Back when "Down in the Weeds" was being sketched out, the plan was always for Dafydd, Sarah and Anne (you haven't met her yet) to relocate from MN to CO and end up in the communities of Winter Creek and Prairie Flats, curated by
and populated by many of the characters written by the crazy collective I seem to have gotten myself assimilated by. I even had most of the story of their move written before "Down in the Weeds" was finished, it just depended on the outcome of "Down in the Weeds" and therefore fell under the same "Embargoed to not give spoilers to other writer's story arcs" rule as "Down in the Weeds" did.
When "Down in the Weeds" was finished, it sat there in that same state for a while until I could publish it. Eventually that story saw the light of day.
And then this boneheaded idiot, yours truly, didn't publish the move story.
I recently came up with a few thoughts on a possible post-move story arc and went to check on the published version of the move story for continuity, didn't find it and realized what I had(n't) done.
So, a few thousand words in to the (as yet unnamed) new project, I've put it aside, have pulled the move story back down out of the cloud and immediately trashed half of it, consolidated the rest into a single episode and am devoting my available scribble-time to rewriting its conclusion so I can post it as a single-episode story.