just set a discord server up and as i'm co-piloting it i'll go ahead and share it with you fine people too:
https://discord.gg/7aQrCVw7 (the link expires in a week from now, so if you see it too late but still wanna join just hit either of us up and we'll get you a new link)
it's still fresh so things are a bit of a mess at the moment, but it's shaping up really nicely! the climate is awesome, and we do everything from chatting, sharing maymays and music, to streaming and voice chats! I might stream as well sometime, if i can get ahold of a device that can handle it~
anyhow, it'd be fun if more people hoped in, snagged a role, and joined in the awfulness! ^^
pshawww... i'm good on the computer front for now though, but i sure appreciate the thought <3 I might have to open commissions once i'm back home tho, as my cat might need surgery again. But we shall see ;w;
mhmm! And we're so excited to have you! I'm so happy someone picked my harlot role x'3 <3
pshawww... i'm good on the computer front for now though, but i sure appreciate the thought <3 I mi
nothing out of the ordinary actually, it's just for funs plus it'll give ya a different name color to stand out~ the only roles that actually makes a difference is the commissioner and stalker ones, the commissioner role gives you access to a special commissions channel and the stalkers gets notified about coming streams ^^
aww... thank you so much! ;w; *hugs* nothing out of the ordinary actually, it's just for funs plus