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A Continuation of Ask my Cubs

The previous journal was starting to get a little crowded but I am still really enjoying these questions and has provided a lot of content to work with.  I'm going to continue the journal here by answering a few questions from the last journal and then we can continue on.  I am interested too in some suggestions for situations my cubs could get into for a picture idea.  There is one more question I want to answer in this journal for

Marine: My best subject is English as I love to write and have good penmanship, my least favorite is Math though.  I don't like math, I keep getting the numbers backwards.

Mint: My favorite subject is PE because I'm like, the best at everything.  My least favorite though is science.  It's like math but even less fun at times except for those moments we get to blow things up or throw things off balconies.

Eddy: I used to like PE but my dad keeps pressuring me to follow in my brothers footsteps and pick a sport.  I just want to dance.  My least favorite is English though because my teacher treats me like I can't speak it even though I can.

Cameron:  I like my music classes at school because the teacher knows how to make learning fun.  My least favorite is sadly art class.  My teacher treats drawing like a chore and he keeps saying bad things about my drawings.

Vee: I'm not a fan of school honestly.  I wish I didn't have to go but my parents insist that a public school is a good way to see the world as a whole and gain important life experience.  They also say that I will find people who will...  *sigh*  ...I'm not really ready to talk about that yet...  I am glad though that I do have friends here this time around.

Marine: So what other questions do you have for us, or is there some special poses or activities you'd all like to see us do?  I look forward to hearing from you all.
Viewed: 77 times
Added: 3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 1 month ago
Which of you cubs would sleep with a sheep? :3

… I mean like cuddling… get your mind out of the gutter!
3 years, 1 month ago
To All cubs:
Did your parents have "The Talk" with you yet?
If yes, how did it go?
If no, what or who showed you what you know right now?
3 years, 1 month ago
(followup) Let's test your knowledge: How do you make a baby?
How is babby formed?
how is babby formed
how girl get pragnent
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