Well then, with that last Mistral post I am caught up with all my posts on FA. From now on, it should be a trickle every day or so. The flood is over!
Also I will be going to megaplex soooo megaplex meme:
Megaplex 2022 / 4-8 August / Orlando Fl
Basic Convention Info -Where are you staying? I’m staying in the main hotel with my hubby doesnotexist in the con block, as well as a couple other friends.
-What day are you getting there? Wenesday evening
-How are you traveling? Driving there
-How long are you going? Thursday night to monday at some point.
-What is the best way to find you? I’ll likely be frequently hanging out in the board game area, or in the vendor hall, or hanging out with the birds. I’ll be attending any vore or bird meets. I’ll be wearing badges and should have purple tips on my hair.
-If I see you, how should I get your attention? You can just come up and say hi. There’s really no biggy there. I am going as Gyro at the con.
Personal Info -What is your gender? He/him
-How tall are you? Average…5’6”
-Can I talk to you? Sure, I’m pretty open for a conversation, vore or normal, its fine. Just don’t be creepy about it.
-Can I touch you? Please don’t. I don’t like to hug people I don’t know.
-Can I buy you drinks? Sure, but only if its sealed, or if I’m there while its being served. Random open drinks are a nono for me I’m afraid.
-Can I give you food? Sure, snacks are fine, if they’re sealed.
-Can I give you stuff? Yeah, if you’d like! I appreciate art and trinkets and the like. I will have some stickers of my own that will be handing out. Also, I will have my dakis available if you’re interested. They’ll be 50 at the con.
-Are you nice? I’d like to think that I’m nice, though I can be a little silent if I don’t know you too well. I’ll do my best to make conversation though.
-Can I come with you for food/fun/etc? Maybe? I don’t know, depends on if we hit it off well enough before hand. Don’t be hurt if I turn you down though. While I am coming here to make new friends, I may still end up with other plans, or just not feel that comfortable around you yet.
-Can I take your picture? Depends on the context I guess? Just random photos, no, but I suppose there could be extenuating circumstances.
-Convention Plans Hanging out with Birds, Artists, and fellow Vorefurs. Definitely looking for some parties.
-Are there any panels you might be attending? The Vore meet. The pokemon meet. Also some drawing panels looked interesting.
I will be hosting the sketchbook swap panel, so definitely see me there.
-Will you be suiting? Nope, I don’t own a suit
-Do you have an artist table? Nah, I’m not good enough to have a table. Plus cons are a vacation. However, I will have my dakis available. Also my husband will be vending breifly on friday afternoon.
-Where will you be most of the time during the day/s? I’ll likely be frequently hanging out in the board game area, or in the vendor hall. Or perhaps in a group of other artists. Or you know, just about.
-Will you be performing? Nope. -What/where will you be eating? Several places, though there's a really nice indian food place near it. -Will you be going to parties? Definitely. Don’t know of any yet, but I’m hoping to find some.
-What's your goal(s) for the con this year? Hopefully meet a couple of new friends, and hang with some old ones who've I've not seen in ages (Or ever irl) and have some fun~
-Gyro~ ~~~ Additional note, I’ll be taking the following with me: Gyro Dakis ($50) Suggestive Version | 1 White, 1 Pink Explicit Version | None Left, all gone Vore Version | None Left, all gone Vore Explicit Version | None Left, all gone
Blitz Dakis ($50) Explicit Version | Gone SFW Version | 5 Left Luvashi Socks ($10) : Luvashi Socks | Bringing 5 pairs
The stained glass from before is still available, though I will not be bringing it without arranging it prior to going. Selling them for $60 each. Leave a comment or PM to claim.