This is more for me so I can't accidentally lose these notes but obviously anyone else is free to read or comment on them.
Due to losing the ability to use certain characters in my stories/comics/animations, characters that can't be removed easily, I have decided to completely re-write the story of the CBG from the beginning.
Honestly this needed to happen anyway as the canon was getting confusing even as the creator, so a fresh restart can be a good idea every now and then.
Old story in as few words as possible:
Servare is born in the demon realm but separated from his parents at birth.
Servare is found and raised by monks who believe his feathered wings mean he's an angel.
Servare lives in the monestary until he comes of age when his demonic powers begin to manifest.
Monks ban him from the monestary and tell him to leave before anyone else finds out and kills him.
Elsewhere - Trixy is raised on the streets, her parents were homeless and she learned how to survive by stealing.
She is forced to flee the city after she steals from the wrong person who puts a price on her head.
Trixy and Servare meet, both running from something, they agree to help each other until they are safe.
They meet Angus who is a mercenary, hired to kill Servare.
Servare and Angus fight but it's an even fight, Angus' speed and Servare's inhuman strength create a stalemate that exhausts them until they can no longer fight.
Trixy ties up Angus and kidnaps him as bargaining tool.
While on the run Angus learns of Servares past and agrees to work with him instead of against him, saying his contract would have run out at this point anyway.
They go on multiple adventures together, running, fighting and investigating ruins to understand Servare's past and figure out who or what he really is.
Sarah is introduced and works with Angus, Servare and Trixy to save the world from a mutating monster nicknamed "Yum yum".
Trixy and Servare grow close, very close.
Angus leaves with Sarah to continue to fight mutants while Trixy and Servare choose to stay together.
Over time Servare's and Trixies heroism start to change their public image, now being heralded as heros with statues being built in their honor.
No longer on the run, they both settle down and decide to buy a house.
A huge monster invades the city, Servare sends trixy out of the city so he can fight it, but loses the fight.
Purus is introduced, he followed Servare so he could watch the hero in action.
Servare see's Purus will be killed by the monster and abandons the fight to save Purus.
Servare manages to reach Purus in time just as the monster detonates himself, destroying the entire city and almost killing Servare as he protects Purus.
Purus and Servare are the only survivors in the city.
Eventually hellicopters arrive to find an unconcious Servare and Purus.
They are both treated for injuries, when they come to Servare blames himself for Purus' family being killed, among with the rest of the city.
Servare makes the decision to adopt Purus as a way of making up for his failure.
Purus loses the ability to speak as shock and depression sets in.
Trixy is not happy about suddenly having an adopted child, openly saying he will never be her child.
Months pass as Servare does all that he can to try and improve Purus' life.
Servare enroles Purus into a local school.
Bunny is introduced.
Bunny is a young rabbit who becomes best friends with Purus.
Thomas is introduced.
Thomas is a young cat who develops a crush on Purus.
Over the next few years Purus slowly opens up to his new friends and family, eventually able to enjoy life again.
Servare marries Trixy.
On Purus' 14th birthday a strange portal opens up above the city like the one that appeared just before the monster that killed Purus' parents arrived.
Servare begins evacuating the city with Trixy and Purus being sent away as well.
Out of the portal falls a small child instead of a monster.
Furus is introduced, an exact lookalike to Purus but is a girl.
Servare catches her and brings her back to his home to recover as she's injured and unconcious.
Servare and Trixy argue over her fate but eventually Servare convinces Trixy to adopt her as well until they can return her to her home.
Furus wakes up and introduces herself as "Purus" which confuses everyone.
Furus is just as confused and wonders why everyone has been generswapped.
Furus comes from a dimension that is almost exactly like this one but everyone is the opposite sex.
Servare begins looking into how they could send her back to her own dimension.
Meco, Speedy and Atlas are introduced. More school kids who hang out with the gang.
Purus and Furus go on their own adventures as more rifts open up around the world.
Servare and Trixy cannot handle all the rifts so Purus and Furus are tasked with closing the smaller rifts.
Eventually Servare finds a rift that connects to Furus' dimension and so bring Furus to the portal.
Everyone says their goodbye as Furus steps inside the rift.
On the other side the world had been completely destroyed by the rifts, without any help her version of Servare couldn't handle the monsters and fell in battle.
Her world has been completely destroyed, not a single living being exists on it's surface.
Furus is trapped as the rift closes behind her.
Furus spend months jumping through rifts, travelling to many different dimensions until finally finding one that leads back to our dimension.
She arrives back in the main dimension to find most of the rifts have been closed, this was one of the last left open.
Servare, Purus and Trixy were already here, attempting to close the rift while fighting a monster.
Furus joins in to the shock of the others and together they close the rift.
Furus explains what happened in her dimension.
Servare promises to care for her as if she was his own.
Furus begins settling into her new life as the last of the rifts are closed.
Behind the scenes a cult is forming.
The cult worships Servare's brother, a demon of pure evil who when they find out Servare lives and has a family, immediately starts planning to kill them all.
Servare's brother, Named "Draco" appears before Purus and attacks him while at school.
Purus, Bunny, Furus, Meco, Speedy and Atlas all fight against Draco but are horribly outmatched and badly beaten.
Draco picks up Purus and is about to execute the beaten child.
Purus on the verge of death begins to hallucinate that his dead parents are there, cheering him on.
They tell Purus that he has something nobody else does, his bloodline is ancient and secret, he has powers of his own.
They tell him how to unlock them, normally only accessable when near death.
He taps into this power and is able to break free from Dracos grasp, pushing him back with inhuman speed and strength.
However it is not enough.
Draco was only surprised, not hurt, he once again grabs Purus and slams him into the ground.
Purus is pinned and quickly losing his strength.
During this fight Bunny was able to drag himself up and slowly make his way towards Purus and Draco.
Bunny attempts to attack Draco but is easilly defeated.
Purus reaches out towards Bunny as Draco is about to kill Bunny.
Bunny and Purus' fingers touch which is enough for Purus' true power to awaken.
In a flash of light, Draco is thrown back by an invisible force.
Purus and Bunny have fused into Bunryse.
Bunryse is much stronger than Purus on his own, his speed and strength are beyond anything any mortal could comprehend.
Draco is no mortal however and fights back, once more turning the fight back into his favor.
It's a closer fight but Draco wins.
Draco tears Bunryse apart, forcing him to defuse back to Purus and Bunny.
Now eager to end this Draco picks up Purus once again who is now barely able to stay concious.
This fight however had taken too long, Purus and Bunryse were able to delay their death for long enough for Servare to finally arrive on the scene.
Weakened from his fight with Bunryse, Draco is no match for Servare who easily beats him into submission.
Draco is able to distract Servare by saying Purus is about to die and uses that to escape.
Purus finally falls unconcious after seeing Servare beat Draco.
Servare brings everyone to a hospital.
After recovering, Purus begins training his powers with the help of Servare.
Purus learns how to fuse on command, fusing with Meco, Speedy, Atlas, Bunny and Thomas.
The cult becomes stronger over time.
Purus is captured by Draco and used as bait to lure out Servare.
Servare leaves to save Purus but falls into Dracos trap and is captured.
Trixy leaves to find Servare.
Servare and Purus are tortured for days.
Trixy uses all of her old skills to steal, bribe and beat anyone for information regarding Servares location.
Trixy finds the cults hideout and sneaks inside to free Servare.
Trixy finds Servare but it is too late, he barely has enough strength to tell her he loves her before dying.
Purus wakes up sees Servare die, and Trixy collapse over his corpse.
Servare's body begins to glow as his powers leave his body.
With Trixy laying over his body the powers are absorbed by her.
Trixy screams from the loss of her husband and everything around her bursts into flames.
Her fur burns, her eyes change and her sadness becomes anger.
Purus' chair is set alight, he cries out in pain but the fire melts the zipties holding him to the chair.
Trixy's power grows with her anger, buiulding up until it finally explodes, destroying the room and sending Purus through the nearest wall rendering him unconcious.
Trixy ignored Purus' pain cries and injuries, she leaves and kills every single person in the hideout.
Every member of the cult were slain, innocents in the rong place at the rong time were not spared.
Everyone burned and finally Trixy summons a huge explosion that wipes out the entire hideout completely.
While this is going on Purus is unconcious and is being visited by Servare's spirit.
Servare tells his adopted son that Trixy has to be stopped, a demons power cannot be parted to a mortal for it will destroy them from the inside out.
He tells Purus that the only power he has left comes from his very soul, he makes Purus promise to save Trixy and tell her he's sorry but he won't be on the other side waiting for her.
Servare then sacrifices his very soul to give Purus a small power increase, enough for him to wake up and drag himself out of the burning building before it is destroyed.
Furus finds Purus and rescues him.
Trixy is far too powerful for them and so she is left unoposed to destroy the world, taking her anger out on everyone for taking her husband away.
Years pass as Furus and Purus train to fight her.
They both join the police force and quickly become the best officers on the force.
When they both turn 20 their hands are forced as Trixy has destroyed half of the planet.
The find her and face her, by now Trixy has been fully corrupted by her demonic powers.
Her fur burned, her eyes black and black ooze seeps from her eyes, nose and mouth.
The fight begins.
Trixy is still far too powerful and cannot be defeated, so Purus does the only thing he can think of.
Purus leads Trixy to Purus' family tomb.
Once inside he demands Furus closes the tomb behind them.
Reluctantly she agrees and so Purus and Trixy are sealed in the tomb.
Eventually Trixy defeats Purus who apologises to her.
He failed to save her, failed to fulfil the final wish of his adopted father.
He tells her Servare's final words as Purus dies.
Furus feels a chill through her spine, she knows Purus died and is now fully alone in the world.
Once again Furus lost everything, lost her parents, lost her adopted parents twice and lost Purus who she considered a brother.
Trixy attempts to escape the tomb but the seal put upon it stops her.
The tomb crackles as if charged with electricity, it builds and builds until finally exploding in a massive flash.
The tomb remained sealed, but a shockwave travelled far across the planet.
The wave disabled all electrical equipment.
Lights, cars, pumps and planes all failed. Every single piece of machinery was destroyed.
The world was sent back into the dark ages.
Furus leaves to spread the story of Servare, Trixy and Purus.
Eventually she has children of her own, they have children, and then those children have children, until 100 years have past.
Castitas is then born.
Catsitas looks almost identical to Purus.
Castitas is raised on the stories of the long lost hero who saved the world.
The world still has no electricity, no matter what people try they cannot generate any.
Castitas leaves his home to find the tomb from the stories.
He ventures across the continent meeting many friends.
Castitas falls in love with a man, a thief, who teaches Castitas how to survive in the wild.
Eventually Castitas finds the tomb.
Castitas presses his hand against the tomb which breaks the seal.
Suddenly the tomb explodes in a flurry of stone.
Trixy is free once again.
Her body has long since rotted away, now a skeleton lich she immediately leaves to destroy the world once more.
But in opening the seal, Castitas frees Purus' spirit who immediately takes residence inside Castitas.
Purus tells Castitas who he is, and is surprised to find out who unlocked the seal.
Realising Castitas is a descendant of Furus, and thus family, he decides to guide the young boy on how to save the world.
Castitas has no powers, but while connected to Purus he can use Purus' powers.
If Purus is ever removed from Castitas' body, whether by choice or force, his powers cannot be used.
Over the last 100 years, Purus has learned much about Trixy and her powers limitations.
Catsitas and Purus work together to hunt down Trixy and face her.
Castitas, with [Purus' guidance, is able to free Trixy's soul and set her free.
Purus says goodbye to Castitas and meets up with Trixy and Furus in the afterlife.
This was the original story, however I can no longer use:
Which means I would need to rewrite the entire story.
I need to figure out whether I can salvage any of this or if I just need to start from scratch.