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Nanawrimo 2022 Finished!

NaNoWriMo or the annual National Novel Writing Month that falls on November
the Challange was to hammer our 50,000 words in 30 days (or 1,667 words a day) on the 28th i was sitting at 54,540 words! Woot! despite suffering crippling migraines and the occasional 18-hour writing sessions

Now i need to go through and somehow sculpt this massive word salad of a first rough draft into something worthy of posting. look for it in the next few weeks.
looking it over there are still a few scenes i need to add for context, but it is on the books and speaking of books, this will eventually be BOOK 4 of the Heaven in the 7th floor Saga. Book two was written in DTF while i was in the hospital in Dead Tree Format which i still need to transcribe into electronic format for posting. following the 80/20 rule of smut to story. (i will leave it up to my readers to decide what makes up which percentage)
This story focuses on Gena Davis and her adventures returning home from college.

Gina's Homecoming

Gina sat on her four-poster princess canopy bed and sighed. Looking around her room the mouse smiled, for She was home once more. A light tap on her door brought the mousey out of her reverie.
"Gina dear, it's your Mother..." She sprang from the bed opening her door to see her mother holding A tea tray!

"Oh my gawd, Tea? We haven't done that in years, come in, come in!" She giggled at the smile on her mother's muzzle. As she set the tray on the small study table.

"Well, it's been a while, and I thought we could catch up, I thought we might share our college experiences." Her mother said with a wicked wink pouring two cups of tea.

"Ookaay..." Gina sat, a huge grin splitting her muzzle as she waited for her mother to get herself settled. They shared a look and both mice giggled.

"Well? Dish girl. Tell me All about it. I know there were things you couldn't include in your letters or phone calls, I know there were things I could never tell my dear mah-ma, for she'd never be able to understand, not having a college education, the best she got was finishing school then her summer season then whisked off to marriage. I suppose that was the way it was back then... But now that my dear daughter is home I am just dying to hear of your adventures!"

"Well, I will say, it was... Educational." Gina grinned. "Aside from my schoolwork, which taught me a lot about ceramics, and I brought back several of my better pieces... The college experience took a 180° turn when I was introduced to Duncan." Gina said sipping her tea.

"Oh, was he a fellow you met at one of the mixers?" Her mother asked with a knowing grin.

" No, I only went to one of those, and it almost turned me off to dating; art students are so damn Emo! They were either insufferably Nihilistic or self-absorbed jerks. Duncan Masters was no student, unless you count a student of life... He became, A mentor of sorts..." Gina paused.

"Was he one of your... Professors?"  Lenora Davis asked her daughter with the hint of a delightful scandal.

"No no, he was a friend of Rachel’s, ya know mother, she was my best friend. We shared...A lot of..." Gina paused looking at her mother who smiled with a nod.

"You are not alone in having some very interesting experiences in your college days my dear." Her mother nodded, recalling her own naughty adventures.

"Rachel and I shared a lot of, experiences, some of which I would never have thought of on my own. Duncan had a very profound effect on both of us, among other things, he taught us what was truly important in this life. And he taught us to cook! Besides being an expert ceramicist, I could almost consider myself a gourmet chef! with all the culinary knowledge Duncan passed on to me with just sharing his life experiences with us."

"So, I take it this Duncan fellow was a five-star chef?" Her mother beamed.

" No, but cooking was one of his passions, along with gardening. He has a very sweet set up in his back yard, twenty raised bed garden boxes and two insulated greenhouses. Which Means he has garden fresh produce year-round. He taught us the value of seeking out local producers, and shopping at farmers markets. It added so much richness to my college experience."

"...So I take it you were... intimate together?" Her mother hedged. Gina gave her mother 'The Look' before continuing.

" Mother, can I be completely candid with you?" Gina asked. Lenora blinked.

"Always, my dear, you are an adult now, and have returned from college. I would hope we can be honest with each other, for we both had our unique experiences that I would now be able to share with you, things that your father would just never understand." She said with a knowing smile that wasn't lost on her daughter who nodded.

"Well, for one, the three of us went all over the sexual landscape. I experienced things that only lived in my dark erotic fantasies... And truth be told, I have no regrets. And don't worry mother the only piercings I have are the ones in my ears." She winked. "I am not returning with a police record, addicted to drugs nor have I ever been pregnant. So from that perspective, my wild college life was fairly tame, but... The activities I did indulge in I feel enhanced my own life experiences beyond all measure. For one thing it has given me a rock-solid confidence knowing that no matter what the future holds, I have the intestinal fortitude to see it through." Gina declared. Her mother beamed proudly.

"I always hoped you would Be able to find yourself and come into your own while at college, and it seems that your experiences have exceeded my expectations." Lenora paused refilling their cups of tea before continuing.

"My own time at U dub contributed too my own awakening, for I was incredibly naive, and was used as a fuck toy at a couple of the sorority partys. Learning from those I had a rather torrid affair with one of my sorority sisters, A very intense Raccoon named Simone..." She paused with a blush. Gina grinned.

"Rachel's a Raccoon... Such magical paws..." She grinned wickedly causing her mother to burst out laughing blushing brightly as they bonded with the laughter of shared experiences.

“So you know firsthand! My gawd, she was intense! Fortunately, she wasn't A militant feminist, she was what I'd call a hard-core hedonist. It seemed to me that with her, Nothing was off the table.” She mused and Gina nodded.

“I can relate, with Duncan there were no 'taboo subjects' and it blew my mind more times than I'd care to count. He taught us about the concept of unconditional love. No jealousy, no manipulation, no possessiveness, none of the petty game playing that makes relationships toxic. It really opened my eyes to a new dimension of intimacy. Where I was free to explore the landscape with no judgments... It was incredibly liberating. I learned A lot about my own sexuality, and how my body processed pleasures discovering new ways to extract some intense erotic euphoria. I learned what my hard limits were as well as discovered where my soft limits exist, as well as just how flexible they can be, in any given situation...” Gina gave her mother a soft smile that conveyed much.

"Well, I know that college can expand your horizons, but it sounds to me like you my dear went well above and beyond what was expected of you." Lenora chuckled pride shining in her eyes. "Your Father was convinced you'd become a wanton Slut; returning home pregnant or a single mother! and Ruining any prospects of a good marriage. I told him time and again to have a little faith! We raised you up a proper young lady, and while college can broaden ones horizons, that you would not sully the family honor despite the 'bohemian lifestyle' that exists on college campuses."

"Dear god, I hope he honestly doesn't think that I am still a Virgin!" Gina huffed. Her mother rolled her eyes.

"I don't believe even your Father is quite That naive, dear." Lenora chuckled stirring some honey into her tea. "Like it or not, your Father must accept that certain experiences are part of college life. The fact that you made smart choices has to count for something." She said with a nod.

"Good thing that we weren't genetically compatible then, isn't it?" Gina grinned over the rim of her tea cup. Lenora's eyes went wide with the realization.

The shocked look on her mothers face would have been more convincing if she wasn't grinning. Looking over her rather petite daughter she shook her head in disbelief.

"Dish, Now! I want ALL the delicious details!" Lenora crowed tapping the tabletop and Gina complied, even going so far as to pantomime a few of the sequences on her four-poster princess canopy bed.  Beaming at her slightly flustered mothers’ reaction, the wicked mousey had one more revelation in store....
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Added: 2 years, 3 months ago
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