Alright I'm gonna try and get this out of the way while I'm still conscious, sorry I haven't been able to update frequently in recent months, lots of stuff started piling on and I'm barely able to catch a breath. I wasn't in the habit of oversharing my personal life because I have been doxxed in the past for my involvement with e621 and it was really not a fun experience but I think my current situations have escalated to a point where I'd be a LOT miserable if I don't share this with anyone I know so here goes:...
I haven't really had a chance to do a proper full health check on my body until I got back to Taiwan 3 years ago, apparently by the time the doctors found something wrong with me, I was already diagnosed with stage 5 Kidney failure, which means both of my kidneys have shrunken significantly and only working at about 9% capacity compared to an average adult male. The symptoms of kidney failures aren't as noticeable as other diseases so I never really picked up on the signs such as bubbly urine and swelling body parts (I thought I was just drinking too much water and not exercising enough). However it turns out my body is basically incapable of removing excess waste fluid (through pee) efficiently and storing all of that inside my body and causing all kinds of problems (including high blood pressure, pneumonia, coughing up blood, swollen feet).
Since the diagnosis I've been checking back to the hospital regularly and rather frequently to find ways to relieve all of the symptoms, though with little effect and doctors have been recommending dialysis -- a semi-permanent surgery that involves putting tubes into my body-- to help. I was very reluctant to do something so permanent to my body so we pleaded the doctors to seek treatment that folks on controlling my symptoms via medicines which weren't very effective.
On 6/8, my feet have swollen to the point where it's painful to simply move and I checked myself back into the ER for the 3rd time in 2 months for medical assistance and I was subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19 as well (with CT count of 29). My symptoms turned immediately for the worse as my lungs wouldn't stop producing excess phlegm and I was constantly coughing up blood, I was then put into the quarantine rooms for 2 weeks to recover from Covid symptoms which thankfully were gone relatively quick. However the virus infection seems to have done significant harm to my body and sent my kidneys into shock and near all terminated their remaining functionality. My blood Creatinine level was at 12.0 something, which is like 10 times of what they should be in a healthy adult, the doctors immediately put me on emergency blood dialysis to lower its level, and temporarily relieved most if not all of the immediate pains ailing me at the moment.
After about 10 rounds of the dialysis treatment over 3 weeks, my Creatinine level has came down to around 9, which is still high but the doctors are now recommending long-term peritoneal dialysis (where they pump fluids into your stomach to filter out toxin instead of from your blood) and we'll be starting the surgery tomorrow... If the surgery goes well and my wounds can heal after 5~6 days and there are no complication of any kind in the first few tests, they'll discharge me from the hospital finally and I'll be able to go home. Although I'll still need to check back to the hospital every month for updates on adjustment needed for the dialysis fluids. All of this would obviously impact my living schedule and financial situation significantly and while I'll technically be qualified for some disability assistances from the government due to the situation, I'll probably still have a hard time adjusting to this new reality and I only ask all of you for your understanding for any delay in delivering of your commission orders... I hate to have this happen more than anyone but this is the reality that I have to live with.
TL, DR: I got covid and it killed my kidneys and now I'm getting surgery and is kinda disabled and could use your help/understanding.
I'm not asking for any hand outs and I'll still try my best to work on owed comms and such once my body has recovered to acceptable states, but I'll probably be making some drastic changes to my terms of services to better fit my body's capability in the future.
IF you still would like to donate to my medical funds to help me afford all of this through one of the most difficult periods in my life, I would appreciate any and all donations...You can send some love to chizikh [at] gmail [dot] com.
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2 years, 8 months ago
30 Jun 2022 06:47 CEST