Hello!!!!!! we have a new porn web, you can share almost any content here! real porn, fursuit, hentai, yiff etc and suports Video, pics and animated gifs, please, give us a hand and spdread the web around to make it grow! https://pornzter.com i'll post content there too, you can make an account (its free) and follow your favorite artist/uploaders and you can also flood the site with porn! hahahahahahahaha its really important for us that the site grows and spread so please, share the link as much as you can, i'd be really gratefull!
Doesn't look like it. From their ToS on prohibited content:
(6) Post any Content that depicts any person under 18 years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority). (7) Post any Content for which you have not maintained written documentation sufficient to confirm that all subjects of your posts are, in fact, over 18 years of age (or older in any other location in which 18 is not the minimum age of majority). (8) Post any Content depicting child pornography, rape, snuff, torture, death, violence, or incest, racial slurs or hate speech, (either aurally or via the written word).
Doesn't look like it. From their ToS on prohibited content: ~~~ Quote: (6) Post any Content tha