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Kitty Updating Ramble: All Out (Long Ass) Reasoning

Okie-doke.  Seems that one of the comments might have struck a cautious nerve on my part.  Now normally I would leave it alone, but ignoring it would just further prove that comment right.  So before getting into full on details please note that anything said on here is true, but that doesn't mean start going after me or those involved.  I've tried not to mention anyone but it seems that it wasn't reaching to anybody at all, so here it goes.

There are many reasons why I haven't chatted, commented, or said anything to anyone commonly and they all connect to each other.  The first reason is constant Insta-RPs when I've first started the fandom.  Most users I chat with who I want to get to know simply cuts right to the chase and starts *going into scenario* without even given the chance to say "What's up?"  Along side that, response time.  Especially when it comes to being descriptive in those intimate moments.  While I try to think of something good and meaningful to say, back in those days, they respond in 100 words per minute speed.  Not to mention really good and elaborate.  I don't want to A) reply *reach around and feels you up* like a 3rd grader noob (no offense fellow cub RPers =^_^;=) and B) take forever thinking on what to say to make the other person fall asleep or kill the mood.

Secondly, I've already mentioned in my earlier journals that I don't want to keep saying "Nice" or "God I want to hit that." on all of the submissions that I see.  I'm my perspective it's like I'm saying the same thing that everyone else is saying that really doesn't grab the artist's attention respect-wise.  Sure comments are appreciated for everyone including myself but I don't want to seem like I'm commenting or replying just to do so.  

The next of my many reasons is just plain obvious...Job, planning on RL stuff, 'nuff said, moving on.

The fourth goes in deep into the personal barrier that I don't want to type about until now.  A few years back before the whole FA bullshit with me and Blazger, I was fully free to look, comment, and post anything that I wanted with no problems.  I would always get a respectable, reasonable, and/or positive reply.  Negatives?  Sure, I've dealt with them too, but they didn't bother me at the time.  But now that I'm banned, sure I can still look at SFW art and listen to creative music, but I can't comment on there anymore. *Yeah, yeah, break out the fiddle I get it :P Still...* Tag on the fact that I was jobless for two years straight and you got a once known cool cat that has been officially been wiped off the furry radar.  If it wasn't for InkBunny, it would have been for good too.

I'm slowly trying to get back on the map and be known once again.  Does that make me an attention whore?  Of course it does. I'm a freakin' house cat. XP  But the reason I've not been successful goes into a personal core that, again, I don't want to share, but going to anyway.  Years ago Blaze had a mate before me as well as another fur that later cause the FA bans towards us.  And one of their main issues with him is that he would always be on the computer all of the time no matter what. But if one thinks about it, that how Blaze actually got known.  He chats with furs around the US if not the world for years, replies in their submissions and gives them the proper respect they need.  And it's because of those things that has made the majority of the Lake Area Furry Friends list so pissed off and jealous.  Even to the point of those two dumping him and others directly attacking him without going to me first as his new mate.

So even though he's on the computer for most of the time, I'm not like them, and I will never be like them.  To leave a mate over something so petty would be straight out asinine and retarded.  So one of my goals is to get another lappy or desktop so that way we both can have our times with our friends.  With all of that being said, I'm going to respond to the following.

[iconname]SammyStowes[/iconname]: It was wicked awesome running into you during AC.  I'm glad I was able to at least show you around Artist Alley and Dealer's Den before heading back to AC duty.  I only wish I had more time to chill out with you more.

: This is like what, the fourth time we haven't gotten to spend anytime together.  Trust me, I'm royally hating and kicking myself in the ass for this year's AC.  But it was either help for a noble cause or watch a die-hard faithful friend become worn out ragged beyond recognition.

: I know that I haven't responded to your PMs and shouts.  For that I'm terribly sorry.  Please don't think that I'm putting you guys off.  This feline is fine.  It's possible that I may pounce on here from time to time.  But until I get my own computer, don't expect much for right now.

, [iconname]PojiKojimo[/iconname],
:  Thanks for randomly commenting on my journals still after the past three years.  I thought that being away for this long I might lose you guys.  Just wait until the fall.  I'll be definitely be back online full time by then.

(User): The reason for my IB actions is because every time I try to mention something in a secret or "guess what?" manner you spill the beans instantly.  Not to mention the two insta-calls when I've updated about AC which fortunately wasn't discussed here.  That being said, I hope doing such doesn't label me as a douche.

To those reading, replying, and shouting on my page: Thank you all for doing so.  Even if I did something simple a clicked on a star, I appreciate you giving the 3 seconds for the "Thx..."

And above all else, don't go after Blaze for my absence.  Last thing I need is another FA waiting to happen.

*Pounce you all again soon*

Viewed: 22 times
Added: 11 years, 10 months ago
11 years, 10 months ago
Very glad to hear from you again. I just hope everything goes well for you, hon. *Cuddles*
11 years, 10 months ago
Wow, after such a deep look into your psyche like that, I feel I need a cigarette (and I don't smoke).

I'm sorry if I have seemed 'indifferent' in the past regarding your journals, I'm a bird of few words on the social sites, I only chime in when I feel I have something important to say.  And I often try to speak through actions, it's the Large Ham in me, always wanting to be dramatic when stepping into the spotlight.  

That's why I broke my long-standing tradition of soloing the room at the Furfest two years ago to insure you two had a place there; I like being dramatic, but I hate angsty 'net drama.'  The hate and the bans were based on what looked to me like murky information, and decisions should be made on FACTS, not heresay.

Speaking of MFF 2010... Eh, you probably know what I'm going to say here, I'll get back to you on it later, no sense bringing it out in a public forum.  We're adults, we can deal with it like adults.
11 years, 10 months ago
Bummer dude! You and Blazger seem to been through a whole lot :(! When will you get a Laptop u know?
11 years, 10 months ago
there is always hope for next years con  I suppose *hugs* Also in regards to angry jealous people..I`ll never understand those types.The only person you can control is yourself.You cant control family or  mates nevermind mere friends or strangers.Some people really need to be hit with some clue by fours till they get it.
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