Well... I have not had a good start to 2022. My computer crashed. It's dead.
After hours of trouble shooting, I found that my primary hard drive had a physical crash. The read arm made contact with the disc.
I don't have a backup computer, and can't afford a new hard drive and operating system right now... Or ever, most likely.
You see, I'm on SSI with no other form of income. Rent takes most of my income. The little bit I have after that is used up by utilities.
That means it's going to be a long time before I can get back to writing.
Oh yeah! Almost forgot. I also have chronic kidney stones that are unaffected by diet, and can't be stopped from forming, so I expect to be in a lot of pain for the foreseeable future.
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3 years, 2 months ago
05 Jan 2022 00:55 CET