I'm in a bit of a travelling spree, thanks to circumstances in my life allowing me to do trips often and cuz... I'm getting old and I'm beginning to feel that I really should enjoy life as plenty as possible with furs while I'm not 'too old!'
Thing is that I'd like to go to as many cons as possible within Europe. They don't have to be *all* in a year, of course, but I don't mind if they're big or small: if I haven't been there, I'd prolly want to go! I just would prefer to not go *alone* if I can avoid it! Specially to countries where I still dunno any fur o.o
So my plans for 2023 eurocons include Confuzzled, which I'll go with my all-time conbuddy and good friend @Moof , but I'd also like to go to Nordic Fuzzcon. Problem is that I don't know about anybody there with a room spot! A lot of my friends are going to it, and since I didn't plan this since... last year.. then I'm afraid I won't be able to go =C
So speak up! Would love to hear from you ^^
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2 years, 3 months ago
24 Nov 2022 21:51 CET