building
These are just a few things I enjoy readin, looking at, and doing. I'm not overly sexual with my writing for various reasons but I do love a cute romance and a great plot. So with all of that said I hope I can bring you some amazing stories that you can enjoy.
How long have I been writing for? Which is a question you might be asking, it's been off and on for the past eight years. I won't claim to be amazing as I have a really hard time catching some of my mistakes (I write faster than I can catch grammar and spelling errors.)
In light of this I do hope to bring you tales and maybe images one day, that fit the stories I create. Until then I will simply pain the picture for you in words with the metaphorical pen.
Be well friends!
- ForeverYoung
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2 years, 3 months ago
21 Dec 2022 11:03 CET